词义的语言 词义理论的跨学科讨论PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:FedericaBusa著
- 出 版 社:北京市:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787301171578
- 页数:387 页
Part Ⅰ Linguistic Creativity and the Lexicon 3
1 Introduction&Federica Busa and Pierrette Bouillon 3
2 Chomsky on the Creative Aspect of Language Use and Its Implications for Lexical Semantic Studies&James McGilvray 5
3 The Emptiness of the Lexicon:Critical Reflections on J. Pustejovsky's"The Generative Lexicon"&Jerry A. Fodor and Ernie Lepore 28
4 Generativity and Explanation in Semantics:A Reply to Fodor and Lepore&James Pustejovsky 51
5 The"Fodor"-FODOR Fallacy Bites Back&Yorick Wilks 75
Part Ⅱ The Syntax of Word Meaning 89
6 Introduction&Federica Busa and Pierrette Bouillon 89
7 Type Construction and the Logic of Concepts&James Pustejovsky 91
8 Underspecification,Context Selection,and Generativity&Jacques Jayez 124
9 Qualia and the Structuring of Verb Meaning&Pierrette Bouillon and Federica Busa 149
10 Sense Variation and Lexical Semantics:Generative Operations&Patrick Saint-Dizier 168
11 Individuation by Partitive Constructions in Spanish&Salvador Climent 192
12 Event Coreference in Causal Diseourses&Laurence Danlos 216
Part Ⅲ Interfacing the Lexicon 245
13 Introduction&Federica Busa and Pierrette Bouillon 245
14 Metaphor,Creative Understanding,and the Generative Lexicon&Julius M.Moravcsik 247
15 Metaphor in Discourse&Nicholas Asher and Alex Lascarides 262
16 Syntax and Metonymy&Jerry Hobbs 290
17 Generative Lexicon Meets Corpus Data:The Case of Nonstandard Word Uses&Adam Kilgarriff 312
Part Ⅳ Building Resources 331
18 Introduction&Federica Busa and Pierrette Bouillon 331
19 Generative Lexicon and the SIMPLE Model:Developing Semantic Resources for NLP&Federica Busa,Nicoletta Calzolari,and Alessandro Lenci 333
20 Lexicography Informs Lexical Semantics:The SIMPLE Experience&Nilda Ruimy,Elisabetta Gola,and Monica Monachini 350
21 Condensed Meaning in Euro Word Net&Piek Vossen 363
Index 385
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