- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)摩根,(英)林瓦露利著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787513516860
- 页数:120 页
To the teacher 1
Section 1 Telling a story 5
Section 2 Stories and follow-ups 13
2.1 Revenge questions 13
2.2 Theme pictures 18
2.3 For beginners 20
2.4 Taking roles 23
2.5 Theme words 25
2.6 Discussion 27
2.7 Shapes and characters 29
2.8 Completion 31
2.9 Story to poem 32
2.10 In new clothes 35
2.11 Birth order 36
2.12 Problem stories 37
2.13 A serial story 38
2.14 Story to picture 40
Section 3 Retelling 41
3.1 Parallel stories 41
3.2 Story-making and retelling 47
3.3 Fairy stories in the news 48
3.4 In old clothes 52
Section 4 Before I begin 54
4.1 Grammar practice 54
4.2 Theme sentences 57
4.3 A picture starter 59
4.4 Picture rose 60
Section 5 Co-operative telling 63
5.1 In the language lab 63
5.2 Group story 65
5.3 Dictation 66
5.4 Scene to story 69
5.5 A story from four words 72
5.6 Three item stories 73
5.7 Random story 74
5.8 Picture composition 75
5.9 Dictogloss 77
Section 6 Students' stories 79
6.1 Mumble,listen,tell 79
6.2 Comprehension questions 80
6.3 Spoof stories 80
6.4 Story of the film 82
6.5 Love stories 82
6.6 From beginnings 83
6.7 ...to endings 85
6.8 Objects tell stories 86
6.9 Doodlestrips 87
6.10 Triple stories 88
Section 7 From the past 90
7.1 Photos 90
7.2 Yesterday 92
7.3 Time-travel mirror 92
7.4 It happened to me 93
7.5 Fire stories 94
7.6 Hiding things 95
7.7 Heroes and heroines 95
7.8 Stories from iobs 96
7.9 Shame 97
Section 8 Vanishing stories 98
Section 9 Revision 102
9.1 A story you really liked 102
9.2 Music 103
9.3 Doodlestrip review 104
Section 10 Story pool 105
Notes and suggestions 117
Postscript 119
Acknowledgements 120
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