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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:交通运输部公路科学院编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民交通出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787114086205
  • 页数:260 页

发展历程篇 3

第一章 新中国成立以来道路交通安全发展历程 3

一、我国道路交通安全发展历程 3

二、应对交通安全问题采取的措施 15

第二章 道路交通安全形势 44

一、全球道路安全形势 44

二、发达国家交通安全发展历程 48

三、我国道路交通安全形势 55

第三章 我国道路交通安全面临的挑战与机遇 56

一、我国道路交通安全面临的挑战 56

二、我国道路交通安全面临的机遇 62

第四章 2009年道路交通安全形势 66

一、2009年道路交通安全总体情况 66

二、2009年道路交通事故主要特点 66

三、道路交通事故预防工作面临的挑战 68

现状热点篇 71

第五章 2009年道路环境安全形势 71

一、2009年道路环境安全形势 71

二、2009年道路环境安全特点分析 74

三、2009年道路环境安全致因分析 82

第六章 道路交通安全热点 85

一、酒驾之祸 85

二、兰州老人砸车事件 94

三、电动自行车“机非”之争 96

四、同命同价获立法明确 98

五、高速公路网命名编号 101

六、公路堵车 113

七、我国成为第一汽车生产大国 117

八、北京机动车保有量超400万 120

措施研究篇 127

第七章 2009年交通安全行动 127

一、出台的法规、规章和意见 127

二、部委行动 135

三、专项整治 154

四、其他相关活动 162

第八章 科技改善安全 169

一、国内外相关会议 169

二、国家道路安全科技行动计划 173

三、交通安全专著 174

四、标准规范 178

参考文献 193

附录 199

一、2009年道路交通安全十大新闻 199

二、2009年一次死亡人数10人以上的特大道路交通事故 202

三、网络舆情精选 205

四、国际道路交通安全形势 230

英文版(简本)The Blue Book of Road Safety in China 2010

Chapter one Review of Road Safety in China 39

Section One Overall Trends of Road Safety in China 239

Section Two Changes of Road Circumstance in China 241

Ⅰ.The Development of Road Construction in China 241

Ⅱ.Rapid Improvement in Motorization 242

Ⅲ.Changes in Drivers Composition 243

Section Three The Characteristics of Road Safety in Recent Years 243

Ⅰ.The Total Road Accidents Continued to Decline,but Still a Large Base 243

Ⅱ.The Accident Rate has Declined Steadily,and Road Safety Situation Continued to Improve 243

Ⅲ.The Overall Road Safety Situation of Vulnerable Groups have Made Great Improvement 245

Ⅳ.Motorists'Traffic Offence is the Main Reason of Accidents 245

Ⅴ.The Proportion of Accidents Fatalities on Class 2 and 3 Highways Dropped Year by year,but still at High Level 246

Ⅵ.High Occurrence of Accidents on Expressways has Suppressed,and the Preliminary Safety Benefit of Expressways has Appeared 247

Ⅶ.Severe Road Accidents that lead to lots of casualties Happened Frequently 247

Chapter Two Measures to Deal with Road Safety 249

Section One Central Government Set the Road Safety Targets 249

Section Two Establish the National Inter-ministerial Joint Conference on Road Traffic Safety 249

Section Three Formulate and Improve Laws,Regulations and Rules 250

Section Four Launch a Serie of Campaigns to Eliminate Traffic Offences 250

Section Five Improve Drivers'Driving Skill 250

Section Six Strengthen the Management of Transportation Industry 250

Section Seven Improv Vehicle Safety Performance 251

Section Eight Carry Out the Safety Improvement Project for Transport Infrastructure 251

Section Nine Improve Emergency Response 251

Section Ten Enhance Road Safety Publicity and Education 252

Section Eleven Focus on Applying Technology to Improve Road Safety 252

Chapter Three Road Safety in 2009 in China 253

Section One Road Accidents in 2009 253

Section Two Main Characteristics of Road Accidents in 2009 253

Chapter Four Road Safety Hotspots in 2009 254

Section One The Woe of Drink Driving 254

Section Two Old Man Hit the Cars with Bricks in Lanzhou 254

Section Three Argument on Whether Electric Bicycles Belong to Motor Vehicles or Not 254

Section Four The Principle that People are Valued Equal Gained Legal Recognition 255

Section Five Rename and Renumber Expressway Network 255

Section Six Frequent Highway Jams 255

Section Seven China Became the First Automobile Producer 255

Section Eight The Total Registered Motor Vehicles Broke 4 Million in Beijing 255

Chapter Five Main Measures to Improve Road Safety in 2009 256

Section One Road Safety Action 256

Ⅰ.Promulgate Regulations,Rules and Guidance 256

Ⅱ.Actions Sponsored by Ministries 257

Ⅲ.Special Rectification Actions 257

Ⅳ.Other Related Actions 258

Section Two Technologies to Improve Road Safety 258

Ⅰ.Related Conference 258

Ⅱ.National Road Safety Science and Technology Plan of Action 259

Ⅲ.Publish the Monographs on Road Safety 259

Ⅳ.Promulgated Standards 259
