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国际化背景下知识产权的刑事法保护  第三届“当代刑法国际论坛”论文集
国际化背景下知识产权的刑事法保护  第三届“当代刑法国际论坛”论文集

国际化背景下知识产权的刑事法保护 第三届“当代刑法国际论坛”论文集PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:赵秉志主编;卢建平,刘志伟副主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国人民公安大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2011
  • ISBN:7565304583
  • 页数:519 页
《国际化背景下知识产权的刑事法保护 第三届“当代刑法国际论坛”论文集》目录

第一编 知识产权刑事法保护的理念与刑事政策 3

知识产权刑法保护的基本理念&吴宗宪 3

The Fundamental Ideals of the Criminal Protection of Intellectual Property&Wu Zongxian translated by Lin Shaobo 10

论知识产权刑法保护的适度性&王志祥 何恒攀 20

On the Moderation of the Criminal Protection of the Intellectual Property Rights&Wang Zhixiang&He Hengpan translated by Yuan Hongshan 32

徘徊在行政执法与刑事司法之间——实体法规范视野下的中国知识产权强制保护现象反思&张心向 47

Wandering into Administrative Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice:Reflection on Mandatory Protection on China Intellectual Property Rights under the Perspective of Substantive Laws&Zhang Xinxiang 61

多重博弈下的知识产权犯罪刑事政策——兼论我国知识产权犯罪刑事政策的完善&郭理蓉 74

Criminal Policy of Intellectual Property Crimes in the Context of Games:Discussing the Improvement of China's Criminal Policy of IP Crime&Guo Lirong translated by Jiao Yang 80

第二编 各国关于知识产权的刑事法保护 91

刑法对知识产权的保护&[德]舒奈曼 鲁力 白飞 王勇群 译 91

Protection of Intellectual Property Through Criminal Law&Bernd Schünemann 103

国际化背景下知识产权的刑事法保护——德国的视野&[德]康斯坦丁·瑞哈格 鲁力 译 117

The Protection of Intellectual Property by Criminal Law in the Context of Globalisation:A German View&Constantin Rehaag 132

俄罗斯关于保护知识产权的刑事法律政策的特点&[俄]亚历山大·科罗别耶夫 张江莉 译 154

The Characteristics of Criminal Policy on Protection of Intellectual Property in Russia&Alexandr I.Korobeev translated by Sun Daocui 160

俄罗斯知识产权的刑法保护&[俄]巴尼娅托夫斯卡亚·Т.Γ. 拉罗格·阿列克谢伊·伊万诺维奇 庞冬梅译 167

The Criminal Protection of Intellectual Property in Russia&Baniatov Sikaya т.г.&Alexej I.Rarog translated by Liu Haitao 171

俄罗斯刑法打击侵犯知识产权罪的历史、机制和前景&[俄]格纳季·叶萨科夫 庞冬梅 译 177

The History,Mechanism and Prospect of Russian Criminal Law in Combating the Crime of Infringing on Intellectual Property Rights&Gennady A.Esakov translated by Chen Chao 185

当今俄罗斯知识产权的刑法保护问题现状&[俄]Л.И.罗曼诺娃 袁慧 唐薇 译 195

The Contemporary Criminal Protection of Intellectual Property in Russia&Larisa I.Romanova translated by Li Wanyi 199

希腊知识产权的刑法保护——犯罪学家的视角&[希腊]玛丽亚·阿希姆安德里特 林少波 译 204

Penal Protection of Intellectual Property in Greece:A Criminologist's Point of View&Maria Archimandritou 209

希腊知识产权的刑法保护&[希腊]克瑞斯托斯·麦罗纳波斯 王勇群 译 216

Criminal Protection of the Intellectual Property in Greece&Christos Mylonopoulos 222

从环保角度来看非法使用商标的刑事责任&[俄]O.杜巴维克 袁慧 译 229

Criminal Liability for Unlawful Use of Trademark in the View of Environmental Problematic&Olga L.Dubovik 232

著作权和邻接权的刑法保护:成就与问题&[俄]阿尔弗雷德·E.扎林斯基 鲁力 译 236

Criminal Law Protection of Copyright and Related Rights:Accomplishments and Problems&Alfred E.Zhalinsky 240

关于韩国产业技术不正当泄露处罚规定的问题点及对策&[韩]李廷元 245

The Issue and Solution on the Penal about the Improper Disclose of the Business Technology in Korea&Jeong-Weon Lee translated by Ying Caiyun&Wang Huifen 257

第三编 中国关于知识产权的刑事法保护 275

TRIPS协定与我国侵犯知识产权行为的犯罪化&夏勇 275

TRIPS Agreement and Criminalization of Intellectual Property Infringements in China&Xia Yong translated by Sun Daocui 285

中国惩治知识产权犯罪的现状、路径及其展望&徐岱 王军明 298

Fighting against Crimes of Infringing on Intellectual Property Right:Current Situation,Paths and Prospect&Xu Dai&Wang Junming translated by Gu Fangqing 310

试析中国侵犯知识产权犯罪的原因及立法对策&张远煌 327

Try to Analyse the Reason and Legislative Countermeasures of the Intellectual Property Crime in China&Zhang Yuanhuang translated by Guo Wei 336

中国大陆知识产权刑法保护立法模式选择&李希慧 黄洪波 348

The Selection of Legislative Model of Intellectual Property Crimes in China&Li Xihui&Huang Hongbo translated by Liu Yufeng 357

假冒注册商标罪中“相同商标”的认定标准探讨——基于个案的分析&卢建平 368

The Standard of Identifying"Identical Trademark"in Prosecuting Crime of Counterfeiting Registered Trademarks:Based on Case Analysis&Lu Jianping translated by Lin Shaobo 375

香港打击侵犯版权罪行的法律依据&何仕景 384

The Source of Legal Authority in Combating Copyrights Piracy in Hong Kong&He Shijing translated by Wang Jingsi 390

侵犯著作权犯罪立法完善的障碍&左坚卫 399

Obstacles to the Legislation Development on Crimes against Copyright&Zuo Jianwei translated by Lin Shaobo 407

中国侵犯商业秘密罪立法完善研究&赵秉志 刘志伟 刘科 418

A Study of the Legislative Perfection on the Crime of Infringing on Business Secrets in China&Zhao Bingzhi,Liu Zhiwei&Liu Ke translated by Lin Shaobo 429

计算机软件及其相关权益的刑法保护&张智辉 445

The Protection of Criminal Law for the Rights and Interests of Computer Software&Zhang Zhihui translated by Jia Lin 450

论网络知识产权犯罪对传统刑法的影响&阴建峰 457

The Impact of Network Crime of Intellectual Property on the Traditional Criminal Law&Yin Jianfeng translated by Sun Daocui&Wang Jun 467

关于增设学术诈骗罪的建言&[加]杨诚 480

A Proposal for Adding the Crime of Academic Froud&Yang Cheng translated by Guo Wei 490

试论我国版权保护的刑法机制问题&郜尔非 鲁力 503

Issues on Basic Criminal Law Mechanism of Copyright Protection&Gao Erfei&Lu Li 510
