Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation Volume 1PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Colonel George M.Knauf
- 出 版 社:Inc.
- 出版年份:1961
- 页数:333 页
Welcome&NORTON NELSON New York University 1
Radio Frequency Environment&OLIVER G.TALLMAN Rome Air Development Center 3
Chairman's Remarks&GEORGE M.KNAUF Patrick Air Force Base 9
Basic Problems in Measuring RF Field Strength&HARRY R.MEAHL General Electric Company 15
Microwave Instrumentation for the Measurement of Biological Effects&JOSEPH H.VOGELMAN Capehart Corporation 23
Generation and Detection of Pulsed X-Rays from Microwave Sources&ANTHONY P.DE MINCO Rome Air Development Center 33
Quick Formulas for Radar Safe Distances&H.S.OVERMAN US Naval Weapons Laboratory 47
Some Engineering Aspects of Microwave Radiation Hazards&R.S.ENGELBRECHT W.W.MUMFORD Bell Telephone Laboratories 55
Development of a Garment for Protection of Personnel Working in High-Power RF Environments&MARTIN R.REYNOLDS Filtron Company,Inc 71
The Time Constants of Pearl-Chain Formation&M.SAITO H.P.SCHWAN University of Pennsylvania 85
The Effect of Microwave Radiation(24,000mc)on the Male Endocrine System of the Rat&SAMUEL A.GUNN THELMA CLARK GOULD W.A.D.ANDERSON University of Miami 99
Effects of Radio-Frequency Energy on Human Gamma Globulin&SVEN A.BACH ANTHONY J.LUZZIO ARNOLD S.BROWNELL US Army Medical Research Laboratory 117
Longevity and Cellular Studies with Microwaves&SUSAN PRAUSNITZ CHARLES S?SSKIND PAUL O.VOGELHUT University of California 135
Phantom Experiments with Microwaves at the University of Rochester&HERBERT MERMAGEN University of Rochester 143
Relative Microwave Absorption Cross Sections of Biological Significance&A.ANNE M.SAITO O.M.SALATI H.P.SCHWAN University of Pennsylvania 153
Biological Effects of Microwave Energy at 200 mc&C.H.ADDINGTON C.OSBORN G.SWARTZ F.P.FISCHER R.A.NEUBAUER Y.T.SARKEES University of Buffalo 177
Effects of 2450 mc Microwaves in Dogs,Rats,and Larvae of the Common Fruit Fly&GORDON W.SEARLE ROGER W.DAHLEN CHARLES J.IMIG CHARLES C.WUNDER JOHN D.THOMSON JOHN A.THOMAS WILLIAM J.MORESSI State University of Iowa 187
The Effect of 2450 mc Radiation on the Development of the Chick Embryo&CLAIRE VAN UMMERSEN Tufts University 201
Specific Thermal Effects of High Frequency Fields&VICTOR T.TOMBERG Biophysical Research Laboratory 221
Microwave Radiation in Relation to Biological Systems and Neural Activity&J.FLEMING,JR. L.PINNEO R.BAUS,JR. R.MCAFEE Tulane University 229
Neurological Effect of 3 cm Microwave Irradiation&ROBERT D.MCAFEE CAROLYN BERGER PHILIP PIZZOLATO New Orleans Veterans Administration Hospital Tulane University 251
Biomedical Aspects of Microwave Irradiation of Mammals&JOE W.HOWLAND RODERICK A.E.THOMSON SOL M.MICHAELSON University of Rochester 261
Changes in the Ascorbic Acid Content in Lenses of Rabbit Eyes Exposed to Microwave Radiation&LORENZO O.MEROLA JIN H.KINOSHITA Harvard University Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary 285
Preliminary Results of Studies of the Lenticular Effects of Microwaves Among Exposed Personnel&MILTON M.ZARET MERRIL EISENBUD New York University 293
A Review of Unanswered Biological Hazard Operational Problems&JOHN E.BOYSEN Wright-Patterson Air Force Base 309
Similarities and Differences between the Technical Aspects of the Navy HERO Program for Ordnance and the Personnel Hazard Program&JAMES N.PAYNE US Naval Weapons Laboratory 319
Appendix 327
Index 329
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