Decision at Sea· John J.Cadigan,Lt.Comdr.,USCG 4
Rolf,the Dog Who Finds ThingsRobert Littell 13
Closing In on“Nessie”·David Scott 19
First Farmer of the Land·Donald Culross Peattie 26
The Time I Ran Against the Prince of Wales·Ray Mount Rogers 33
*Mama and the Roomer·Kathryn Forbes 41
New World Under the Sea·Virginia Bennett Moore 46
The Revenge of the Tommyknockers·Ruth Woodman 54
Agriculture's Fantastic New Machines·James Nathan Miller 62
Do Not Talk to the Motorman While the Streetcar Is in Motion·Dick Perry 70
The Strange Birth of Television·Mitchell Wilson 76
Sixteen Sticks in a Bundle·Richard C.Davids 84
Remarkable Creatures of the Rain Forest·Lincoln Barnett 90
*Proud Head·A.Kulik 98
“Teacher”·Helen Keller 102
First American in Orbit·Time 109
Be Your Own Weatherman·Louis D.Rubin 118
The Girl Who Swam the Channel·John Reddy 125
Mysterious“Money Pit”·David MacDonald 133
Circus Priest·George Kent 139
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