- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:许之所等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787513512374
- 页数:150 页
Chapter One Invitations to Linguistics 1
1.What are the major components of all languages? 1
2.What is language? 2
3.What is arbitrariness?Can you give some examples to illustrate non-arbitrariness or motivation from the perspectives of sound pattern,syntax and conventionality? 2
4.What is duality?Does the traffic light system have duality? 3
5.In what way is language resourceful? 4
6.What does displacement mean? 4
7.What are six primary factors of any speech event according to Jakobson? 5
8.What are three functions of Halliday's linguistic theory? 5
9.How should linguistics be defined? 5
10.How can descriptive approach be distinguished from prescriptive approach in language? 6
11.What is the difference between synchronic linguistics and diachronic linguistics? 6
12.What is the distinction between langue and parole? 7
13.What is the distinction between competence and performance? 8
14.What is linguistic potential?What is actual linguistic behavior? 9
15.In what way do langue,competence and linguistic potential agree?In what way do they differ? 9
16.How should the informative function of language be understood? 10
17.How should interpersonal function of language be explained? 11
18.What is performative function of language? 11
19.What is emotive function? 12
20.What is phatic communion? 12
21.How do you understand recreational function of language? 12
22.What is metalingual function? 13
Chapter Two Speech Sounds 14
23.How do phonetics and phonology differ in their focus of study? 14
24.What is a phoneme? 14
25.How is a phone different from aphoneme? 15
26.How are allophones related to a phoneme? 15
27.What are distinctive features? 16
28.What is the difference between complementary distribution and free variation? 16
29.In what direction does assimilation occur? 17
30.What's the stress function in conveying meaning? 17
31.What are the features of tone? 17
32.What's intonation? 18
33.What are the main areas of phonetics? 18
34.Why did George Bernard Shaw say he could spell the word"fish"as"ghoti"?What can you learn from Shaw's little joke? 18
35.What is IPA? 19
36.What are English consonants and vowels? 19
37.What is voicing and how is it caused? 20
38.What kinds of factors are involved when describing the English consonants? 20
39.What criteria are used to classify the English vowels? 20
40.What's the function of the minimal pairs for English phonemes? 21
41.How is coarticulation different from assimilation? 21
42.What are broad transcription and narrow transcription? 22
Chapter Three Lexicon 23
43.What is the difference between word and lexeme? 23
44.How do the closed-class words differ from the open-class words? 24
45.What is the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words? 24
46.What is the distinction between a free morpheme and a bound morpheme? 24
47.What is the difference between the grammatical word and the lexical word? 25
48.How does root differ from stem? 26
49.What are the differences between an inflectional affix and a derivational affix? 26
50.What is inflection? 27
51.What are the characteristics of the endocentric compounds and the exocentric compounds? 27
52.How do you understand the transitional field between morphology and phonology? 28
53.What is dissimilation? 28
54.What are the allomorphs of the plural morpheme? 29
55.What is blending? 29
56.What process of borrowing does the English word"troublesome"belong to? 30
57.How did the word"lase"come into being?What's its original form? 30
58.What are broadening and narrowing? 31
59.How do you understand meaning shift? 31
60.What is folk etymology? 32
61.What is analogical creation? 32
62.Why is class shift a special kind of derivation? 33
Chapter Four From Word to Text 35
63.What are syntactic relations? 35
64.What is positional relation? 35
65.What is relation of substitutability? 36
66.What is relation of co-occurrence? 36
67.How is relation of co-occurrence connected to positional relation and relation of substitutability? 37
68.What is grammatical construction? 37
69.What is constituent? 37
70.What is immediate constituent analysis(IC analysis)? 38
71.What is strength of IC analysis? 38
72.What is weakness of IC analysis? 39
73.What is endocentric construction? 39
74.What is exocentric construction? 40
75.What is coordination? 40
76.What is subordination? 41
77.What is category in syntax? 41
78.What is number? 41
79.What is gender? 42
80.What is case? 42
81.What is agreement? 42
82.What is recursiveness? 43
83.What is conjoining? 43
84.What is embedding? 43
85.What is cohesion? 44
Chapter Five Meaning 45
86.What are seven types of meaning that were recognized by G.Leech? 45
87.What is the referential theory? 46
88.What is the semantic triangle? 46
89.What is the difierence between sense and reference? 47
90.What is the difference between denotation and connotation? 48
91.What is synonymy? 48
92.What is antonymy? 49
93.What is hyponymy? 49
94.What is componential analysis? 50
95.What are three essential elements in Katzian dictionary in the integrated theory? 50
96.What are projection rules and selection restrictions? 51
97.What is a proposition? 53
98.What is propositional logic? 53
99.What is predicate logic? 55
100.What are universal quantifier and existential quantifier? 56
101.What is presupposition? 57
102.What is entailment? 57
Chapter Six Language and Cognition 59
103.What is cognition? 59
104.What is psycholinguistics? 59
105.What is language acquisition? 60
106.What are three phases in language comprehension? 60
107.What aspects does language production involve? 60
108.What is cognitive linguistics? 60
109.What is construal? 61
110.What are construal operations? 61
111.What is figure-ground alignment? 62
112.What are trajector and landmark? 63
113.What is categorization? 63
114.How does the classic theory differ from the prototype theory in defining a category? 63
115.What is basic level category? 64
116.What is image schema? 65
117.How many kinds of image schemas are there in cognitive linguistics? 66
118.What is conceptual metaphor? 66
119.What are three kinds of conceptual metaphors? 67
120.What is metonymy? 67
121.What is the blending theory? 68
Chapter Seven Language,Culture and Society 70
122.What is sociolinguistics? 70
123.How should sociolinguistics be distinguished from linguistics? 70
124.What is the difference between sociolinguistics and sociology of language? 71
125.How is language related to culture? 71
126.What does speech community mean? 72
127.What is Firths theory of context of situation? 72
128.How should"language as a semiotic system"be understood? 72
129.What is linguistic relativity? 73
130.What is linguistic determinism? 73
131.How should"memory"and"inference",and"concepts”and"propositions"be understood? 74
132.What is the distinction between cultural concepts and non-cultural concepts? 75
133.How should"prototype theory"be used to understand concepts? 76
134.How is language related to society? 77
135.How should"speech as a signal of social identity"be understood? 77
136.What is linguistic sexism?Give some examples to illustrate it 78
137.Why do we need to teach culture in our language classroom? 79
138.How should register and dialect be distinguished? 80
139.What is communicative competence? 81
140.What is sociolinguistic study of society? 81
141.What is sociolinguistic study of language? 81
Chapter Eight Language in Use 83
142.What are constatives and perfomatives? 83
143.What are locutionary act,illocutionary act and perlocutionary act? 84
144.What are four maxims in the cooperative principle in the theory of conversational implicature by Herbert Paul Grice? 84
145.How can the conversational implicature be generated? 85
146.What are four characteristics of implicature? 86
147.What is the principle of relevance? 87
148.What is ostensive communication? 88
149.What are three definitions of relevance? 88
150.What is presumption of optimal relevance? 89
151.What is Horn's Q-principle? 89
152.What is Horn's R-principle? 90
153.What is the difference between Q-principle and R-principle? 91
154.What is the Q-principle in Stephen Levinson's theory? 91
155.What is the I-principle in Stephen Levinson's theory? 92
156.What is the M-principle in Stephen Levinson's theory? 93
Chapter Nine Language and Literature 95
157.What is foregrounding in literary works? 95
158.What is literal language and what is figurative language? 95
159.What is simile in literature? 96
160.What is metony my in literature? 96
161.What is synecdoche in literature? 97
162.What is end rhyme? 97
163.What is internal rhyme? 97
164.What is alliteration? 97
165.What is assonance? 98
166.What is consonance? 98
167.What is reverse rhyme? 98
168.What is pararhyme? 99
169.What is iambic foot? 99
170.What is trochaic foot? 99
171.What is anapestic foot? 100
172.What is dactylic foot? 100
173.What is couplet? 100
174.What is quatrain? 101
175.What is blank verse? 101
176.What is free indirect speech? 101
177.What is stream of consciousness? 102
Chapter Ten Language and Computer 104
178.What is computational linguistics? 104
179.What is computer literacy? 104
180.What is CALL? 105
181.What is programmed instruction? 105
182.What is LAN? 105
183.What is CD-ROM? 106
184.What is MT? 106
185.What is blog? 106
186.What is chatroom? 106
187.What is corpus? 107
188.What is corpus linguistics? 107
189.What is CMC? 107
190.What is concordance? 108
191.What is the basic difference between CAI and CAL in educational philosophy? 108
192.What are four phases in the course of CALL development? 109
193.What is the relation between MT and human translation? 110
194.What is the difference between blog and chatroom? 110
195.What is Chomsky's criticism and the revival of corpus? 111
196.What is the knowledge-based approach? 112
Chapter Eleven Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching 113
197.What is focus on form? 113
198.What is the input hypothesis? 114
199.What is interlanguage? 114
200.What is the discourse-based view of language teaching? 114
201.What are real-world tasks and pedagogical tasks? 115
202.What are the most important tasks for syllabus designers? 116
203.What is a structural syllabus? 116
204.The structural syllabus is often criticized.Do you think it has some merits as well? 117
205.What are the important features of a task as defined in a task-based syllabus? 118
206.What are non-language outcomes? 119
207.What is Contrastive Analysis? 119
208.What are the difierences between errors and mistakes? 119
209.How does the use of a corpus contribute to language teaching? 120
210.Why should language teachers learn some knowledge of linguistics? 121
211.What is situational syllabus? 122
212.What is auraloral teaching method? 122
213.What is communicative syllabus? 122
214.What is notional-functional syllabus? 123
Chapter Twelve Theories and Schools of Modern Linguistics 124
215.Why is Saussure hailed as the father of modern linguistics? 124
216.What is the Prague School? 125
217.What are the three important points of the Prague School? 126
218.What are the Prague School's most important contributions to modern linguistics? 126
219.What is Functional Sentence Perspective(FSP)? 127
220.What is the tradition of the London School? 127
221.What is Malinowski's idea about the context of situation? 128
222.What is Firth's idea about the context of situation? 128
223.What is Systemic-Functional Grammar? 129
224.How many processes are there in Systemic-Functional Grammar's transitivity and what are they? 129
225.What are three meta-functions in Systemic-Functional Grammar? 130
226.What are Boas and Sapir's contributions to modern linguistics? 131
227.What is the core idea in Bloomfield's theory? 132
228.What are the main ideas proposed by post-Bloomfieldian linguists? 133
229.What is innateness hypothesis? 134
230.What are phrase structure rules and transformational rules? 134
231.How can TG Grammar generate well-formed sentences instead of ill-formed ones? 134
232.What are the main features of TG Grammar? 135
233.How many stages has Chomsky's TG Grammar gone through? 135
234.What is case grammar? 136
235.What is generative semantics mainly about? 136
参考书目 138
Glossary and Index 140
- 《程序逻辑及C语言编程》卢卫中,杨丽芳主编 2019
- 《幼儿园课程资源丛书 幼儿园语言教育资源》周兢编 2015
- 《高等学校“十三五”规划教材 C语言程序设计》翟玉峰责任编辑;(中国)李聪,曾志华,江伟 2019
- 《音乐语言的根基》张艺编著 2019
- 《认知语言学视野的抽象方位结构研究》曹爽著 2019
- 《激活语言思维》李蒨,王宏年,汤青编著 2017
- 《汉语言文学本科专业核心课程研究导引教材 古代汉语》马蓝婕责任编辑;(中国)魏宜辉 2019
- 《英语教师语言意识研究》秦莉,赵春贺著 2019
- 《基于多维视角的英语语言学理论探索与应用》刘曦著 2019
- 《Java语言程序设计教程》胡光 2018
- 《市政工程基础》杨岚编著 2009
- 《家畜百宝 猪、牛、羊、鸡的综合利用》山西省商业厅组织技术处编著 1959
- 《《道德经》200句》崇贤书院编著 2018
- 《高级英语阅读与听说教程》刘秀梅编著 2019
- 《计算机网络与通信基础》谢雨飞,田启川编著 2019
- 《看图自学吉他弹唱教程》陈飞编著 2019
- 《法语词汇认知联想记忆法》刘莲编著 2020
- 《培智学校义务教育实验教科书教师教学用书 生活适应 二年级 上》人民教育出版社,课程教材研究所,特殊教育课程教材研究中心编著 2019
- 《国家社科基金项目申报规范 技巧与案例 第3版 2020》文传浩,夏宇编著 2019
- 《流体力学》张扬军,彭杰,诸葛伟林编著 2019