- 电子书积分:25 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(英)威廉·梅克皮斯·萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackeray)著
- 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆
- 出版年份:1996
- ISBN:7100011914
- 页数:992 页
1.Chiswick Mall 1
2.In which Miss Sharp and Miss Sedley prepare to open the Campaign 10
3.Rebecca is in Presence of the Enemy 22
4.The Green Silk Purse 32
5.Dobbin of Ours 50
6.Vauxhall 64
7.Crawley of Queen's Crawley 81
8.Private and Confidential 92
9.Family Portraits 103
10.Miss Sharp begins to make Friends 113
11.Arcadian Simplicity 121
12.Quite a Sentimental Chapter 140
13.Sentimental and Otherwise 152
14.Miss Crawley at Home 168
15.In which Rebecca's Husband Appears for a Short Time 194
16.The Letter on the Pincushion 206
17.How Captain Dobbin bought a Piano 218
18.Who played on the Piano Captain Dobbin bought? 229
19.Miss Crawley at Nurse 246
20.In which Captain Dobbin acts as the Messenger of Hymen 261
21.A Quarrel about an Heiress 274
22.A Marriage and Part of a Honeymoon 287
23.Captain Dobbin proceeds on his Canvass 300
24.In which Mr Osborne takes down the Family Bible 308
25.In which all the Principal Personages think fit to leave Brighton 327
26.Between London and Chatham 355
27.In which Amelia joins Her Regiment 366
28.In which Amelia invades the Low Countries 375
29.Brussels 388
30.The Girl I left behind Me' 406
31.In which Jos Sedley takes Care of his Sister 420
32.In which Jos takes Flight,and the War is brought to a Close 436
33.In which Miss Crawley's Relations are very anxious about Her 459
34.James Crawley's Pipe is put out 474
35.Widow and Mother 497
36.How to live weil on Nothing a Year 512
37.The Subject continued 524
38.A Family in a very Small Way 545
39.A Cynical Chapter 564
40.In which Becky is recognized by the Family 577
41.In which Becky revisits the Halls of Her Ancestors 589
42.Which treats of the Osborne Family 605
43.In which the Reader has to double the Cape 616
44.A Roundabout Chapter between London and Hampshire 629
45.Between Hampshire and London 643
46.Struggles and Trials 655
47.Gaunt House 667
48.In which the Reader is introduced to the very best of Company 678
49.In which we enjoy three Courses and a Dessert 694
50.Contains a Vulgar Incident 704
51.In which a Charade is acted which may or may not Puzzle the Reader 717
52.In which Lord Steyne shows himself in a most amiable Light 742
53.A Rescue and a Catastrophe 756
54.Sunday after the Battle 768
55.In which the same Subject is pursued 780
56.Georgy is made a Gentleman 800
57.Eothen 817
58.Our Friend the Major 828
59.The old Piano 843
60.Returns to the Genteel World 858
61.In which two Lights are put out 866
62.Am Rhein 884
63.In which We meet an old Acquaintance 899
64.A Vagabond Chapter 915
65.Full of Business and Pleasure 937
66.Amantium Ir? 948
67.Which contains Births,Marriages,and Deaths 968
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