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气功科学文集 (第II辑)
气功科学文集 (第II辑)

气功科学文集 (第II辑)PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:胡海昌
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:1989
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:0 页
《气功科学文集 (第II辑)》目录

1.气功外气对于241Am放射性衰变计数率的影响 严新 陆祖荫等 1

1.The Effect Of the Emitted Qi on the Decay Counting Rate of (4)Am Radioactivity. Yan Xin,Lu zu-Yi 1

前言页 1

2.气功外气对维生素C结构和药性影响的初步研究 郭书好等 15

2.Preliminary Researches of the Effect of Qigong on the the Structure of Vitamin C and Its Medica 15

3.外气作用机制研究 郭英兰 耿信笃等 26

3.A Studt on the Mechanism of the Emitted Qi Action Guo Ying-Lan,Geng Xin-Du et al. 26

4.气功外气2000公里超距对鱼精DNA溶液作用的紫外光谱观测 孙孟寅 李升平等 36

5.红外热象仪对家验样品温度响应的监测 孟桂荣 李升平等 45

5.Examination of Imfrared Thermovision on Temperature Response of Experimental Sampces Meng Gui-Ron 45

6.萤光黄素染料在接受外气作用后的长期追踪观测 崔元浩 李升平等 54

7.电子顺磁共振谱仪(EPR)对气功外气作用后AgBr菁染料混合样品的观测 李升平 孟桂荣等 54

6.Long-Time Tracking Examination on the Fluorescein Yellow Dyesuf After Sample Acted upon by Qigon 54

7.Investigation to the Sample of Mixture of AgBr Iush Dyestuff by EPR (Electric Paramagnetic Pesona 64

8.The Effect of Qiging on active Biomacromolecules Zhou Guang-yao ct al. 75

8.气功外气对活性生物大分子作用的研究 周广耀等 75

9.气功外气对作物生长作用的研究 周荣花 吴祈耀 谢焕章 82

9.Preliminary Researches of the Effect of Qigong ib the Growth of Plant Zhou Rong-Hua,wu Qi-yao,Xie 82

10.外气对 寒丰 、“铁骨矮”(水稻)和“罗麦”种子萌发的影响 胡岗 范义积等 91

10.An Influence of Qigong on the Speed of Germination of Rice and wbeat Hu Gang,Fan I-Ji et al. 91

11.气功外气对大鼠肺酸溶性胶原蛋白波谱及光谱特性的影响 蔡国平 梅慧生等 97

11.The Effect of the Emitted Qi On the Spectra of acid-soluble collagen from Rot lung Cai Guo Ping 97

12.气功外气对小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞结构与功能的影响 冯理达 王云生等 116

12.The Effect of Qigong on the Structure and Function of Mφin Mice Feng Li-Da,Wang Yun-Sheng et a 116

13.气功外气对小鼠淋巴细胞和肿瘤细胞作用的体外试验 顾立刚严宣佐等 125

13.Experimental studies of the Effect of the Emitted Qi of Qingong on Mouse Spleen Cells and Tumor 125

14.Tentative observation of the Effect of the Emitted Qi External Energy on Glioma Strain (G422)in 131

14.气功外气对小鼠胶质瘤瘤株作用(G422)的初步观察 赵同健 徐庆中等 131

15.Preliminary Observalions of fhe Inhibitiory Effect of the Emitted Qi on Transplanted Tumors in M 138

15.气功外气对小鼠移植性肿瘤抑制作用的初步观察 赵山 毛晓云 138

16.气功外气对免疫受抑小鼠细胞免疫功能的调节作用 张丽 严宣佐等 147

16.A study of the Immune Regulation Effect of the Emitted Qi on Immunosuppressed Animal Model Zhang 147

17.Effects of Extemal Vital Energy of the Emitted Qi on Human and Mouse Immune Function. Liu Yu-Sh 161

17.气功外气对小鼠免疫功能的影响 刘玉生 欧振岸等 161

18.Experimental Studyon the Antipumor offect and mechanism of En bndancing Immundoqial Fanclions by 166

18.气功外气的抗肿瘤作用及增强免疫功能机理的实验研究 曹雪涛 叶天星等 166

19.Effect of the Emitted Qi on Action Potential of Myocardial Cells of Guinea Pigs. Zhang Jin-Mei, 180

19.气功外气对豚鼠心肌细胞动作电位的作用 张金梅 王正义等 180

20.Effect of the Emitted Qi on the spontaneous discharges of cerebeelar neurons in rats Yao Yu-Zhon 189

20.气功外气对大鼠小脑细胞自发放电的影响 姚愈忠 张金梅等 189

21.Influence of Electrical Lesion Peri-Apueductal Gray(PAG)on Andlgesic of theEmitted Qi in Rats Ya 198

21.电损毁大鼠导水管周围灰质(PAG)对气功外气镇痛效应的影响 杨孔舜 国忠良等 198

22.Influence of the Emitted Qi on the Response of Somato-sensory Cortex to Slow Pain Zhang Jin-Mei 208

22.气功外气对体感皮层慢痛反应的影响 张金梅等 208

23.Affect of the Emitted Qi on Platelets Aggregation of Rabbit Sun Cheng-Lin.Liu Chun-Mei et al 215

23.气功外气对家兔血小板聚集性的影响 孙承琳 刘春梅 215

24.Effect of the Emitted Qi on Toad Heart Cao Zhen-Hua Bi Yong-sheng et al. 222

24.气功外气对蟾蜍心脏活动的影响 曹振华 毕永升等 222

25.Effective Extract and Study of Dynamic characteristic of EEG Under the Qigong Wu Qi-Yao,Dai Yin- 229

25.气功态脑电波动态特性的有效提取与研究 吴祈耀 戴银涛 229

26.The Observation of Power Spectrum and Topography of EEG in Qigoug State Pan Wei-Xing,Zhang Lu-Fe 240

26. 意守功 与 非意守功 人静态的脑波差异——气功入静态的脑电研究初步报道 潘卫星 张露芬等 240

27.The Investigation of EEG in Qigong State Yan Xiao-Xia,Yu He-Feng et al 252

27.气功功能态脑电时序谱阵的研究 阎晓霞 余和?等 252

28.Discussion on the mechanism to treat a disease of the Emitted Qi-the influence on microcicrlatio 272

28.气功外气治病机理的探讨——对微循环的影响 沈羡云 向求鲁等 272

29.Determinatiom of Copper and Zinc in Healthy Student s Hairs Before and After Qigong Exercises Zh 285

29.健康大学生练气功前后头发中铜锌含量的测定 张焕文 关浩本等 285

30.Preliminary Study on the Relationship Between Qigong and Energy Metabolisrm Wang Zheng—chang,H 291

30.气功与能量代谢关系的初探 王正昌 黄健等 291

31.Experimental Research of the changes of Blood Volume in the Brain and the Heart Rate in the Stat 309

31.气功态、特异功能态脑血容量、心率变化的实验研究 隗寿彰 王书丽等 309

33.气功的生物效应初探 汤慈美 郑连兴等 322

32.The CALevel Chang in Urine of Qigong Practitioner Under a Scene Stress Condition Guo You—Jun,T 323

32.练气功者现场应激时尿内儿茶酚胺排出量的变化 郭友军 汤慈美等 323

33.Apilot Study on Biological Effect of Qigong Tang Ci—Mei.Zheng Lian—Xing et al. 332

4.Discovery of the Action of 2000km Ultra-distance of the Emitted Qi on Desoxyribonucleic Acid (fis 336

34.Study of interrelatonship Between Psychological Effect and Qigong Liu Yi Ming uang sheng-long 343

34.心理学效应与气功相关性研究 刘义明 王盛龙 343

35.The Effec?s of Qigong on undergraduate`s Amylase,pH.Potassium.Sodium in Saliva Liang Feng,Zhang 351

35.气功对大学生唾液中淀粉酶、钠离子、钾离子及pH值的影响 梁枫 张培因等 351

36.Study of Navigation—Keep—Fit Qigong in Prevention and Treatment of Mavigation Ddisorders Liu 357

36.创编航海强身保健功,防治航海疾病的研究 刘义明 王盛龙等 357

37.A Study on the Determination of SOD on Anti—Aging with Qigong Exercise Xu He—Fen,Xue Hui—Nin 368

37.超氧化物歧化酶检测在练功抗衰老方面的应用 徐荷芬 薛慧宁等 368

38.Study on the Influence of the Qihong on the Aged Declined Intelligence. Sun Fu —li Lei Shu—oi 372

38.气功延缓老年智能减退的研究 孙福立 雷淑萍等 372

39.Outward Emission of Qigong;The Emittcd Qi and Its Effect for Microwave Radiatjon Shen Jia—pi,Y 375

39.气功内气外放:“外气”的微波辐射效应 沈家麒 姚传亮 375

40.Investigations of Electromagnetic Radiations and Luminous Phenomena in a Functeonal State of Qig 381

40.气功功能态的电磁辐射与发光现象的研究 范家骏 王斧等 381
