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Proceedings of The Third Conference on Carbon
Proceedings of The Third Conference on Carbon

Proceedings of The Third Conference on CarbonPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:
  • 出 版 社:Pergamon Press Ltd.
  • 出版年份:1959
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:718 页
《Proceedings of The Third Conference on Carbon》目录

Part Ⅰ Symposium:From Benzene to Graphite and to Diamond 1

On Some Electronic Properties of Large Aromatic SystemsBPullman 3

Ionization Energy and Electron Affinity:Benzene to GraphiteFAMatsen 21

Benzene to Graphite—The Change in Electronic Energy LevelsCACoulson,LJSchaad and LBurnelle 27

A Study of the Magnetism and Structure of Carbon BlacksAPacault and AMarchand 37

Le Diamagnétisme du BenzèneAPacault,JHoarau,JJoussot-Dubien,BLemanceau et NLumbroso 43

Semiconductive Properties of Polycyclic Aromatic CompoundsHAkamatu and HInokuchi 51

Comparisons Between Perfect Graphite and Identifiable Aromatic MoleculesARUbbelohde 63

A Physico-Chemical Study of the Carbonization of HexamineCJJBaraniecki and HLRiley 69

DiamondsHTHall 75

Part Ⅱ Electronic Properties(from Benzene to Graphite) 85

Photoconductance in Single Crystals of Naphthalene,Anthracene,Tetracene,Phenanthrene,1,2-Benzanthracene,1,2,5,6-Dibenz-Anthracene,Biphenyl,p-Terphenyl,Pyrene and ChryseneLELyons,ABree and GCMorris 87

The Catalytic and Electronic Properties of Semiquinone-type ComplexesDDEley and KInokuchi 91

Electron Resonance Studies of Heat-treated Organic CompoundsDJEIngram 93

Paramagnetic Resonance in Coals and Heat-treated Organic CompoundsJUebersfield and EErb 103

A Study of the Low-temperature Carbonization of D-Glucose Using Electron Magnetic Resonance and Infrared AbsorptionTHBrown and JTurkevitch 113

Electron Spin Resonance in Charred SucroseLSSinger,WJSpry and WHSmith 121

Paramagnetic Resonance Absorption in Heat-treated Carbon BlacksJGCastle,Jrand DCWobschall 129

Electron Spin Resonance in Heat-treated Nine-ring CompoundsHAkamatu,SMrozowski and DWobschall 135

Magnetic Studies of Graphites and Mesomorphous CarbonsAFAdamson and HEBlayden 147

The Change of Magnetic Properties in Carbonization and Graphitization of CoalHHonda 159

Changes in the Magnetic Susceptibility with the Degree of CarbonizationPKiive and SMrozowski 165

A Calculation of the Energy Bands of the Graphite Crystal by Means of the Tight-Binding MethodFJCorbato 173

Band Structure and Magnetic Properties of GraphiteJWMcClure 179

The Electric and Magnetic Properties of GraphiteRRHaering and PRWallace 183

Cyclotron Resonance in Graphite(Experimental)JKGalt,WAYager and FRMerritt 193

Cyclotron Resonance in GraphitePNozieres 197

Magnetic Field Dependence of the Hall Effect and Magnetoresistance of Graphite Single CrystalsDESoule 203

Electronic Properties of Heat-treated Carbon BlacksSMrozowski,AChaberski,EELoebner and HTPinnick 211

Optical Properties of Graphite and CoalJTMcCartney and SErgun 223

Part Ⅲ Reactions and Compounds 233

Red CarbonLSchmidt,HPBoehm and UHoffman 235

Surface Compounds of Carbon and their Significance for its Catalyst EfficiencyHPBoehm,UHoffman and AClauss 241

About Some Influences on the Reactivity of CarbonsKHedden and EWicke 249

The Kinetics of the Reactions of Carbon Filaments with Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor at High Temperatures and Low PressuresFBoulangier,XDuval and MLetort 257

Catalysis of Graphite OxidationGHennig 265

The Reaction of Carbon with Oxygen AtomsJStreznewski and JTurkevitch 273

Reaction of Carbon Blacks with OxygenCWSnow,DRWallace,LLLyon,and GRCrocker 279

Observations on the Reaction Between Carbon Black and Water at Low TemperaturesMLStudebaker 289

Functional Groups in Activated Carbon and Carbon Black with Ion- and Electron-Exchange PropertiesVAGarten and DEWeiss 295

New Molecular Compounds of GraphiteRCCroft 315

Structure Determination of Graphite OxideAClauss 321

Electronic Properties of the Crystal Compounds of GraphiteARUbbelohde 329

Fixation du Brome sur les Carbones de Degré de Graphitation VariableJMaire et JMering 337

Kinetics of the Graphite-Bromine ReactionJGHooley 347

Interstitial Compounds of Irradiated GraphiteGRHennig and GLMontet 349

Part Ⅳ—Graphitization and Structure 355

The Ultra-Fine Capillary Structure of Carbonaceous SolidsRLBond and DHTSpencer 357

A Study of some Carbonized Coals Using New X-Ray TechniquesRDiamond 367

Graphite-Like Layers in Coals and High Vacuum Distillation ProductsSErgun 377

X-Ray Small-Angle Scattering by Carbon Blacks and Heat-Treated CarbonsHAkamatu and HKuroda 381

Crystal Structural Properties of Carbon BlacksAEAustin 389

Studies on Producing Graphitizable CarbonsJSConroy,RSSlysh,DBMurphy and CRKinney 395

Influence of Organic Compounds on the Formation of Gas CarbonJDFrazee and RCAnderson 405

Carbon Formation by the Flash Illumination of PolymersJLLundberg,LSNelson and MYHellman 411

Ionization and the Structure of Carbon Particles at High TemperaturesFTSmith 419

The Energy Exchange Between Cold Gas Molecules and a Hot Graphite SurfaceLMeyer and RGomer 425

Dislocations in Graphite CrystalsTTsuzuku 433

Graphite WhiskersLMeyer 451

Atomic Arrangement and Bonding Across a Twinning Plane in GraphiteJRPl 459

Production of Graphite Single Crystals by the Thermal Decomposition of Aluminium CarbideLMFoster,GLong and HCStumpf 461

Remarques sur la Graphitabilité de Certains Charbons AgglomérésRBaroin 463

Influence de Certains Catalyseurs de Graphitation sur les Propriétés du Graphite,en Particulier,sur les Conductibilités Electriques et ThermiquesPAlbert et JParisot 467

X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Irradiated and Ground GraphitesCEBacon 475

Fine Grinding of Ceylon Natural GraphitePLWalker Jr,and SBSeeley 481

Studies of Carbon Powders under Compression ISMrozowski 495

Part Ⅴ Mechanical and Thermal Properties and Carbon Technology 509

Lattice Vibrations and Low Temperature Thermal Properties of GraphiteJAKrumhansl 511

Thermal Properties of GraphiteJEHove 515

High-Temperature Tensile-Properties of GraphitesHEMartens,LDJaffe and JEJepson 529

Heat-Flux-Rupture Limits with Internal Heat Generation of Several Graphites up to 5000° FahrenheitWBPowell and PEMassier 543

The Effects of Irradiation on the Mechanical Properties of GraphiteJHWSimmons 559

Effect of Pile Radiation on Mechanical and other Properties of GraphiteRAMeyer and RGBourdeau 569

The Micropore Structure of Neutron Irradiated GraphiteCNSpalaris 575

Distribution of Radiation Damage in GraphiteRENightingale and WASnyder 579

Annealing of Crystal Distortion in Irradiated GraphiteAEAustin and RJHarrison 585

Determination of X-Ray Absorption Coefficients of Inhomogeneous Carbonaceous MaterialsSErgun and VHTiensuu 607

X-Ray Absorption Analysis of Chemicals in Carbon BrushesACTitus 613

Magnetic Susceptibilities and Thermal Expansion of Artificial GraphitesPCornuault,AHerpin,HHering and MSeguin 627

Effect of Impregnation and Subsequent Burn-off on Physical Properties of Graphitized Carbon RodsPLWalker,Jrand FRusinko,Jr 633

Effect of Different Cokes on Physical Properties of Graphitized Carbon PlatesPLWalker,Jr,FRusinko,Jr,JFRakszawski and LMLiggett 643

Thermal Expansion of Polycrystalline Carbons and Graphites IIFMCollins 659

Electrical Resistivities and Crushing Strengths of Baked CarbonsEJSeldin 675

Permeabilities of Baked Carbons and Beds of Carbon Powders to the Flow of a GasEJSeldin and SMrozowski 687


