紫禁城的故事 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:程钦华编著
- 出 版 社:北京:外文出版社
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:711901742X
- 页数:117 页
Foreword 1
Chapter One Brief Introduction to the Forbidden City 3
1.A Sea of Regal Buildings 3
2.The Construction of the Forbidden City 4
3.The Layout of the Forbidden City 4
4.Why Is It Called the Forbidden City? 5
5.Manpower for the Construction 5
6.Sightseeing Routes in the Forbidden City 6
Chapter Two The Main Structures in the Forbidden City 9
1.The Meridian Gate—Main Entrance to the Forbidden City 9
2.Inner Golden Stream—A Splendid Man-Made River 10
3.The Gate of Supreme Harmony—Where the Emperor Discharged His Official Duties 11
4.The Hall of Supreme Harmony—Where Grand Imperial Ceremonies Were Held 12
5.The Hall of Central Harmony—Where the Emperor Rested Before Grand Ceremonies 15
6.The Hall of Preserving Harmony—Where the Highest-Level Civil Service Examination Was Held 16
7.The Gate of Heavenly Purity—Entrance to the Quarters of the Imperial Household 17
8.The Palace of Heavenly Purity—Living Quarters of the Emperor 18
9.The Hall of Celestial and Terrestrial Union 20
10.The Palace of Earthly Tranquility—Nuptial Chamber of the Emperor and Empress 21
11.The Imperial Garden—Leisure Park of the Imperial Household 22
12.The Six Western Palaces—Living Quarters of the Imperial Household 24
13.The Six Eastern Palaces—Treasure Stores of Art 28
14.The Palace of Tranquil Longevity—A Little Forbidden City Within the Forbidden City 30
Chapter Three Insights into the Imperial Lifestyle 36
1.The Emperor's Diet and the Palace Cuisine 36
2.The Emperor's Grand Nuptials 38
3.The Selection of the Palace Harem and Lives of Concubines in the Inner Palace 43
4.How Did an Empress Bathe? 45
5.Where Were the Toilets? 46
6.Where Did the Water Come from 47
7.Keeping Warm and Cool 47
8.The Six Big Fires in the Forbidden City 48
9.Palace Ladies Try to Assassinate the Emperor 50
10.Foreign Artists at the Qing Court 51
11.Foreigner Records the Inauguration of the Imperial Palace 52
12.The Attempted Murder of a Crown Prince 54
13.An Heir-Apparent Raised in Secret 54
14."The Cricket Emperor" 56
15.The Empress Dowager Marries the Emperor's Uncle 56
16.How Emperor Kangxi Removed Aobai 57
17.Mystery of How Yongzheng Became Emperor 58
18.Cixi's Wealth and Her Extravagance in Dining 59
19.Cixi Intercedes for the Empress 61
20.The Empress Dowager's Cruelty 62
21.Friction Between the East Empress Dowager and the West Empress Dowager 63
22.The Tragedy of Concubine Zhen 65
23.Anecdotes of the Last Emperor 66
24.Connotations of the Motifs on the Imperial Robe and the Bufu 67
25.How Many Rooms Are There in the Forbidden City? 70
26.Corner Towers of the Forbidden City 70
27.Stage Plays in the Imperial Palace 71
28.The Bronze Lions of the Forbidden City 72
29.The Bronze Vats for Fire Protection 73
30.What Is the Significance of the Number of the Gate Nails? 73
31.Mosaics in the Imperial Garden 74
Chapter Four The 24 Ming and Qing Emperors Who Lived in the Forbidden City 75
1.Emperor Chengzu—Zhu Di(1360-1424) 75
2.Emperor Renzong—Zhu Gaochi(1378-1425) 78
3.Emperor Xuanzong—Zhu Zhanji(1398-1435) 79
4.Emperor Yingzong—Zhu Qizhen(1427-1464) 80
5.Emperor Daizong—Zhu Qiyu(1428-1457) 82
6.Emperor Xianzong—Zhu Jianshen(1447-1487) 83
7.Emperor Xiaozong—Zhu Youcheng(1470-1505) 84
8.Emperor Wuzong—Zhu Houzhao(1491-1521) 86
9.Emperor Shizong—Zhu Houcong(1507-1566) 88
10.Emperor Muzong—Zhu Zaihou(1537-1572) 90
11.Emperor Shenzong—Zhu Yijun(1563-1620) 91
12.Emperor Guangzong—Zhu Changluo(1585-1620) 92
13.Emperor Xizong—Zhu Youxiao(1605-1627) 93
14.Emperor Sizong—Zhu Youjian(1611-1644) 95
15.Emperor Shizu—Fu Lin(1638-1661) 96
16.Emperor Shengzu—Xuan Ye(1654-1722) 98
17.Emperor Shizong—Yin Zhen(1678-1735) 100
18.Emperor Gaozong—Hong Li(1711-1799) 101
19.Emperor Renzong—Yong Yan(1760-1820) 104
20.Emperor Xuanzong—Min Ning(1 782-1850) 105
21.Emperor Wenzong—Yi Zhu(1831-1861) 108
22.Emperor Muzong—Zai Chun(1856-1875) 110
23.Emperor Dezong—Zai Tian(1871-1908) 111
24.The Last Emperor—Pu Yi(1906-1967) 113
Appendix 116
1.Emperors of the Ming Dynasty 116
2.Emperors of the Qing Dynasty 117
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