AN Introduction to Thermal PhysicsPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:[美]施罗德著
- 出 版 社:世界图书出版社公司
- 出版年份:2008
- 页数:422 页
Part Ⅰ: Fundamentals 1
Chapter 1 Energy in Thermal Physics 1
1.1 Thermal Equilibrium 1
1.2 The Ideal Gas Microscopic Model of an Ideal Gas 6
1.3 Equipartition of Energy 14
1.4 Heat and Work 17
1.5 Compression Work Compression of an Ideal Gas 20
1.6 Heat Capacities Latent Heat; Enthalpy 28
1.7 Rates of Processes Heat Conduction; Conductivity of an Ideal Gas;Viscosity; Diffusion 37
Chapter 2 The Second Law 49
2.1 Two-State Systems The Two-State Paramagnet 49
2.2 The Einstein Model of a Solid 53
2.3 Interacting Systems 56
2.4 Large Systems Very Large Numbers; Stirling's Approximation;Multiplicity of a Large Einstein Solid;Sharpness of the Multiplicity Function 60
2.5 The Ideal Gas Multiplicity of a Monatomic Ideal Gas;Interacting Ideal Gases 68
2.6 Entropy Entropy of an Ideal Gas; Entropy of Mixing;Reversible and Irreversible Processes 74
Chapter 3 Interactions and Implications 85
3.1 Temperature A Silly Analogy; Real-World Examples 85
3.2 Entropy and Heat Predicting Heat Capacities; Measuring Entropies;The Macroscopic View of Entropy 92
3.3 Paramagnetism Notation and Microscopic Physics; Numerical Solution;Analytic Solution 98
3.4 Mechanical Equilibrium and Pressure The Thermodynamic Identity; Entropy and Heat Revisited 108
3.5 Diffusive Equilibrium and Chemical Potential 115
3.6 Summary and a Look Ahead 120
Part Ⅱ: Thermodynamics 122
Chapter 4 Engines and Refrigerators 122
4.1 Heat Engines The Carnot Cycle 122
4.2 Refrigerators 127
4.3 Real Heat Engines Internal Combustion Engines; The Steam Engine 131
4.4 Real Refrigerators The Throttling Process; Liquefaction of Gases;Toward Absolute Zero 137
Chapter 5 Free Energy and Chemical Thermodynamics 149
5.1 Free Energy as Available Work Electrolysis, Fuel Cells, and Batteries;Thermodynamic Identities 149
5.2 Free Energy as a Force toward Equilibrium Extensive and Intensive Quantities; Gibbs Free Energy and Chemical Potential 161
5.3 Phase Transformations of Pure SubstancesDiamonds and Graphite; The Clausius-Clapeyron Relation; The van der Waals Model 166
5.4 Phase Transformations of Mixtures Free Energy of a Mixture; Phase Changes of a Miscible Mixture; Phase Changes of a Eutectic System 186
5.5 Dilute Solutions Solvent and Solute Chemical Potentials; Osmotic Pressure;Boiling and Freezing Points 200
5.6 Chemical Equilibrium Nitrogen Fixation; Dissociation of Water; Oxygen Dissolving in Water; Ionization of Hydrogen 208
Part Ⅲ: Statistical Mechanics 220
Chapter 6 Boltzmann Statistics 220
6.1 The Boltzmann Factor The Partition Function; Thermal Excitation of Atoms 220
6.2 Average Values Paramagnetism; Rotation of Diatomic Molecules 229
6.3 The Equipartition Theorem 238
6.4 The Maxwell Speed Distribution 242
6.5 Partition Functions and Free Energy 247
6.6 Partition Functions for Composite Systems 249
6.7 Ideal Gas Revisited The Partition Function; Predictions 251
Chapter 7 Quantum Statistics 257
7.1 The Gibbs Factor An Example: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning 257
7.2 Bosons and Fermions The Distribution Functions 262
7.3 Degenerate Fermi Gases Zero Temperature; Small Nonzero Temperatures;The Density of States; The Sommerfeld Expansion 271
7.4 Blackbody RadiationThe Ultraviolet Catastrophe; The Planck Distribution;Photons; Summing over Modes; The Planck Spectrum;Total Energy; Entropy of a Photon Gas; The Cosmic Background Radiation; Photons Escaping through a Hole;Radiation from Other Objects; The Sun and the Earth 288
7.5 Debye Theory of Solids 307
7.6 Bose-Einstein Condensation Real-World Examples; Why Does it Happen? 315
Chapter 8 Systems of Interacting Particles 327
8.1 Weakly Interacting Gases The Partition Function; The Cluster Expansion;The Second Virial Coefficient 328
8.2 The Ising Model of a Ferromagnet Exact Solution in One Dimension;The Mean Field Approximation;Monte Carlo Simulation 339
Appendix A Elements of Quantum Mechanics 357
A.1 Evidence for Wave-Particle Duality The Photoelectric Effect; Electron Diffraction 357
A.2 Wavefunctions The Uncertainty Principle; Linearly Independent Wavefunctions 362
A.3 Definite-Energy Wavefunctions The Particle in a Box; The Harmonic Oscillator;The Hydrogen Atom 367
A.4 Angular Momentum Rotating Molecules; Spin 374
A.5 Systems of Many Particles 379
A.6 Quantum Field Theory 380
Appendix B Mathematical Results 384
B.1 Gaussian Integrals 384
B.2 The Gamma Function 387
B.3 Stirling's Approximation 389
B.4 Area of a d-Dimensional Hypersphere 391
B.5 Integrals of Quantum Statistics 393
Suggested Reading 397
Reference Data 402
Index 406
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