Selected Papers on Planned Parenthood Volume 24 Antifertility For Male By Physical AgentsPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
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- 出版年份:1983
- 页数:566 页
Effects of Antifertility for Male 1
Effect of Induced Intrascrotal Hyperthermia on Testicular Function in Man 3
Control of Human Spermatogenesis by Induced Change of Intrascrotal Temperature 12
Heat in Male Contraception(Hot Water 60℃,Infrared,Microwave,and Ultrasound) 20
Ultrasound as a New Method of Male Contraception 34
Male Fertility Regulation by Means of Ultrasound 43
The Effects of Scrotal Heating in the Ram on Semen Characteristies,Fecundity,& Embryonic Mortality 56
Intrascrotal Temperature,Testicular Histology & Fertility of Heat-Acclimatized Rats 65
The Scrotum & Thermoregulation 73
Temperature Regulation & the Testis 92
Temperature Effects 131
Effect of Temperature on the Mammalian Testis 211
The Effect of Temperature & Light Combinations upon the Gonads of Male Red-Back Voles 216
Temperature & Seasonal Influences 222
Effects of Sonication on Mature Rat Testes 251
Influence of Abdominal Temperature on Epididymal Function in the Rat and Rabbit 261
Influence of Microwave Irradiation on Testes,Female Genital System,Pregnancy,and Foetal Development 274
Microwave Bioeffects.Current Status & Concepts 279
Mechanism of Antifertility for Male 289
Selective Damage Induced by Heat to the Testicular Germinal Epithelium of Rats 291
Studies on the Structure & Function of the Mammalian Testis.Ⅱ:Cytological & Histochemical Observations on the Testis of the Rat after a Single Exposure to Heat Applied for Different Lengths of Time 292
Early Histological & Histochemical Changes in the Heated & Cryptorchid Rat Testis 324
Early Changes in the Histology & Cytochemistry of the Heated Ram Testis 325
Effect of Local Heat in vivo on Hyaluronidase,Succinic Dehydrogenase & Phosphatases of the Rat Testis 326
The Effect of Experimental Cryptorchism on the Isozymes of Lactate Dehydrogenase in Mouse Testes 333
Factors Affecting Testicular Metabolism & Function Ⅱ:Effect of Temperature Elevation in vivo on Subsequent Matabolic Activity of Rabbit Testicular Tissue in vitro 340
The Effect of Heat on Hydrolytic Enzymes & Spermatogenesis in the Rat Testis 348
Early Effects of Experimental Cryptorchidism on the Activity of Selected Enzymes in Rat Testes 352
Energy Metabolism of the Normal & Cryptorchid Rat Testis 358
Glycogen & Related Enzymes in Normal & Cryptorchid Human Testes:A Cytochemical Study 369
The Effects of Heat on the Metabolism & Ultrastructure of Ram Testicular Spermatozoa 376
The Influence of Temperature on Flow of Blood in the Testis & Scrotum of Rats 388
Temperature Effect on the Permeability of Plasma Membranes of Advanced Germinal Cells of the Rat Testis 390
Effect of Ultrasound on Testicular Electrolytes(Sodium & Potassium) 398
Temperature Dependence of Sertoli Cell Function 404
Impaired Sertoli Cell Function in Experimental Cryptorchidism in the Rat 414
Effect of Local Heat in vivo on the Fine Structure of the Basement Membrane and the Sertoli Cells of the Rat Testis 424
Evaluation of Safety 431
Leydig Cell Function & Morphology in the Rat Testis after Exposure to Heat 433
The Influence of Temperature on Steroidogenesis in the Rat Testis 440
Serum Gonadotrophins in Rats after Castration or Heat Treatment of the Testes 448
The Influence of Scrotal Warming on Testicular Blood Flow and Endocrine Function in the Rat 462
Testicular Blood Flow and Testosterone Concentrations in the Spermatic Venous Blood in Rats with Experimental Cryptorchidism 469
Testicular Tumours in Cryptorchid Testis 477
An Investigation into the Possible Genetic Hazards of Ultrasound 481
Chromosomal Effects,Possible Genetic Effects,and Influence of Microwave Radiation on Mitosis.Cellular Effects 492
The Effect of Microwave Radiation(2450MHz)on the Morphology and Chromosomes of Lymphocytes 496
A Teratological Study of the Rat:Microwave and Infrared Radiation Compared 501
Insect Teratogenesis in a Standing-Wave Irradiation System 508
Immune Response of Mice to 2450-MHz Microwave Radiation:Overview of Immunology and Empirical Studies of Lymphoid Splenic Cells 517
Microwave Biological Effects:An Overview 528
Soviet and Eastern European Research on Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation 538
Appendix 547
Temperature Distribution of Microwave Heating——Spheres and Cylinders 549
Dielectric Properties of Biological Substances——Tabulated 556