教师知识与课程话语 a critical discourse study of languag teachingPDF电子书下载
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- 作 者:吴宗杰著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7560051294
- 页数:464 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Critical Realism and Research Methodology 19
Bhaskar's critical realism 19
Stratified ontological domains of teachers' reality 22
Capturing teachers' sense experiences 27
Exploring events to understand communal knowledge 38
Explaining teachers' knowledge critically by reference to social mechanisms 46
Dialectics of research discourse 54
Chapter 3 Knowing through Narrative:Stories of the Curriculum Change 59
Narrative,curriculum and teachers' knowledge 59
The site 64
"Teach in the way I don't like" 68
An Incidental Gain 70
"I was like eating a sugar cane,one bite a time." 77
At Haifen's home 84
Dwellings at the students' dormitory 88
The teachers' meeting 92
"Forrest Gump",chatting about philosophy of education 96
Classroom talk as language "games" 103
"Oh Heaven!":Corrine and Zelda's stories 120
What's going on now 128
Discussion:self understanding through narrative 130
Chapter 4 Walking Through the Development Zone:Curriculum as an Activity System 135
Overview of the curriculum system in shifting 139
Paradox of the given and the emerging:the object 146
Paradox of instruments 149
Teachers' knowing from the contradictions on an emerging instrument 151
The trajectory of curriculum change 158
Springboard and breakthrough 160
Reconstructing the meaning of the object 164
Reification of understanding 173
The community of practice 178
Trajectory of self 185
Division of labour and institutional rules 190
Discursive rules 194
The trajectory of an artefact 196
Summary and discussion 200
Chapter 5 Rationality of the Curriculum Macrogenre 213
Communal knowledge and its language 214
Rationality of genre 218
Textual analysis of pedagogic discourses 227
Curriculum macrogenre and its institutional structure 227
Curriculum Initiation:analysis of dormitory talk 232
Rationality of "presentation" genre 250
Genre mixing and recontextualization of discourses 263
Conclusion and discussion 280
Chapter 6 Redrawing the Boundaries of Teachers' Professional Discourse 291
Text as activity:three perspectives 292
A framework of analyzing text as an activity system 297
Analyzing discourse of Quality Education 317
Instruments:the deployment of arguments 319
Subject:who is the "speaker" 324
Object:Who is the "listener" 325
Rules:framing and generic chaining 327
Community and its social language 330
Division of labour 331
Discourse of "Quality Education" 332
Framing teachers' knowing:the analysis of staff meetings 336
The institutional staff meeting 338
The teacher initiated meeting 348
Textual organisation of the meeting position 349
Generic properties of the meeting 353
Discursive authenticity and teachers' knowing 359
Intertexuality between the NEWC speech and the staff meetings 365
Chapter 7 Being,Understanding and Naming:Life and Work in Harmony 373
Life and work 376
Lifeworld and knowing 380
Understanding and language 389
Working for understanding 404
Critique of research 409
Acting with no actions 414
Talking authentically 416
Dwellings in marginal practices 418
Epilogue East Meets West:On the Way to Language 423
References 431
Author Index 453
Subject Index 457
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