Contents 2
Introduction 2
1 The airport 6
2 The Beardsley Hotel 14
3 Our rooms 20
4 The drugstore 28
5 Food 36
6 Sightseeing 44
7 The bank and the post office 50
8 The stores 56
9 Danny's birthday 62
10 The party 68
11 Baseball 74
12 Telephone calls 82
13 A trip 88
14 The country 96
15 The hairdresser's and the cleaner's 104
16 Alate night 110
17 A nice quiet afternoon 118
18 At a discotheque 124
19 A sales conference 130
20 Sightseeing in Washington D.C. 136
21 Going to Connecticut 144
22 What happened 150
23 The doctor 158
24 College 164
25 Bargains 172
26 A sad day for Sandra 180
27 Skip's job 186
28 A newjob 194
29 A new house 200
30 Leaving the hotel 206
American English sounds 213
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