The Chemistry of Synthetic Dyes Volume VPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:K.Venkataraman
- 出 版 社:Inc.
- 出版年份:1971
- 页数:705 页
Ⅰ.Naphthoquinonoid Dyes and Pigments&B.D.Tilak 1
Ⅰ.Introduction 1
Ⅱ.Dyes Derived from 1.4-Naphthoquinone 3
Ⅲ.Dyes Derived from 2,3-Dichloro-l,4-naphthocquinone(Ⅰ) 3
Ⅳ.Miscellaneous Dyes 45
Ⅴ.Interrelationship between Coplanarity and Substantivity of Naphtho-quinonoid Dyes for Cellulosic and Hydrophobic Fibers 52
Ⅵ.Conclusion 54
Ⅱ.Acid Anthraquinone Dyes&W.Schoenauer,F.Benguerel,and J.Benz 57
Ⅰ.Dyes Derived from l-Aminoanthraquinone-2-sulfonie Acid 59
Ⅱ.Diaminodihydroxyanthraquinonesulfonic Acids 87
Ⅲ.Dyes Formed by Sulfonation of a Dye Base 88
Ⅲ.Anthraquinonoid Vat Dyes&K.Venkataraman and V.N.Iyer 131
Ⅰ.Introduction 132
Ⅱ.Intermediates 132
Ⅲ.General Properties and Reactions 136
Ⅳ.Anthraquinone Derivatives 147
Ⅴ.The Scholl Reaction 193
Ⅵ.Anthrone Derivatives 200
Ⅶ.Vat Dyes Related to the Anthraquinonoids:Derivatives of Perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic Acid and Naphthalene-1,8-dicarboxylic and 1,4,5,8-tetracarboxylic Acids 231
Ⅷ.Solubilized Vat Dyes 236
Ⅳ.Phthalocyanines&G.Booth 241
Ⅰ.Introduction 241
Ⅱ.Copper Phthalocyanine 242
Ⅲ.Metal-Free Phthalocyanine 247
Ⅳ.Phthalocyanines of Other Metals 249
Ⅴ.Nuclear-Substituted Metal Phthalocyanines 255
Ⅵ.Oxidation and Reduction Reactions 276
Ⅶ.Spectra and Physicochemical Properties 280
Ⅷ.Prospects 281
Ⅴ.Phthalogen Dyestuffs&Heinrich Vollmann 283
Ⅰ.Introduction 283
Ⅱ.The Two Structure Types of Phthalogen Dyestuff Developers and the Routes to Their Discovery 285
Ⅲ.Commercial Products of the Phthalogen Class,Including the Auxiliaries 307
Ⅳ.Technique and Reaction Mechanisms of the Application of Phthalogen Dyestuffs 310
Ⅵ.Organic Pigments&J.Lenoir 313
Ⅰ.General Survey 314
Ⅱ.Chemistry and Properties of Organic Pigments 341
Ⅲ.Evaluation of Pigments 459
Ⅶ.Hair Dyes&John F.Corbett 475
Ⅰ.Introduction 475
Ⅱ.Oxidative Hair Dyes 478
Ⅲ.Autoxidative Hair Dyes 495
Ⅳ.Metal Chelate Dyes 505
Ⅴ.Direct Dyes for Human Hair 507
Ⅵ.Miscellaneous Dyes 531
Ⅶ.Colored Hair Sprays 532
Ⅷ.Fluorescent Brightening Agents&Heinrich Gold 535
Ⅰ.General Considerations 536
Ⅱ.Stilbene Compounds 556
Ⅲ.Coumarin and Carbostyryl Compounds 590
Ⅳ.1,3-Diphenylpyrazolines 611
Ⅴ.Naphthalimide Compounds 616
Ⅵ.Aryloazolyl-(2)Compounds 620
Ⅶ.Various Systems 656
Ⅷ.Application of Fluorescent Brightening Agents 661
Ⅸ.Evaluation of the Fluorescent Brightening Effects 665
Ⅹ.Analysis of Fluorescent Brightening Agents 676
Author Index 681
Subject Index 696