(1) John Milton to Richard Jones 1
(2) James Howell to H. W. 2
(3) From the Same to the Same 2
(4) J. Howell to R. Floyd 3
(5) Mr. Howell to Mr. Stone 3
(6) Mr. Howell to Mr. W. B. 5
(7) Dr. Molyneux to Mr. Locke 6
(8) Mr. Locke to Mr. Molyneux 6
(9) Alexander Pope to H. Cromwell 7
(10) Mr. Addison to Mr. Pope 8
(11) Lady Montague to Lady Rich 9
(12) Lady Montague to Mr. Pope 10
(13) Mr. Pope to Lady Montague 11
(14) Mr. Pope to Mr. Digby 12
(15) Lady Wortley Montague to the Countess of Bute 14
(16) Lady Catesby to Lady Campley 19
(17) Madam de Sévigné to Mr. de Pompone 20
(18) James Thomson to His Sister 21
(19) Thomas Gray to His Mother 23
(20) Sir Richard Steele to Lady Steele 24
(21) Mr. Shenstone to a Friend 25
(22) Dr. Herring to W. Duncombe 26
(23) Lord Chesterfield to S. Dayrolles, Esq. 27
(24) Lord Chesterfield to His Son 28
(25) Lord Chesterfield to Madam 32
(26) Samuel Johnson to James Elpliinston 33
(27) Dr. Johnson to Miss Boothby 35
(28) Dr. Johnson to Mr. White 36
(29) Dr. Johnson to the Earl of Chesterfield 38
(30) Dr. Johnson to James Boswell 40
(31) Dr. Johnson to Madam 42
(32) James Boswell to Samuel Johnson 42
(33) L. Sterne to Mrs. Sterne 43
(34) Mr. Sterne to Mr. Foley 45
(35) Oliver Goldsmith to His Brother Henry Goldsmith 46
(36) Oliver Goldsmith to Sir Joshua Reynolds 53
(37) Benjamin Franklin to George Washington 56
(38) Gen. Washington to Dr. Franklin 58
(39) William Cowper to the Rev. John Newton 59
(40) W. Cowper to Joseph Hill 61
(41) W. Cowper to the Rev. John Newton 64
(42) The Same to the Same 67
(43) W. Cowper to Lady Hesketh 70
(44) The Same to the Same 75
(45) Cowper to William Hayley 78
(46) Horatio Nelson to Admiral the Earl St. Vincent, K. B. ommander-in-Chief 81
(47) R. B. Sheridan to John King 83
(48) Mr. Sheridan to Mr. Linley 83
(49) Sir Walter Scott to Lady Louisa Stuart 84
(50) Lord Byron to Mr. Hopner 85
(51) Lord Byron to His Mother 86
(52) Lord Byron to Doctor Pigot 87
(53) Lord Byron to Mr. Dallas 87
(54) Lord Byron to Sir Walter Scott 88
(55) Sir Walter Scott to Lord Byron 90
(56) Lord Byron to T. Moore 92
(57) Lord Byron to T. Moore 93
(58) The Duke of Wellington to Marquis Wellesley 94
(59) Washington Irving to the Editor. of a Magazine 96
(60) Washington Irving to Mrs. Storrow 96
(61) Charles Dickens to Washington Irving 104
(62) W. Irving to Mrs. Storrow 105
(63) W. Irving to Mrs. Sarah Irving 107
(64) W. H. Prescott to W. Irving 109
(65) J. Lothrop Motley to Washington Irving 111
(66) Charles Lamb to Samuel Coleridge 114
(67) Margaret Carlyle to her Son T. Carlyle 115
(68) T. Carlyle to His Mother 116
(69) T. Carlyle to Miss Welsh 119
(70) T. Carlyle to W. Goethe 122
(71) T. Carlyle to Thomas Erskine 125
(72) Mr. Carlyle to Mrs. Carlyle 127
(73) Mr. Carlyle to His Mother 129
(74) T. Carlyle to Jane Welsh Carlyle 133
(75) Mr. Disraeli to Thomas Carlyle, Esq. 134
(76) T. Carlyle to the Right Hon. B. Disraeli 136
(77) T. Carlyle to a Young Man 138
(78) R. W. Emerson to T. Carlyle 139
(79) R. W. Emerson to T. Carlyle 141
(80) T. B. Macaulay to Miss Nannah M. Macaulay 142
(81) Mrs. Hawthorne to Her Mother 144
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