Control of OvulationPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Claude A.Villee
- 出 版 社:Pergamon Press Ltd.
- 出版年份:1961
- 页数:251 页
The Role of the Pituitary Gonadotropins in Induction of Ovulation in the Hypophysectomized Rat&Frances Carter,Marion C.Woods and Miriam E.Simpson 1
Discussion by Knobil 22
Follicular Development,Ovular Maturation and Ovulation in Ovarian Tissue Transplanted to the Eye&R.W.Noyes,T.H.Clewe and A.M.Yamate 24
Discussion by Hammond 35
The Role of Steroids in the Control of Mammalian Ovulation&Gregory Pincus and Anne P.Merrill 37
Discussion by Barraclough,Breneman,Chang,Folley,Greep,Hisaw,Knobil,McArthur,Meyer,Nalbandov,Nelson,Noyes,Pincus,Segal,Simpson and Sturgis 48
The Pituitary Stalk and Ovulation&Geoffrey W.Harris 56
Discussion by Critchlow 75
Interactions between the Central Nervous System and Hormones Influencing Ovulation&Charles H.Sawyer and M.Kawakami 79
Discussion by Hansel 98
The Preoptic Region of the Brain and its Relation to Ovulation&John W.Everett 101
Discussion by Barraclough,Folley,Hansel,Harris and Segal 113
Mechanisms Controlling Ovulation of Avian and Mammalian Follicles&Andrew V.Nalbandov 122
Discussion by Hisaw,Meyer and Nalbandov 132
Ovulation in the Domestic Fowl&Richard M.Fraps 133
Hormonal Augmentation of Fertility in Sheep and Cattle&John Hammond,Jr. 163
Discussion by Breneman,Chang,Folley,Ganong,Greep,Hammond,Harris,Hisaw,Knobil,Meyer,Nalbandov and Pincus 177
The Induction of Ovulation in the Human by Human Pituitary Gonadotropin&Carl A.Gemzell 192
Discussion by McArthur,Reid,Segal and Villee 210
Factors Influencing Ovulation and Atresia of Ovarian Follicles&Somers H.Sturgis 213
Discussion by Gemzell,Greep,Hertz,McArthur and Pincus 219
Inhibition of Ovulation in the Human&John Rock 222
Discussion by Hisaw and Nelson 245
Subject Index 245
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