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思想者指南系列丛书  如何提升学生的学习能力
思想者指南系列丛书  如何提升学生的学习能力

思想者指南系列丛书 如何提升学生的学习能力PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:7 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)Richard Paul,(美)Linda Elder著
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:9787513574679
  • 页数:57 页
《思想者指南系列丛书 如何提升学生的学习能力》目录

Introduction 1

Recommended Design Features 2

Idea#1:Design instruction so that students engage in routine practice in internalizing and applying the concepts they are learning(and in evaluating their understanding of each) 2

Idea#2:Teach students how to assess their reading 4

Idea#3:Teach students how to assess their writing 5

Idea#4:Teach students how to assess their speaking 7

Idea#5:Teach students how to assess their listening 9

Idea#6:Design tests with the improvements of student thinking inmind 10

Idea#7:Make the course"work-intensive"for the students,but not for you 12

Idea#8:Use engaged lecture 13

Idea#l9:Require an intellectual journal(when it is relevant to your class) 14

Orientation(first few days) 15

Idea#10:Give students a thorough orientation to the course 15

Idea#11:Develop a syllabus which highlights your expectations for the students 17

Idea#12:Give students grade profiles 25

Idea#13:Use a"student understandings"form 29

Idea#14:Explain to the students,when orienting them to the class,what will happen on a typical class day(and why) 31

Idea#15:Explain the key concepts of the course explicitly during the first couple of class meetings 32

Idea#16:Discuss class time as a time in which the students will PRACTICE thinking(within the content)using the fundamental concepts and principles of the field 33

ldea#17:Make the point that the content is a SYSTEM of interconnected ideas 34

Idea#18:Think of yourself as a coach 35

Idea#19:Discuss the textbook as the thinking of the author 37

Daily Emphasis 38

Idea#20:Encourage students to think—quite explicitly—about theirt hinking 38

ldea#21:Encourage students to think of content as a form of thinking 39

Idea#22:Relate content whenever possible to issues,problems,and practical situations in the lives of the students 40

Idea#23:Target common student disabilities using specific strategies that take them into account 41

Idea#24:Use tactics that encourage active learning 43

Idea#25:Routinely ask questions that probe student understanding of the content 44

Idea#26:Model skilled thinking for your students 46

Idea#27:Cultivate important intellectuaI traits in instruction 49

Idea#28:Bring intellectual standards into daily use 50

Idea#29:Have students role play ideas other than their own 51

Idea#30:Systematically question students using a Socratic approach 53

Epilogue:Summarize the ideas above in brief to make the whole more intelligible 55
