Collected Works of Theodore Von Karman 1952-1963PDF电子书下载
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- 出版年份:1975
- 页数:388 页
General Introduction&by Professor G.Gabrielli 1
Preface&by Professor W.R.Sears 4
1.On the Foundations of High Speed Aerodynamics 5
2.Wind-Tunnel Investigations carried out at the California Institute of Technology&with L.G.Dunn 31
3.Aerodynamic Considerations of the Formation of Sand Ripples 62
4.Aerothermodynamics and Combustion Theory 67
5.Thermal Theory of a Laminar Flame Front Near a Cold Wall&with G.Millán 80
6.Fundamental Approach to Laminar Flame Propagation&with S.S.Penner 89
7.Fundamental Equations in Aerothermochemistry 131
8.The Present Status of the Theory of Laminar Flame Propagation&with G.Millán and S.S.Penner 151
9.Models in Thermogasdynamics 170
10.Solved and Unsolved Problems of High Speed Aerodynamics 178
11.Dimensionless Quantities in Specific Areas of Aerodynamics 204
12.Combustion Instability in Rockets 210
13.Lanchester's Contributions to the Theory of Flight and Operational Research 213
14.Some Significant Developments in Aerodynamics since 1946 235
15.Magnetofluidmechanics 268
16.Applications of Magnetofluidmechanics 277
17.On the Existence of an Exact Solution of the Equations of Navier-Stokes&with C.C.Lin 281
18.Instability of Spherical Shells subjected to External Pressure&with A.D.Kerr 292
PART Ⅱ 313
Preface&by Dr F.L.Wattendorf 315
19.Foundations of Operational Research 317
20.Air Research-NATO Brain Bank 321
21.The Next Fifty Years 325
22.Dedication to Sir Thomas Havelock 329
23.Address 333
24.Evening After-Dinner Talk 335
25.Remarks at the Dedication of the William Frederick Durand Laboratory 340
26.Space-Age Education 343
27.Beginnings of Astronautics&with F.J.Malina 348
28.Joseph Pérès 1890-1962 365
29.A Tribute to Walter Tollmien&with Frank L.Wattendorf 367
PART Ⅲ 371
Bibliography 373
Honorary Degrees and Titles,Decorations and Orders,Awards 386