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  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:宋建福著
  • 出 版 社:长春:东北师范大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:9787568117623
  • 页数:178 页

Introduction 1

Chapter 1 Subversion of Plots 17

1.1 Young Tristram's Plot 19

1.2 Toby's Plot 28

1.3 Adult Tristram's Plot 32

Chapter 2 Language Questioned 41

2.1 Pictures against Writing 42

2.2 Gestures against Speech 53

2.3 Instable Words 60

Chapter 3 Circular Thematic Structure 67

3.1 Exposition 68

3.2 Development 72

3.3 Recapitulation 89

Chapter 4 Artistry of Digression 94

4.1 The Internal Paradigms 96

4.2 Digression as Rhetoric 102

4.3 The Integration of Digression and Story 108

4.4 The Regulation of Digression 116

Chapter 5 Structural Synchronism 121

5.1 Structural Radiation 122

5.2 Structural Multiplicity 129

5.3 Innovative Spirit 138

Chapter 6 Signification of Carnivalesque Narrative Art 145

6.1 Art as a Reflection of Tristram's Personality 145

6.2 Tristram as an Alter Ego of His Father and Uncle 150

6.3 Victory of Non-linearity 155

6.4 Aesthetic Effects 159

Conclusion 165

Primary References 174

Secondary References 177
