- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:[英]莱文逊(Levinson S.C.)著
- 出 版 社:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2001
- 页数:429 页
1 The scope of pragmatics 1
1.1 The origin and historical vagaries of the term pragmatics 1
1.2 Defining pragmatics 5
1.3 Current interest in pragmatics 35
1.4 Computing context:an example 47
2 Deixis 54
2.0 Introduction 54
2.1 Philosophical approaches 55
2.2 Descriptive approaches 61
2.2.1 Person deixis 68
2.2.2 Time deixis 73
2.2.3 Place deixis 79
2.2.4 Discourse deixis 85
2.2.5 Social deixis 89
2.3 Conclusions 94
3 Conversational implicature 97
3.0 Introduction 97
3.1 Grice’s theory of implicature 100
3.2 Revisions,problems and applications 118
3.2.1 Tests for implicature 118
3.2.2 Implicature and logical form 122
3.2.3 Kinds of implicature 126
3.2.4 Generalized Quantity implicatures 132
3.2.5 Metaphor:a case of maxim exploitation 147
3.2.6 Implicatum and language structure 162
4 Presupposition 167
4.0 Introduction 167
4.1 Historical background 169
4.2 The phenomena:initial observations 177
4.3 The problematic properties 185
4.3.1 Defeasibility 186
4.3.2 The projection problem 191
4.4 Kinds of explanation 199
4.4.1 Semantic presupposition 199
4.4.2 Pragmatic theories of presupposition 204
4.5 Conclusions 225
5 Speech acts 226
5.0 Introduction 226
5.1 Philosophical background 227
5.2 Thesis:speech acts are irreducible to matters of truth and falsity 243
5.3 Antithesis:the reduction of illocutionary force to ordinary syntax and semantics 246
5.4 Collapse of Antithesis 251
5.4.1 Semantic problems 251
5.4.2 Syntactic problems 260
5.5 Indirect speech acts:a problem for Thesis and Antithesis 263
5.6 The context-change theory of speech acts 276
5.7 Beyond theories of speech acts 278
6 Conversational structure 284
6.0 Introduction 284
6.1 Discourse analysis versus conversation analysis 286
6.2 Conversation analysis 294
6.2.1 Some basic findings 296 Turn-taking 296 Adjacency pairs 303 Overall organization 308
6.2.2 Some remarks on methodology 318
6.2.3 Some applications 326
6.3 Preference organization 332
6.3.1 Preferred second turns 332
6.3.2 Preferred sequences 339
6.4 Pre-sequences 345
6.4.1 General remarks 345
6.4.2 Pre-announcements 349
6.4.3 Pre-requests:a re-analysis of indirect speech acts 356
6.5 Conclusions 364
6.5.1 Conversation analysis and linguistics 364
6.5.2 Some remaining questions 367
Appendix:transcription conventions 369
7 Conclusions 371
7.0 Introduction 371
7.1 Pragmatics and ‘core’ linguistics 372
7.2 Pragmatics,sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics 374
7.3 Applied pragmatics:pragmatics and other fields 376
Bibliography 379
Subject index 397
Index of names 417
文库索引 421
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