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任正非的竞争智慧  英文
任正非的竞争智慧  英文

任正非的竞争智慧 英文PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张雨著;姚锦清译
  • 出 版 社:北京:五洲传播出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787508526812
  • 页数:132 页
《任正非的竞争智慧 英文》目录
标签:智慧 竞争

CHAPTER 1 Stepping into Battle:the Courage to Make Choices 11

1.Opportunity and Timing 12

2.Foundation of Huawei-Ren Zhengfei Taking Chances 14

3.China's Telecoms Industry-A Deep Pond with Plenty of Big Fish in It 19

CHAPTER 2 Personality Is Destiny 23

1.Hardships during Childhood 24

2.Effortful Study in the Army 28

3.Late Blooms Brought On by Fierce Battles 30

CHAPTER 3 Technology,Market and the Customer 35

1.Technological Innovation-the Way to Become a Top Global Equipment Supplier 37

2.Marketing-Where R&D Begins and Ends 41

3.Focusing on Customers-Customer Satisfaction Is the Benchmark for a Good Product 46

CHAPTER 4 Fighting a Courageous Battle 53

1.Capturing the Domestic Market with a Flanking Strategy 54

2.Venturing into International Markets 59

CHAPTER 5 Strong Leadership 69

1.The Understated Legend 70

2.Avoiding the Fate of a Short-lived Hero 74

3.Learning as a Driving Force 78

CHAPTER 6 Dominating the Market by Building an Elite Talent Pool 83

1.Attracting Talent Nationwide with High Salaries 84

2.Training-Developing Huawei's Own Talented Staff 88

CHAPTER 7 Management-driven Success 95

1.Bringing Out the Hero in One Who Desires Success 96

2.A Tough Management Team 98

3.Evolution of the Huawei Basic Law:towards a Professional Code 101

CHAPTER 8 Living in Crisis 105

1.The First Winter 106

2.The Second Winter 108

3.The Third Winter 111

CHAPTER 9 Increasing Resources,Maintaining Strategic Advantage 115

1.From Follower to Leader 116

2.The Reinforcement of Core Competence 118

CHAPTER 10 Perseverance Is Competitiveness 123

1.Challenge of the Disputed End of the Staff ID Culture 124

2.Post-Ren Zhengfei Legend? 128

3.From the Realm of Necessity towards the Realm of Freedom 130
