Pharmacology in Medicine a Collaborative TextbookPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:29 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Victor A.Drill
- 出 版 社:Inc.
- 出版年份:1954
- 页数:1192 页
Part ONE Introduction 1
1:Historical Background and General Principles of Drug Action&JOSEPH A.WELLS 3
2:Presciption Writing and Drug Preparations&RUSSELL A.WAUD 21
part TWO General Anesthetics 38
3:Theories of Anesthesia&MARGARET E.GREIG 40
4:Transport of Anesthetics and Stages of Anesthesia&LEROY D.VANDAM 46
5:General Anesthesia Ⅰ:Volatile Agents&O.SIDNEY ORTH 57
6:General Anesthesia Ⅱ:Gaseous Agents&O.SIDNEY ORTH 71
7:General Anesthesia Ⅲ:Intravenous Agents&RICHARD W.WHITEHEAN and ROBERT W.VIRTUE 79
8:Respiratory Reflexes during Anesthesia&CARL F.SCHMIDT 88
part THREE Local Anesthetics 95
9:Local Anesthetic Drugs&J.H.WEATHERBY and HARVEY B.HAAG 97
part FOUR Adjuncts to Anesthesia 109
10:Preanesthetic Medication&JAMES M.DILLE 111
11:Basal Anesthetics&JAMES M.DILLE 116
12:Curare and Related Compounds&A.R.MC INTYRE 122
part FIVE Sedation,Hypnosis,and Analgesia 137
13:Sedatives and Hypnotics Ⅰ:Bromides,Chloral Hydrate,Paraldehyde,and Miscellaneous Agents&FREDERICK E.SHIDEMAN 139
14:Sedatives and Hypnotics Ⅱ:Barbiturates&FREDERICK E.SHIDEMAN 155
15:Drugs in Epilepsy and Hyperkinetic Stages&KLAUS R.W.UNNA 173
16:The Alcohols&HAROLD R.HULPIEU and R.N.HARGER 186
17:Narcotic Analgesics Ⅰ:Opium Alkaloids&CARL C.PFEIFFER 202
18:Narcotic Analgesics Ⅱ:Synthetic Analgesics&CARL C.PFEIFFER 211
19:Drug Addictions&MAURICE H.SEEVERS 222
20:Nonnarcotic Analgesics and Antipyretics Ⅰ:Salicylates&PAUL K.SMITH 238
21:Nonnarcotic Analgesics and Antipyretics Ⅱ:Drugs Other than Salicylates&PAUL K.SMITH 255
part SIX Central Nervous System Stimulants 265
22:Strychnine,Picrotoxin,Metrazol,and Miscellaneous Drugs&IRWIN H.SLATER 267
23:The Xanthines&CHALMERS L.GEMMILL 280
part SEVEN The Autonomic Nervous System 289
24:General Considerations of the Autonomic Nervous System&W.CLARKE WESCOE 291
25:Cholinergic Drugs&WALTER F.RIKER,JR. 305
26:Adrenergic Drugs&RAYMOND P.AHLQUIST 335
27:Cholinergic Blocking Drugs&JAMES K.W.FERGUSON 366
28:Adrenergic Blocking Drugs&HAROLD D.GREEN 376
29:Ganglionic Stimulating and Blocking Drugs&GEORGE H.ACHESON 393
part EIGHT The Cardiovascular System 404
30:Cardiac Glycosides&ROBERT P.WALTON 406
31:Nitrites,Nitrates,and Miscellaneous Drugs&KENNETH I.MELVILLE 438
32:Drugs Depressing Cardiac Muscle&JOSEPH R.DI PALMA 459
33:Veratrum Alkaloids&OTTO KRAYER 469
34:Drugs in Hypertension&FRANK C.FERGUSON,JR. 479
part NINE Water and Salt Balance 491
35:Electrolyte,Fluid,and Acid-Base Balance&T.S.DANOWSKI 493
36:Cations:Potassium,Calcium,Magnesium,Barium,and Ammonium&SOLOMON GARB 503
37:Anions:Fluorides,Iodides,Phosphates,and Other Anions&GEORGE A.EMERSON 514
38:Intravenous Fluid Therapy:Blood,Plasma,and Plasma Expanders&VICTOR A.DRILL 524
39:Diuretics&CARROLL A.HANDLEY 548
40:Antidiuretic Hormone and Antidiuretic Agents&H.B.VAN DYKE 567
part TEN Allergic Manifestations 575
41:Histamine and Antihistaminics&CARL A.DRAGSTEDT 577
part ELEVEN The Gastrointestinal Tract 591
42:Drugs Effective in Ulcer Therapy&BYRON B.CLARK 593
43:Digestants&BYRON B.CLARK 617
44:Cathartics and Laxatives&DESMOND D.BONNYCASTLE 626
part TWELVE Dermatomucosal Agents 638
45:Drugs Acting on Mucous Membranes and Skin&ELDON M.BOYD 640
part THIRTEEN The Hematopoietic System 656
46:Drugs Effective in Iron-deficiency Anemias&FRANK H.BETHELL 658
47:Drugs Effective in Pernicious Anemia and Related Anemias&FRANK H.BETHELL 665
48:Inhibitory Effect of Drugs on Normal and Neoplastic Blood-cell Formation&DAVID KARNOFSKY 673
49:Anticoagulant and Coagulant Drugs&TED A.LOOMIS 697
part FOURTEEN The Metals and Radioactive Elements 709
50:Lead&JAMES P.HUGHES 711
51:Arsenic,Antimony,Bismuth,Mercury,and Dimercaprol&CHARLES J.KENSLER 727
52:Gold,Silver,Manganese,and Other Minor Metals&A.ROTHSTEIN 738
53:Radioactive Elements&THOMAS R.NOONAN 749
54:Role of the Skeleton in Pharmacological and Toxicological Responses&W.F.NEUMAN and HAROLD C.HODGE 757
part FIFTEEN Gases,Vapors,and Dusts 763
55:Gases and Vapors Ⅰ:Therapy with Oxygen,Carbon Dioxide,and Helium&CHRISTIAN J.LAMBERTSEN 764
56:Gases and Vapors Ⅱ:Carbon Monoxide;Hydrocyanic Acid and Cyanides;Methemoglobin and Sulfhemoglobin&OSCAR BODANSKY 780
57:Gases and Vapors Ⅲ:Gasoline,Naphtha,Kerosene,Benzene,and Carbon Tetrachloride&FRANK L.KOZELKA 792
58:War Gases&E.ROSS HART 804
59:Nonadsorbable Dusts&JAMES K.SCOTT and HAROLD G.HODGE 813
60:Intsecticides,Rodenticides,and Agricultural Poisons&MAYNARD B.CHENOWETH 818
part SIXTEEN The Vitamins and Other Nutritional Factors 826
61:Water-soluble Vitamins&E.S.GORDON 828
62:Fat-soluble Vitamins&E.S.GORDON 843
63:Oral and Intravenous Feeding&FREDERICK J.STARE 850
64:Lipid Metabolism&VICTOR A.DRILL 860
part SEVENTEEN The Endocrine Glands and Accessory Reproductive Organs 868
65:Hormones of the Pituitary Gland and Substitution Therapy&RICHARD C.DE BODO and M.W.SINKOFF 870
66:Male Sex Hormones&HARRY W.HAYS 890
67:Female Sex Hormones&HARRY W.HAYS 904
68:Drugs Acting on the Uterus Ⅰ:The Management of Labor&ROBERT A.WOODBURY 925
69:Drugs Acting on the Uterus Ⅱ:Dysmenorrhea and Miscellaneous&ROBERT A.WOODBURY 936
70:Thyroid Gland&DOUGLAS S.RIGGS 940
71:Parathyroid Gland&PAUL L.MUNSON and ROY O.GREEP 962
72:Pancreas and Insulins&SAMUEL B.BEASER 969
73:Adrenal Cortex&JAY TEPPERMAN 988
part ELGIGHTEEN Specific Chemotherapy 1009
74:Chemotherapy of Bacterial Infections Ⅰ:Antiseptics and Germicides&NICHOLAS GIARMAN 1011
75:Chemotherapy of Bacterial Infections Ⅱ:Sulfonamides&ALLAN D.BASS 1029
76:Chemotherapy of Bacterial Infections Ⅲ:Sulfones&ALLAN D.BASS 1041
77:Chemotherapy of Bacterial Infections Ⅳ:Penicillins&WINDSOR C.CUTTING 1045
78:Chemotherapy of Bacterial Infections Ⅴ:Streptomycin and Dihydrostreptomycin;Paraaminosalicylic Acid and Isonicotinic&FREDERICK BERNHEIM 1059
79:Chemotherapy of Bacterial Infections Ⅵ:Broad-spectrum&ARTHUR P.RICHARDSON 1070
80:Chemotherapy of Bacterial Infections Ⅶ:Miscellaneous&ARTHUR P.RICHARDSON 1077
81:The Comparative Effectiveness and Selection of Sulfonamides and Antibiotics&WALTER MODELL 1083
82:Chemotherapy of the Treponematoses&HARRY EAGLE 1095
83:Chemotherapy of Yeast and Fungous Infections&ALBERT M.KLIGMAN 1109
84:Chemotherapy of Protozoan Infections Ⅰ:Malaria&EARL H.DEARBORN 1118
85:Chemotherapy of Protozoan Infections Ⅱ:Amebiasis&HAMILION H.ANDERSON 1134
86:Chemotherapy of Infections form Flagellates and Flukes&LAWRENCE PETERS 1148
87:Chemotherapy of Infections form Nematodes and Cestodes&ERNEST BUEDING and MORRIS TAGER 1060
Index 1168
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