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Tumors of The Female Sex Organs Part 2 Tumors of The Vulva
Tumors of The Female Sex Organs Part 2 Tumors of The Vulva

Tumors of The Female Sex Organs Part 2 Tumors of The VulvaPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Vagina and Uterus
  • 出 版 社:Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
  • 出版年份:1960
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:334 页
《Tumors of The Female Sex Organs Part 2 Tumors of The Vulva》目录


Introduction 11

Benign Tumors of Epithelial Origin 11

Papilloma 11

Condyloma Acuminatum 11

Pigmented Papilloma 11

Malignant Tumors of Epithelial Origin 14

Carcinoma in Situ 14

Bowen's Disease 14

Extramammary Paget's Disease 15

Melanoma 27

Relationship of Leukoplakic Vulvitis to Carcinoma 28

Carcinoma 29

Basal Cell Carcinoma 33

Tumors of Sweat Gland Origin 34

Hidradenoma 34

Tumors of Bartholin's Gland 40

Carcinoma 40

Sarcoma 41

Benign Tumors of Connective Tissue Origin 44

Fibroma 44

Lipoma 44

Hemangioma 44

Neurofibroma 44

Leiomyoma 44

Ganglioneuroma 45

Lymphangioma 45

Granular Cell Myoblastoma 45

Malignant Tumors of Connective Tissue Origin 45

Sarcoma 45

Endometriosis 47

Metastatic Tumors 47


Benign Tumors 49

Caruncle 49

Malignant Tumors 50

Carcinoma 50

Table Ⅰ 51

Melanoma 54

Sarcoma 54


Benigan Tumors of Epithelial Origin 56

Papilloma 56

Polyp 56

Cyst 56

Adenosia 56

Malignant Tumors of Epithelial Origin 57

Carcinoma 57

Endometriosis 64

Benign Tumors of Connective Tissue Origin 64

Leiomyoma 64

Other Benign Solid Tumors 64

Fibroma 64

Fibroleiomyoma 64

Granular Cell Myoblastoma (Myoblastic Myoma) 65

Miscellaneous Benign Tumors 65

Neurofibroma 65

Neuroepithelioma 65

Benign Cystic Teratoma (Dermoid Cyst) 65

Malignant Tumors of Connective Tissue Origin 70

Sarcoma 70

Melanoma 70

Secondary Tumors 71

References 74

Malignant Mixed Müllerian Tumors 78

References 84


Introduction 86

Conditions of Questionable Neoplastic Nature 86

Polyp 86

Papilloma 90

Squamous Cell Metaplasia 91

Leukoplakia of the Cervix 98

Carcinoma of Cervix 99

Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Situ 99

Relationship of Carcinoma in Situ to Carcinoma of the Cervix 100

Carcinoma in Situ during Pregnancy and the Puerperium 119

Squamous Cell Carcinoma 122

Carcinoma in the Cervical Stump 132

Biology of Cervical Carcinoma 132

Classification of Clinical Stages 132

Primary Tumor Radiosensitivity 135

Metastases to Lymph Nodes (Radiosensitivity) 142

Adenocarcinoma 143

Cervical Adenocarcinoma of Mesonephric (Wolffian) Origin 160

Carcinoma of the Cervix in Pregnancy 161

Tumors of Connective Tissue Origin 161

Leiomyoma 161

Leiomyosarcoma 161

Malignant Mixed Müllerian Tumors 161

Carcinosarcoma 161

Sarcoma Botryoides 171

Rare Tumors 171

Lymphoma 171

Hemangioma 171

Hemangioendothelioma 171

Ganglioneuroma 172

Malignant Melanoma 172

Metastatic Tumors 172

References 172


Benign Tumors of Endometrium 177

Endometrial Polyp 177

Placental Polyp 182

Malignant Tumors of Endometrium 183

Carcinoma 183

Relationship of Endometrial Hyperplasia to Carcinoma 185

Relationship of Carcinoma in Situ to Endometrial Carcinoma 201

Relationship of Abnormal Bleeding to Carcinoma of the Endometrium 202

Histochemistry of Normal,Potentially Malignant,and Malignant Endometrium 202

Clinical Staging of Endometrial Carcinoma 203

Relationship of Pyometra to Carcinoma of the Endometrium 222

Carcinosarcoma 223

Adenomyosis Uteri 224

Endolymphatic Stromal Myosis 230

Benign Tumors of Connective Tissue Origin 234

Leiomyoma 234

Hemangiopericytoma 235

Lipoma 235

"Benign Metastasizing Leiomyoma" 246

Malignant Tumors of Connective Tissue Origin 246

Sarcoma 246

Table Ⅱ 247

Leiomyosarcoma 247

Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma 252

Metastatic Tumors 257

References 258


Introduction 262

Rests,Cysts,and Tumors of Mesonephric (Wolffian) and Paramesonephric (Müllerian) Origin 262

Mesonephric (Wolffian) Rests 262

Paramesonephric (Müllerian) Rests 262

Cystic Derivatives of Mesonephric and Paramesonephric Structures in the Broad Ligament 263

Neoplasma of Mesonephric (Wolffian) Origin in the Broad Ligament 274

Neoplasms of Paramesonephric (Müllerian) Origin in the Broad Ligament 274

Mesonephric Rests in the Cervix 274

Mesonephric (Gartner's) Duct Rests of the Vagina 275

References 275
