The National Income of The Philippines and Its DistributionPDF电子书下载
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- 出版年份:2222
- 页数:42 页
Section Ⅰ.Introduction 1
Section Ⅱ.National Income and its Distribution,1946-1951. 4
Summary of Findings 4
Total Available Means:Sources and Disposition (Table Ⅰ) 5
The National Accounts of the Philippines (Table Ⅱ) 6
National Income and Product Account 6
Private Appropriation Account 7
Government Appropriation Account 8
Combined Capital Account 9
Rest of the World Account 10
National Income by Industrial Origin (Table Ⅲ) 11
Personal Income by Major Geographical Areas (Table Ⅳ) 12
Derivation of Private Income and National Income from Personal Income (Table Ⅴ) 13
Income Originating in Agriculture by Category of Production (Table Ⅵ) 14
Agricultural Crops by Type:Volume of Production,Gross Value,and Income Originating (Table Ⅶ) 15
Gross Domestic Investment by Major Categories (Table Ⅷ) 17
Durable Equipment by Type (Table Ⅸ) 18
Distribution of Reported Personal Income and Recipients by Size of Income (Table Ⅹ) 20
Employment and Earnings from Usual Occupation by Major Population Groups (Table Ⅺ) 21
Persons Ten Years of Age and Over Reporting Gainful Occupation (Table Ⅻ) 22
Assessment of Reliability of Estimates 23
Technical Appendix 24
A.General Considerations 24
B.The National Accounts:Explanation of Entries 27
C.The Industrial Distribution of National Income 32
Derivation of National Income by Industrial Origin from Reported Personal Income (Table ⅩⅢ) 35
Unreported Non-Cash Income Included in Corrected Total Personal Income (Table ⅩⅣ) 36
Section Ⅲ.Recommendations 37
A.General 37
B.Proposals for a United Nations Statistical Training Centre 38
C.National Income Estimates:Responsibilities and Future Work Program 41
D.Summary of Recommendations 43