- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:田启林著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国社会科学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:7516181867
- 页数:308 页
Chapter One General Introduction 1
1.1 Definition of external possession constructions 1
1.2 Research questions 6
1.3 Our proposal:the movement approach to external possession 6
1.4 Feasibility of our proposal 9
1.4.1 Preliminaries 9
1.4.2 The feasibility 12
1.5 Organization 13
Chapter Two Theoretical Framework 14
2.1 MP and its two implementations 14
2.1.1 Phase Theory 15
2.1.2 The Movement Theory of Construal 16
2.2 Our proposal for DP structure 17
2.2.1 The functional heads in DP 17
2.2.2 The structure of Chinese nominal phrases 24
2.2.3 Summing up 31
2.3 Inherent Case checking hypothesis 32
2.3.1 Case Theory:an overview 32
2.3.2 Our assumption about Case checking 37
2.4 Case feature on Chinese possessors 49
2.4.1 The abstract Case feature in Chinese 49
2.4.2 Case feature on the possessor 51
2.5 Inherent Case checking 59
2.6 Summary 63
Chapter Three The External Possessor in Object Positions 65
3.0 Introduction 65
3.1 The properties of PDOCs 67
3.2 Our account of PDOCs 67
3.2.1 The movement approach to PDOCs 67
3.2.2 The account of the syntactic behavior of PDOCs 79
3.2.3 The account of cross-linguistic data 120
3.3 The infeasibility of alternative accounts 124
3.4 Summary 127
Chapter Four The External Possessors in Subject Positions 129
4.0 Introduction 129
4.1 A study of PSPOCs 130
4.1.1 The function of the possessor as a subject 131
4.1.2 The properties of the PSPOCs 134
4.1.3 Our account of PSPOCs 134
4.1.4 The infeasibility of alternative accounts of PSPOCs 170
4.1.5 Summing up 174
4.2 A study of DNCs 174
4.2.1 The functions of the external possessor in DNCs 175
4.2.2 The properties of DNCs 178
4.2.3 Our account of DNCs 178
4.2.4 The infeasibility of alternative accounts of DNCs 199
4.2.5 Summing up 202
4.3 Summary 202
Chapter Five The External Possessor in the Topic Position 204
5.0 Introduction 204
5.1 Sub-extraction of a possessor from a non-phase 205
5.1.1 The function of the external possessor 206
5.1.2 Our account of these types of EPCs 208
5.1.3 Summing up 226
5.2 Sub-extraction of a possessor from the edge position of a phase 226
5.2.1 A puzzling phenomenon 227
5.2.2 Our account 228
5.2.3 The infeasibility of alternative analyses of PDNCs 243
5.2.4 Summing up 246
5.3 Sub-extraction of a possessor from VP-Comp 246
5.3.1 Some puzzling phenomena 246
5.3.2 Our account 248
5.3.3 The infeasibility of alternative analyses of this type of EPCs 268
5.3.4 Summing up 271
5.4 Discussion about the constraint on possessor movement—the LBC 271
5.4.1 The status of the LBC 272
5.4.2 Our assumption about the LBC 273
5.4.3 LBE of a possessor in Chinese 277
5.4.4 Summing up 279
5.5 Summary 279
Chapter Six Conclusions 281
6.1 Summary of the present study 281
6.2 Major contributions 281
6.3 Limitations 282
References 284
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