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The Conquest of New Spain
The Conquest of New Spain

The Conquest of New SpainPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Bernal Diaz
  • 出 版 社:Penguin Books Ltd.
  • 出版年份:1963
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:416 页
《The Conquest of New Spain》目录

Map of Mexico City and Lake Texcoco 6

Introduction 7

Preliminary Note 14

The Expedition of Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba 15

The Expedition of Juan de Grijalva 27

The Expedition of Hernando Cortes:Preparations 44

The Voyage 57

Dona Marina's Story 85

A Pause on the Coast 88

The Stay at Cempoala 107

The Foundation of Vera Cruz 114

The March to Cingapacinga and Return to Cempoala 119

Events at Vera Cruz:The Destruction of the Ships 126

The Tlascalan Campaign 140

Peace with Tlascala:Embassies from Mexico 166

The March to Mexico 189

The Entrance into Mexico 216

The Stay in Mexico 220

Montezuma's Captivity 245

Cortes in Difficulties 278

The Flight from Mexico 284

Cortes Collects fresh Strength 308

Expeditions around the Lake 326

The Siege and Capture of Mexico 353

Map of the March from Vera Cruz to the City of Mexico 414

Map of the Coastline of Mexico 416
