A Short Economic History of Modern JapanPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:G.C.Allen
- 出 版 社:George Allen & Unwin Ltd.
- 出版年份:1962
- 页数:237 页
Preface 7
Ⅰ.The Disintegration of the Old Régime 13
Ⅱ.Reconstruction,1868-81 30
Ⅲ.Financial Foundations,1881-1914 47
Ⅳ.Agriculture,Raw Silk and the Textile Industries,1881-1914 61
Ⅴ.The Heavy Industries,Shipping and Foreign Trade,1881-1914 79
Ⅵ.The First World War and the Post-War Decade 97
Ⅶ.Industry and Agriculture,1914-32 112
Ⅷ.Economic Policy and the Zaibatsu,1914-32 127
Ⅸ.Reflation and Preparation for War,1932-37 136
Ⅹ.Industrial Developments after the World Depression,1932-37 144
Ⅺ.Summary and Conclusions 161
Supplementary Chapter.Economic Recovery and Expansion,1945-1960 170
A.Glossary 192
B.Statistical Tables 194
C.Bibliography 225
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