Grimms'Fairy TalesPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:George Cruikshank
- 出 版 社:Penguin Books Ltd.
- 出版年份:1948
- 页数:268 页
Hans in Luck 7
The Travelling Musicians 11
The Golden Bird 16
The Fisherman and his Wife 23
The Tom-Tit and the Bear 29
The Twelve Dancing princesses 32
Rose-Bud 36
Tom Thumb 39
The Grateful Beasts 45
Jorinda and jorindel 49
The Wonderful Musician 53
The Queen Bee 56
The Dog and the Sparrow 58
Frederick and Catherine 62
The Three Children of Fortune 67
King Grisly-Beard 70
The Adventures of Chanticleer and Partlet 74
Snow-Drop 79
The Elves and the Shoemaker 86
The Turnip 88
Old Sultan 92
The Lady and the Lion 94
The Miser in the Bush 100
The King of the Golden Mountain 104
The Golden Goose 110
Mrs Fox 113
Hansel and Grettel 116
The Giant with the Three Golden Hairs 120
The Frog-Prince 126
The Fox and the Horse 129
Rumpel-Stilts-Kin 130
The Goose-Girl 133
Faithful John 140
The Blue Light 148
Ashputtel 153
The Young Giant and the Tailor 160
The Crows and the Soldier 173
Pee-Wit 176
Hans and his Wife Grettel 181
Cherry,or the Frog-Bride 189
Mother Holle 195
The Water of Life 198
Peter the Goatherd 205
The Four Clever Brothers 209
The Elfin-Grove 213
The Salad 220
The Nose 225
The Five Servants 232
Cat-Skin 239
The Robber-Bridegroom 244
The Three Sluggards 248
The Seven Ravens 248
Roland and May-Bird 251
The Mouse,the Bird,and the Sausage 259
The Juniper Tree 260
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