Electrophysiological Methods in Biological ResearchPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Jan Bures
- 出 版 社:
- 出版年份:1960
- 页数:515 页
Preface 9
Introduction 11
CHAPTER Ⅰ Theoretical basis of electrophysiological phenomena&(by J.Bures) 15
A.Some fundamentals of electrochemistry 15
B.The membrane theory of bioelectric phenomena 23
CHAPTER Ⅱ Electrophysiological apparatus and technique&(by M.Petrán) 30
Introduction 30
Stimulation technique 31
Physical effect of the stimulus on the tissue 31
Physical characteristics of the stimulus 33
Main requirement for a stimulator 35
Kinds of stimuli 35
Harmonic voltage 35
Nonharmonic voltage 39
Stimulators 45
Mechanical stimulators 45
Transformers 47
Electronic stimulators 50
Generators of harmonic oscillations 51
Generators of nonharmonic oscillations 55
Blocking oscillator 66
Glow-discharge and thyratron oscǐllators 70
Pulse shaping circuits 76
Limiters 81
Assembling a stimulator 86
Recording technique 91
The fundamental characteristics of signals and their sources 91
Recording apparatus 92
Amplifiers 94
Valves 94
Some interference phenomena in amplifiers 98
Noise.Microphony 98
Elements of A.C.voltage amplifiers 101
Power amplifiers and impedance transformers 108
Electrometric amplifiers 108
Cathode follower 109
D.C.Amplifiers 116
Amplifying D.C.voltages with A.C.amplifiers 121
Recording devices 123
Moving coil,moving magnet and moving iron instruments.Capillary electrometer,string galvanometer,piezoelectric electrometer.Cathode-ray tube 126
Cathode-ray oscilloscope.Amplitude calibration and time marking 128
Mechanical and photographic recording 135
Simultaneous recording of electrical and non-electrical quantities 140
Location of faults and interferences 143
Faults 143
Interferences 147
Electrodes 158
CHAPTER Ⅲ General electrophysiology of cells and tissues&(by J.Bures) 166
A.Electric potentials of cells 166
B.Electric potentials of tissues 175
C.Electric phenomena in plants 186
D.Electric polarity in the animal organism 195
CHAPTER Ⅳ Electrophysiology of isolated excitable structures in vitro&(by J.Zachar) 199
A.Electrical manifestation of a nervous impulse 199
B.Propagation of nervous impulses 214
C.The initiation of nerve impulses 229
D.Recovery processes following a nerve impulse 245
E.Electrophysiology of the isolated skeletal muscle 252
F.Neuromuscular transmission in skeletal muscle 255
G.Synaptic transmission in a sympathetic ganglion 267
CHAPTER Ⅴ Electrophysiology of peripheral excitable structures in situ&(by J.Zachar) 276
CHAPTER Ⅵ Electrophysiology of receptors&(by J.Zachar) 290
A.Models of sensory organs 290
B.Impulse activity in sensory nerve fibres 293
C.Receptor potentials 297
CHAPTER Ⅶ Electrophysiology of the spinal cord&(by J.Zachar) 306
CHAPTER Ⅷ Electrophysiology of the cerebral cortex&(by J.Bures) 320
A.Electroencephalography and electrocorticography in general 320
B.Spontaneous EEG and ECoG in animals 325
C.Spontaneous EEG during anesthesia 330
D.Cortical primary responses 335
E.Responses of the cerebral cortex to direct electrical stimulation 350
F.Mapping of nervous pathways in the central nervous system using neuronography 355
G.Depth recording in the cerebral cortex 362
H.Antidromic and orthodromic stimulation of pyramidal paths 366
I.Steady potentials and impedance of the cerebral cortex 371
J.Spreading depression 376
K.Theoretical basis of recording electric potentials in a volume conductor 386
CHAPTER Ⅸ Electrophysiology of subcortical structures&(by J.Bures) 392
A.The stereotaxic method 392
B.Primary responses in the subcortical centres of afferent systems 399
C.Electric activity of the cerebellum 404
D.Nonspecific subcortical influences on the cerebral cortex 409
E.Electrical activity of the hippocampus 414
F.Electrophysiological signs of an epileptic seizure 419
Appendix Ⅰ Stereotaxic atlases for the cat,rabbit and ret&(by E.Fifková and J.Marsala,Institute of Anatomy,Charles' university,Prague) 426
References 468
Author index 493
Subject index 501
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