- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:卡尔伯特(Corbett.E.P.J)著
- 出 版 社:
- 出版年份:2222
- ISBN:0471078565
- 页数:259 页
Legend 1
Contents 1
10 one side of paper only 6
11 double-space 6
12 margins 6
13 title of paper 7
14 numbering of pages 7
15 paper clip 7
16 proper paper 8
Introduction 9
20 apostrophe for possessive 13
21 it’s/its 15
Format of Manuscript 10- 16
22 subject/verb agreement 16
23 noun/pronoun agreement 22
24 pronoun antecedent 25
25 dangling verbal 28
26 misplaced modifier 29
27 parallelism 31
Grammar 20- 33
28 conjunction that 36
29 sentence fragment 38
30 comma splice 43
31 fused sentences 46
32 confusing sentence 48
Style 40- 49
33 correct form and tense of the verb 50
Paragraphing 50- 52
Introduction 55
40 wrong word and faulty predication 61
41 imprecise word 64
42 inappropriate word 66
43 unidiomatic expression 69
Punctuation 60- 71
44 trite expression 71
45 awkward sentence 73
46 wordy sentence 76
47 careless or needless repetition 78
48 mixed metaphor 80
49 active/passive verb 81
Introduction 84
50 unity 85
51 coherence 89
Mechanics 80- 90
52 adequate development 94
Introduction 101
60 comma,compound sentence 103
61 comma,introductory element 106
62 pairs(no comma) 108
63 comma,series 111
64 comma,nonrestrictive 114
65 no comma,restrictive 119
66 semicolon,compound sentence 122
67 independent clause on both sides of semicolon 125
68 colon,for leadi n 127
69 dash,for summation 129
70 pair of dashes,for parenthetical element 131
71 format of dash 133
Introduction 135
80 quotation marks,with period and comma 136
81 quotation marks,with colon and semicolon 138
82 quotation marks,with question mark 139
83 italics,for book titles,etc. 140
84 quotation marks,for titles of articles,etc. 142
85 italics,for words as words 144
86 italics,for foreign words 146
87 hyphen,for compound words 147
88 hyphen,for words broken at end of line 151
89 numbers,in written copy 152
90 capitalization,of certain words 154
Never-Say Neverisms 158
Format of Research Paper 161
General instructions 161
A.Gathering notes 162
B.Self-contained notecards 162
C.What needs to be footnoted? 163
D.Keep quotations to aminimum 165
E.Use lead-in for all quotations 166
F.The format of footnotes 167
G.Primary and secondary footnotes 168
H.The format of bibliographical entries 168
I.E llipsis periods 169
J.Square brackets 170
K.P rimary footnotes 172
L.Secondary footnotes 178
M.Bibliography forms 181
N.Model research paper 187
O.Models for footnotes entered on separate pages 201
P.The APA system of documentation 203
General instructions 215
Forms for Letters 215
Format of business letter 216
Sample business letter in semiblock format 219
Sample of addressed business-size envelope 220
Sample business letter on letterhead stationery 221
Sample of addressed letterhead business envelope 222
The two-letter postal abbreviations 223
Résumé 225
Glossary of Usage 227
Glossary of Grammatical Terms 235
List of Commonly Misspelled Words 253
Index 255
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