COLLEGE ENGLISH Creative Communication book 1 Student's bookPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:[美]史默伍德等编
- 出 版 社:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- 页数:151 页
MODULE ONE:"Pleased to meet you" 2
MAIN SKILLS:introducing oneself and others;identifying levels of formality;listening for details;using language to structure meetings 2
UNIT 1:introductions in groups 2
Culture corner:Greetings in different cultures 9
UNIT 2:talking about yourself;talking in meetings 11
Creative speaking:Manners maketh man 15
MODULE TWO:"A night on the town" 20
MAIN SKILLS:asking for and expressing preferences;making arrangements;listening to iden-tify agreement,personal information,opinions;expressing polite agreementUNIT 3:deciding on plans for leisure activities 20
Culture corner:How shall we agree or disagree? 27
UNIT 4:making social arrangements 30
Creative speaking:Diaries,meetings and arrangements;Word stars 33
MODULE THREE:"Where am I?" 40
MAIN SKILLS:following and giving directions,identifying instructions and describing routes;listening for details of locations 40
UNIT 5:following and giving directions;using maps 40
Culture corner:Giving directions,a linguistic and a cultural matter as well 46
UNIT 6:following directions and tracing routes 49
Creative speaking:Giving new directions to travel proverbs 53
MODULE FOUR:"What should I wear?" 58
MAIN SKILLS:giving opinions about fashion;describing clothing;matching spoken descriptions to graphics;listening to identify items 58
UNIT 7:describing appearance and clothing 58
Culture corner:Giving and accepting invitations 64
UNIT 8:choosing and buying clothes 68
Creative speaking:Worrying about what to wear:a radio discussion programme 73
MODULE FIVE:"How would you like it cooked,sir?" 78
MAIN SKILLS:describing food dishes;listening for details,note-taking and form-filling;se-quencing information and using discourse markers 78
UNIT 9:ordering food in a restaurant,clarifying choices 78
Culture corner:Showing your preferences or choices 84
UNIT 10:describing food;giving instructions for cooking 87
Creative speaking:A philosophy of food? 91
MODULE SIX:"You're looking a little pale today" 98
MAIN SKILLS:discussing illnesses,describing symptoms,making suggestions;listening to instructions;form-filling;listening for key information 98
UNIT 11:discussing illnesses:doctors and patients 98
Culture corner:Don't put your foot in your mouth! 104
UNIT 12:discussing health and healing 107
Creative speaking:Factors in healing:a television presentation 111
MODULE SEVEN:"She sells seashells by the seashore" 116
MAIN SKILLS:discussing ways of saying things;listening for sounds and phrases;recognising speakers'attitudes;identifying descriptions and locations 116
UNIT 13:using poems for spoken expression 116
Culture corner:Expressing meaning through intonation 123
UNIT 14:descriptions:using the senses,visualising 125
Creative speaking:Complete the poem:ways of speaking;An alphabet of ways of speaking 130
MODULE EIGHT:"I really must complain!" 134
MAIN SKILLS:complaining;giving polite emphasis;recognising speakers'attitudes;attending to stressed words;listening for details of prices,numbers and problemsUNIT 15:making complaints-1 134
Culture corner:Effective complaints 140
UNIT 16:making complaints-2 143
Creative speaking:Complaining;Points of view 147
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