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Metabolic Inhibitorsl A Comprehensive Treatise Volume IV
Metabolic Inhibitorsl A Comprehensive Treatise Volume IV

Metabolic Inhibitorsl A Comprehensive Treatise Volume IVPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Academic Press
  • 出 版 社:Inc.
  • 出版年份:1973
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:0 页
《Metabolic Inhibitorsl A Comprehensive Treatise Volume IV》目录

CHAPTER 1 Allosteric Inhibitors&R.W.MILLER 1

Ⅰ.Introduction 2

Ⅱ.Limiting Models for Allosteric Inhibition 3

Ⅲ.Methods That Probe Mechanisms of Allosteric Inhibition 13

Ⅳ.Variation of Allosteric Properties among Source Organisms 16

Ⅴ.Classes of Allosteric Inhibitors 17

Ⅵ.Allosteric Inhibition of Specific Enzymes 23

Ⅶ.Allosteric Inhibition in Enzyme Complexes and Membrane Systems 38

References 40

CHAPTER 2 Amino Acid Hydroxylase inhibitors&EDITH G.McGEER and PATRICK L.McGEER 45

Ⅰ.Introduction 45

Ⅱ.Properties of the Enzymes 46

Ⅲ.In Vitro Inhibitors of the Hydroxylases 56

Ⅳ.In Vivo Inhibitors of the Hydroxylases 71

Ⅴ.Indirect Mechanisms of Inhibition 84

Ⅵ.Conclusion 89

References 90

CHAPTER 3 Inhibitors of Amino Acid Activation&ROBERT B.LOFTFIELD 107

Ⅰ.Introduction 107

Ⅱ.Noncompetitive Inhibitors 111

Ⅲ.Competitive Inhibitors 114

Ⅳ.Conclusion 123

References 127

CHAPTER 4 Inhibitors of Protein Synthesis&C.T.CASKEY 131

Ⅰ.Introduction 131

Ⅱ.Protein Biosynthesis 132

Ⅲ.Inhibitors of Peptide Chain Initiation 139

Ⅳ.Inhibitors of Peptide Chain Elongation 144

Ⅴ.Inhibitors of Peptide Chain Termination 163

Ⅵ.Premature Peptide Chain Termination 165

Ⅶ.Other Inhibitors 167

Ⅷ.Summary 169

References 170

CHAPTER 5 Inhibition of Photosynthesis&N.E.GOOD and S IZAWA 179

Ⅰ.Introduction 180

Ⅱ.The Overall Mechanism of Photosynthes's 180

Ⅲ.Light-Dependent Reactions of Chloroplast Lamellae 181

Ⅳ.Partial Reactions of Photosynthesis in Isolated Chloroplast Lamellae 184

Ⅴ.Inhibitions of Electron Transport and Phosphorylation in Chloroplast Lamellae 185

Ⅵ.Inhibition of the Fixation and Reduction of Carbon Dioxide 201

Ⅶ.Photorespiration and the Inhibition of Photosynthesis by Oxygen 204

Ⅷ.Indirect Inhibitions and the Physiological Control of Photosynthesis 206

Ⅸ.Conclusion 209

References 210

CHAPTER 6 Inhibitors of Blood-Clotting Mechanisms&PETER G.BARTON and E.THYE YIN 215

Ⅰ.Introduction 216

Ⅱ.Inhibitors of Enzyme Action 231

Ⅲ.Inhibitors of Coagulant Protein Biosynthesis 260

Ⅳ.Hereditary Inhibitors 265

Ⅴ.Acquired Circulating Anticoagulants 267

Ⅵ.Fibrinogen Degradation Products 272

Ⅶ.Inhibitors of Lipids and Lipoproteins 276

Ⅷ.Inhibitors of Intravascular Coagulation and Thrombosis 280

Ⅸ.The Role of Heparin in Blood Coagulation 282

Ⅹ.Concluding Remarks 284

References 289

CHAPTER 7 Inhibitors of Fatty Acid Oxidation and the Pathway of Fatty Acid Biosynthesis from Glucose&I.B.FRITZ and M.HALPERIN 311

Ⅰ.Fatty Acid Oxidation 311

Ⅱ.Inhibition of Pathways of Fatty Acid Synthesis 321

Ⅲ.Concluding Comments 340

References 342

CHAPTER 8 Inhibitors of Enzymes of Phospholipid and Sphingolipid Metabolism&SHIMON GATT 349

Ⅰ.Introduction 350

Ⅱ.Phospholipid Hydrolases 351

Ⅲ.Glycosphingolipid Hydrolases 361

Ⅳ.Synthesis of the Glycerophosphatides 365

Ⅴ.Synthesis of Phospho- and Glycosphingolipids 369

Ⅵ.Metabolism of the Sphingosine Bases 372

Ⅶ.Summary and Conclusions 372

References 383

CHAPTER 9 Inhibitors and Activators of Enzymes Regulating the Cellular Concentration of Cyclic AMP&SHAIL K.SHARMA 389

Ⅰ.Introduction 389

Ⅱ.Distribution,Subcellular Location,Purification,and Properties of Adenyl Cyclase and Cyclic AMP Phosphodiesterase 391

Ⅲ.Regulation of Intracellular Levels of Cyclic AMP 395

Ⅳ.Regulation of Cyclic AMP Formation in Cells in Culture 419

Ⅴ.Adenyl Cyclase and Phosphodiesterase in Relation to Age 420

Ⅵ.Role of Lipids in the Activation of Adenyl Cyclase by Hormones 421

Ⅶ.Modification of Adenyl Cyclase in Various Physiological and Pathological Conditions 421

Ⅷ.Concluding Remarks 422

References 423


