听故事记单词 四级PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:金利主编
- 出 版 社:世界图书北京出版公司
- 出版年份:2010
- ISBN:9787506275354
- 页数:293 页
Today Is the Best Day 1
First Woman Doctor in the World 4
The Nail 7
Common Sense 10
Terrible West Hill Farm 14
The Ant and the Dove 16
Why Did He Always Win? 18
When I Graduated 21
Do It Today 26
The Man of Principle 29
IF and WHEN 32
The Thief and the Innkeeper 36
The Blind Beggar 40
Who Packed Your Parachute? 42
The Trees and the Axe 46
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse 48
The Bat and the Birds 51
Salt Water 54
To Make Rainbows You Need 55
The Email 58
Big Man in a Small Town 60
Each Day Is a Gift 63
The Fox and the Geese 68
Love,Wealth or Success? 70
The Soldier 73
The Carpenter 77
The Wise Woman's Stone 80
The Dog and the Wolf 82
Fear 84
Filling a Sieve with Water 87
One Stormy Night 89
The Three Pots 92
Only One Instance 95
Adjusting Sails 97
The Pirate's Mistake 100
Low Prices Tactic 102
Bobby Turns Brave 105
The Two Princesses 108
The Missing Sweetmeat 111
King and the Three Sons 113
The Kindhearted Villager 115
The Lost Ball 118
Commitment 121
Overcoming Other People's Opinion 125
Gossip Wolf and the Fox 129
The Magical Tree 133
Sometimes and Always 136
Leaving One's Comfort Zone 139
How Valuable Are You? 142
Little Friend 145
Arithmetic Lesson 147
The Fox and the Goat 150
What Goes Around,Comes Around 153
The Demon's Share 156
The Water-Nix 158
The Wolf and the Man 161
Growing into a Pearl 163
Our Lives in Money 166
Two Brothers 168
A Little Bit Every Day 172
The Blind Man 175
The Man Who Became Rich Through a Dream 177
Monica and Tammy 180
Socks and Shoes 183
Life Sentence 185
The Jewel 187
Wisdom of Life 189
Sticking Together 193
Always Ask the Turtle 195
Footprints 198
The Finish Line 200
Saint and Sinner 202
The Origin of the Wrekin 205
The Three Wishes 208
The Rich Man 210
A Little Bit of Kindness 213
Life and Things There Of 216
Life Is the Coffee 218
My Grandfather's Collection 221
Echoes of Kind Words 223
The Trouble Tree 226
Christmas Shoes 228
Count Your Blessings 231
The Fox and the Cat 234
An Obstacle in Our Path 236
A Quick Ride Home 238
Mixed Blessings 241
The Mouse Trap 244
The Greeting Card That Woke Me Up 247
An Inspirational Person 251
Keep Your Eye on the Ball 254
Childhood Doesn't Wait 257
Homeless Man 259
The Bridge Builder 262
Raising My Sights 264
The Handwriting on the Wall 267
The Parrot's Advice 270
The Duck 273
Why Mothers Cry 275
Look Beyond the Packaging 278
Cycle of Evil 281
Don't Take the Girl 283
The Old Man and His Grandson 286
Holes 288
Wish List 290
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