

- 电子书积分:23 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:魏江春主编
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787030471840
- 页数:880 页
第一篇 地衣学概论 3
第一章 地衣形态学 3
第二章 地衣共生藻及蓝细菌 26
第三章 地衣共生 33
第四章 生态学 39
第五章 地衣与大气污染 47
第六章 地衣共生生理学 58
第七章 地衣化学 68
第八章 地衣化学成分微量综合检验法 81
第九章 地衣分类学与系统学 92
第二篇 地衣物种多样性及系统演化与资源生物学 105
第一章 地衣区系与资源 105
Лихенофлора северо-восточной части Карелъского Перешейка(Ленинградская Областъ) 106
珠穆朗玛峰地区地衣区系资料 114
A biogeographical analysis of the lichen flora of Mt.Qomolangma region in Xizang 124
Some foliicolous lichens in Xishuangbanna, China 129
Some disjunctions and vicariisms in the Umbilicariaceae (Ascomycotina) 145
腾格里沙漠沙坡头地区地衣物种多样性研究 152
海南地衣多样性考察及其资源研发前景 161
第二章 专科属研究 176
中国黄梅属地衣的初步订正 177
中国脐鳞属地衣的初步研究 184
中国石蕊科地衣研究之一——筛蕊属的订正研究 192
Studies on lichen family cladoniaceae in China Ⅱ.the lichen genus Cladina Nyl 197
Notes on lichen genus Lobaria in China 206
Notes on isidiate species of Hypogymnia in Asia 220
A conspectus of the lichenized Ascomycetes Umbilicariaceae in China 228
The status of the genus Llanoa Dodge and the delimitation of the genera in the Umbilicariaceae(Ascomycotina) 259
中国條衣属的初步研究 273
Variations in ITS2 sequences of nuclear rDNA from two Lasallia species and their systematic significance 282
石耳科rDNA多型性分析及其系统学意义 287
Aнализ систематики и географии лиШайников Сем.Umbilicariaceae Восточной Aзии 291
Taxonomic revision of six taxa in the lichen genus collema from China 373
The systematic position of Gymnoderma and Cetradonia based on ssu rDNA sequences 383
A study of the pruinose species of Hypogymnia (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota)from China 393
第三章 新分类群 404
疱臍衣属的一新亚属 405
西藏梅衣科地衣新种 415
中国疱脐衣属的新种与新资料 418
西藏地衣的新类群与新资料 427
A new isidiate species of Hypogymnia in China 433
袋衣属一新种 435
Some species new to science and distribution in Umbilicariaceae (Ascomycota) 438
A new species of Everniastrum containing diffractaic acid 454
A new species of Umbilicaria (Ascomycota) 458
Two new taxa of the lichen genus Collema from China 464
Cetradonia, a new genus in the new family Cetradoniaceae (Lecanorales, Ascomycota) 467
Three new taxa of Stereocaulon from China 480
Two new species of Hypogymnia (Lecanorales, Ascomycota) with pruinose lobe tips from China 484
A new genus and species Rhizoplacopsis weichingii in a new family Rhizoplacopsidaceae (Ascomycota) 488
A new order Umbilicariales J.C.Wei&Q.M.Zhou (Ascomycota) 498
Graphis fujianensis, a new species of Graphidaceae from China 504
A new species of Melanelixia (Parmeliaceae)from China 507
The new lichen species Endocarpon crystallinum from semiarid deserts in China 511
A new isidiate species of Graphis (lichenised Ascomycotina) from China 515
A new species, Thalloloma microsporum(Graphidaceae, Ostropales, Ascomycota) 518
A new subspecies of Gyalidea asteriscus from China 521
Caloplaca tianshanensis (lichen-forming Ascomycota),a new species of subgenus Pyrenodesmia from China 526
Phyllobaeis crustacea sp.nov.from China 532
Allocetraria capitata sp.nov.(Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota)from China 538
第四章 中国新纪录 542
Studies on the lichen family Cladoniaceae in China Ⅲ a new genus to China: Thysanothecium 543
Studies on the lichen family Cladoniaceae in China Ⅳ species of Cladonia new to China (Ascomycota) 548
A lichen genus Brodoa, new to China in Parmeliaceae 555
The lichen genus Pseudevernia Zopf in China 558
A lichen genus Varicellaria Nyl.from China 561
Overlooked taxa of Stereocaulon(Stereocaulaceae, Lecanorales) in China 564
Some species of Graphidaceae (Ostropales, Ascomycota) rare and new to China 575
Graphis fujianensis, a new species of Graphidaceae from China 589
A new species of Melanelixia (Parmeliaceae) from China 592
A phylogenetic analysis of Melanelia tominii and four new records of brown parmelioid lichens from China 596
A brief overview of and key to species of Collema from China 607
第五章 系统演化生物学 628
地衣的物种概念与进化论 629
粗皮松萝群体分化性状的研究 631
真菌共祖起源的分子证据 640
Ascomycota has a faster evolutionary rate and higher species diversity than Basidiomycota 647
第六章 命名法 662
The lectotypification of some species in the Umbilicariaceae described by Linnaeus or Hoffmann 663
第七章 地衣化学 680
Chemical revision of Hypogymnia hengduanensis 681
第三篇 荒漠地衣生理生态学 685
沙漠生物地毯工程——干旱沙漠治理的新途径 685
Survival analyses of symbionts isolated from Endocarpon pusillum Hedwig to desiccation and starvation stress 687
Estimation of Endocarpon pusillum Hedwig carbon budget in the Tengger Desert based on its photosynthetic rate 697
荒漠地衣结皮固沙研究进展 705
Desert lichens in Shapotou region of Tengger Desert and bio-carpet engineering 715
三种荒漠地衣共生菌藻的耐热性研究 726
第四篇 地衣型真菌基因组学 737
Construction and characterization of a full-length cDNA library om mycobiont of Endocarpon pusillum(lichen-forming Ascomycota) 737
Genome characteristics reveal the impact of lichenization on lichen-forming fungus Endocarpon pusillum Hedwig (Verrucariales, Ascomycota) 749
Comparative transcriptome analysis of the lichen-forming fungus Endocarpon pusillum elucidates its drought adaptation mechanisms 767
第五篇 部分药用真菌 781
第一章 地衣内生菌 781
Ambuic acid and torreyanic acid derivatives from the endolichenic fungus Pestalotiopsis sp 782
第二章 冬虫夏草 788
冬虫夏草及其相关类群的分子系统学分析 789
现代工业化培植的冬虫夏草物种鉴定与成分检测 800
第三章 斜纤孔菌 807
野生桦褐孔菌及其深层发酵产物的弱极性成分研究 808
Aminophenols and mold-water-extracts affect the accumulation of flavonoids and their antioxidant activi in cultured mycelia of Inonotus obliquus 811
Involvements of S-nitrosylation and denitrosylation in the production of polyphenols by Inonotus obliquus 824
第六篇 真菌学科发展 837
Introducing the MYCOSYSTEMA 837
Current progress of systematics of lichenized fungi 840
面向21世纪的菌物学 847
缅怀著名海洋藻类学家曾呈奎院士 851
新种发现的科学与实践意义 853
试论我国真菌学科的布局与发展 854
菌物生物多样性与人类可持续发展 858
《菌物学报》三十年回眸与展望 864
On biodiversity of fungi and its systematic biology with three storage and retrieval systems—Celebrate the 88th anniversary of the distinguished mycologist Prof.Korf’s birth 868
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