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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:高亚芳,秦斌峰,种媛,陈锴娴编著;王艳林翻译
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国旅游出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787503234354
  • 页数:294 页

Gansu Province in Brief 1

100-li Scenic Zone along the Yellow River 4

The Statue of the Chinese Mother River 7

The First Famous Mountain of Taoism in the World——Kongtong Mountain 9

White Pagoda Park 16

The Lutusi Government Office 20

The Nanguo Temple 23

Maiii Mountain Grottoes 29

Fuxi Temple 34

The Thunder Platform Scenic Spot 40

The Confucius Temple 43

Heaven Ladder Mountain Grottoes 47

Mogao Grottoes 49

The Yadan Landform—The Devil City 54

The Jade Pass 58

Linxia People's Red Park and South Pass Mosque 62

The Museum of the Ancient Animals' Fossils in Hezheng 65

The Scenic Spot of the Three Gorges of the Yellow River 67

Anduo Town and Sangke Prairie in Xiahe 71

Labrang Monastery 73

Jiayuguan Pass Scenic Area 76

Mati Temple in Sunan 78

Wangmugong Mountain in Pingliang 80

Guiqingshan National Forest Park 83

The Folk and Customs of Muslim and“Hua'r”in Linxia 85

A Nationality among Wild Flowers-Yugu Nationality 88

Bo'an Nationality—a Special Minority Group in Gansu Province 91

Hospitable Dongxiang Nationality 93

Longyuan Products and Things 94

Cuisine Culture of Longxi Region 99

Step into the Garden of the Loess Plateau Folk Culture——Pingliang and Qingyang 101

Wanxiang Cave 108

Heaven Lake Pond at Wenxian County 111

Songs on East Narrow Precipice 113

Du Fu Hut 117

Qi Mountain Fortress 119

Yellow River Stone Forest at Jingtai 121

North Grottoes and South Grottoes 123

A Tour to Guazhou 127

The City of Suoyang 132

One-day tour at Yuzhong County 135

Giant Buddha Temple 139

Yangguan Pass 142

A Tour to Gaotai County 144

Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in Brief 149

Yulin Grottoes 156

Mural Tombs of the Wei-Jin Period 158

Bingling Thousand Buddha Caves 160

Mingsha Mountains and Yueya Spring 162

A combination of natural beauty and Buddhist culture—a visit to the Five-Spring Park 165

Lintan Yeli Guan Scenic Area 168

Guan'e Gully Scenic Area 170

Red Tour in Gansu Province 171

甘肃概况 176

百里黄河风情线 177

黄河母亲雕像 179

天下道教第一山——崆峒山 180

白塔山 183

鲁土司衙门 185

南郭寺 187

麦积山石窟 190

伏羲庙 193

雷台旅游区 196

武威文庙 198

天梯山石窟 200

莫高窟 201

雅丹地貌——魔鬼城 204

玉门关 206

临夏人民红园和南关清真大寺 208

和政古化石博物馆 209

黄河三峡风景名胜游 210

夏河安多藏区和桑科草原 213

拉卜楞寺 214

嘉峪关景区 217

肃南马蹄寺 218

平凉王母宫山 219

贵清山国家森林公园 220

临夏穆斯林风情与临夏花儿 221

生活在山野烂漫处的裕固族 223

甘肃特有的保安族 226

热情好客的东乡族 229

陇原物华 风物流韵 230

陇西饮食文化 234

走进陇东黄土高原风情大观园——平凉、庆阳 235

万象洞 240

文县天池 242

《西狭颂》摩崖 244

杜甫草堂 247

祁山堡 250

景泰黄河石林 252

南北石窟寺 254

瓜州精品游 256

锁阳城 261

榆中一日游 264

张掖大佛寺 267

阳关 268

高台风光之旅 269

酒泉卫星发射基地 274

榆林窟 278

新城魏晋壁画墓 279

炳灵千佛洞 280

鸣沙山和月牙泉 281

自然景观与佛教文化的结合——五泉山游览 282

临潭冶力关风景区 284

宕昌官鹅沟——陇上“小九寨沟” 285

甘肃红色之旅 286

后记 292

参考文献 293
