Laboratory Experiments in College Physics 4th editionPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Cicero Henry Bernard
- 出 版 社:John Wiley&Sons
- 出版年份:1972
- 页数:404 页
Ⅰ.General Laboratory Instructions 1
Ⅱ.Errors and Significant Figures 3
Ⅲ.Graphical Representation of Experimental Data 7
1.Determination of π and the Evaluation of Experimental Uncertainties 13
2.Measurement of Length and Mass 19
3.The Period of a Pendulum-An Application of the Experimental Method 27
4.The Static Equilibrium of a Crane 33
5.Composition and Resolution of Forces-Force-Table Method 41
6.Balanced Torques and Center of Gravity 47
7.Equilibrium of a Crane-As a Rigid Body 53
8.Acceleration of a Projectile 59
9.Centripetal Force 67
10.Work,Energy,and Friction 75
11.Mechanical Advantage and Efficiency of Simple Machines 81
12.Inelastic Impact and the Velocity of a Projectile 89
13.Elastic Collision-Momentum and Energy Relations in Two Dimensions 101
14.Buoyancy of Liquids and Specific Gravity 109
15.Pressure and Volume Relations for a Gas 115
16.Elasticity and Energy Transformations 121
17.Vibratory Motion of a Spiral Spring 127
18.Moment of Inertia 133
HEAT 139
19.Linear Coefficient of Expansion of Metals 141
20.Specific Heat and Temperature of a Hot Body 147
21.Relative Humidity 153
22.Change of Phase 159
23.Velocity of Sound in Air-Resonance-Tube Method 167
24.Velocity of Sound in a Metal-Kundt's Tube Method 173
25.A Study of Vibrating Strings 179
26.Mapping of Electric Fields 189
27.The Distribution of Current in an Electric Circuit 195
28.The Distribution of Energy in an Electric Circuit 203
29.Methods of Measuring Resistance 209
30.Measurements of Potential Difference with a Potentiometer 217
31.A Study of the Factors Affecting Resistance 225
32.A Study of Voltmeter and Ammeter Connections in Measuring Resistance 233
33.The Heating Effect of an Electric Current 239
34.Determination of the Electronic Charge e-The Electrolysis Method 245
35.A Study of Magnetic Fields 251
36.Measurement of the Earth's Magnetic Field 255
37.Magnetic Effects of Electric Currents 261
38.Absolute Measurement of Current 269
39.Electromagnetic Induction 277
40.Galvanometer Sensitivity and Ammeter Design 283
41.Reflection and Refraction of Light 291
42.The Focal Length of a Concave Mirror 299
43.A Study of Converging Lenses 305
44.Optical Instruments Employing One Lens 311
45.Optical Instruments Employing Two Lenses 317
46.Index of Refraction with the Prism Spectrometer 325
47.The Wavelength of Light 333
48.A Study of Spectra with the Grating Spectrometer 339
49.The Characteristics of a Geiger Tube 349
50.The Nature of Radioactive Emission 357
51.Properties of Radioactive Radiation 363
52.The Diffusion Cloud Chamber 369
53.Measurement of Radioactive Half Life 375
A.Review of Trigonometric Relations 385
Trigonometric Tables 387
Logarithm Tables 391
B.Tables of Physical Constants 393
C.The Use and Care of Electrical Instruments 399
D.Laboratory Procedures for Handling Radioisotopes 403
Table of Some Common Radioisotopes 404
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