- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)提莫志克,(美)根茨勒著;王东风译
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7560069302
- 页数:244 页
Translation and the Establishment of Liberal Democracy in Nineteenth-Century England:Constructing the Political as an Interpretive Act&ALEXANDRA LIANERI 1
The Translation of the Treaty of Waitangi:A Case of Disempowerment&SABINE FENTON AND PAUL MOON 25
The Empire Talks Back:Orality,Heteronomy,and the Cultural Turn in Interpretation Studies&MICHAEL CRONIN 45
Writing,Interpreting,and the Power Struggle for the Control of Meaning:Scenes from Kafka,Borges,and Kosztolányi&ROSEMARY ARROJO 63
Translation as Testimony:On Official Histories and Subversive Pedagogies in Cortázar&ADRIANA S.PAGANO 80
Translating Woman:Victoria Ocampo and the Empires of Foreign Fascination&CHRISTOPHER LARKOSH 99
Germaine de Sta?l and Gayatri Spivak:Culture Brokers&SHERRY SIMON 122
Spanish Film Translation and Cultural Patronage:The Filtering and Manipulation of Imported Material during Franco's Dictatorship&CAMINO GUTI?RREZ LANZA 141
Translation as a Catalyst for Social Change in China&LIN KENAN 160
Translation,Dépaysement,and Their Figuration&CAROL MAIER 184
Translation,Poststructuralism,and Power&EDWIN GENTZLER 195
Bibliography 219
Contributors 236
Index 239
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