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  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:尹襄辙编译
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:1979
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:200 页

Part Ⅰ Short Essays 1

1.We're Just Beginning:(我们正在开始):Charles F.Kettering 1

2.America's Responsibilities(美国的责任):Theodore Roosevelt 3

3.Youth(青春):Samuel Ullman 5

4.Labour Is Sweet(劳动的滋味是甜蜜的):(佚名) 7

5.Books.(书籍)Samuel Smiles 8

6.Work(工作):George Bernard Shaw 10

7.The Four Freedom(四大自由):(F.D.Roosevelt) 12

8.The Art of Staying Young:(保持年青的方法):Wilfred A.Peterson 13

9.Love Is Immortal:(爱是不朽的):Robert G.Ingersoll 16

10.The Present Age(这一代):J.H.Randall 18

11.Key to Happiness(快乐之钥):James T.Mangan 19

12.Fatigue(疲劳):Bertrand Russel 21

13.Live for To-day(把握今日)(佚名) 23

14.Duty First!Pleasure Second!(责任第一!享乐第二!) 25

15.Life(生命):P.B.Shelley 27

16.The Best Is Yet(好景当前):Rechard L.Evans 29

17.Live Expectantly(在希望中生活)Lloyd C.Douglas 31

18.True Nobility(真实的高贵):Ernest Hemingway 33

19.We Are on a Journey(我们在旅途中):Henry Van Dyke 35

20.The Art of Success(成功的秘诀):(佚名) 37

21.The Traditional Civilization of China Has Complete Independence(中国传统文化有其独立性):Bertrand Russell 40

22.On Writing(谈写作):Ernest Hemingway 42

23.Mutual Understanding(相互了解):William Benton 44

24.Confucius(孔子):Will Durant 46

25.Three Rules for Any Problem(解决问题的三原则):Bernard Baruch 50

26.How to Enjoy the Happicst Day of Your Life(怎样享受作一生中最快乐的日子):Joseph Fort Newton 52

27.Lifetime of Love(爱的一生):W.Kirk Avey 53

28.John Fitzgerald Kennedy's Statement on the Death of Ernest Hemingway(甘乃廸悼念海明威逝世声明) 55

29.Formula for Youth(青年信条)(佚名): 57

30.Words to Live By(处世名言):William Nichols 59

31.The Flaming Spirit(炽热的心灵):Stuart Sherman 60

32.To-day Is Still Ours(把握今朝):Dorothy Doran 62

33.The Mission of the Motion Picture(电影的使命):Thomas Alva Edison 64

34.The Best Medicine(良药):Frederic Loomis 66

35.The Conquest of Happiness(论幸福):Bertrand Russell 68

36.Hints on How to Write(谈写作):Louisa M.Alcott 71

37.Do You Know How to Live?(怎样活下去?):(佚名) 73

38.On Poverty(论贫穷):Hilaire Belloc 74

39.The Love of Knowledge(好学):W.F.Markwick and W.A.Smith 76

40.Unless You Deny Yourself(自制):A.J.Cronin 77

41.Life Goes On(生生不息):Robert Frost 79

42.Two Kinds of People(两种人):Roger Hull 81

43.Literature and Journalism(文学与报纸):Sir Philip Gibbs 83

44.The Value of Philosophy(哲学的价值)Bertrand Russell 85

45.A Liberal Education(通才教育):T.H.Huxley 87

46.Simplicity(朴实与文学):Charles Dudley Warner 89

47.The Art of Literature(文学与技巧)(佚名) 91

48.Man and Nature(人类与自然):J.A.Thomson 93

49.On Literature Taste(文学的鉴赏力):Arnold Bennet 95

50.Short Words Are Words of of Might(短字使语文有力):Gelett Burgess 96

51.Literature and Life(文学与人生):William Henry Hudson 98

Part Ⅱ Descriptions 100

1.The Seasons(季候):W.Cabell Greet 100

2.My Home(我的家):Thomas Carlyle 102

3.Love(爱情):H.G.Wells 104

4.A Farm House(田舍):Hamlin Garland 105

5.The Discontented Pendulum(钟摆的怨言):(佚名) 108

6.Beethoven(乐圣贝多芬):J.W.N.Sullivan 111

7.Mozart(莫札特):Walter Karp 113

8.Winter Wonder(冬日奇景):Donald Culross Peattie 115

9.Oxford(牛津):James Morris 116

10.Paris(巴黎):Frank G.Carpenter 119

11.New York(纽约):Andrey L.Wright 120

12.A Prosp?ct(景色):Beecher 122

13.Ferdinand and Isabella(斐廸南与伊萨伯拉):Washington Irving 125

14.George Rogers Clark(乔治罗吉斯克拉克):Theodore Roosevelt 127

15.Kew Gardens in July(七月的邱园):Virginia Woolf 130

16.The Sound of Summer(夏声):Richard Jefferies 132

17.Mistress Beatrix(比特丽克斯小姐):William Makepeace Thackeray 135

18.Sir Francis Drake(佛兰西斯德来克先生):Charles Kingsley 139

19.The Brain of an Ant(蚂蚁的头脑):O.W.Holmes 141

20.A Sacred Mountain(圣岳泰山):G.Lowes Dickinson 142

Part Ⅲ Expositions 150

1.Where I Get My Energy(我精力的源泉):Madam Roosevelt 150

2.On Winston Churchill(论邱吉尔):C.P.Snow 154

3.On Eisenhower(论艾森豪):Ernest K.Lindley 159

The Relative Advantages of Wealth,Health and Wisdom(论财富、健康及智慧的相关利益):(佚名) 167

Part Ⅳ Speeches 170

1.Washington's Address to His Troops(华盛顿誓师演说) 170

2.Lincoln's Gettysburg Address(林肯在盖茨堡的演说) 173

3.Churchill's Speech after Dunkirk(邱吉尔在敦克尔克战役後的演说) 175

4.President Eisenhower's Radio Speech on Korean Truce(韩国停战日艾森豪总统广播演说) 177

5.President Kennedy's Inaugural Address(甘乃廸总统就职演说) 182

4.All-out and a Little Extra(努力与助人)Philip D.Reed 193

6.President Lyndon B.Johnson's Remarksat the Memorial Service Held for the Late President John F.Kennedy(詹森总统追思故甘乃廸总统献辞): 194

7.Text of Joint Statement by Johnson,Yen(詹森总统与严副总统在华府发表联合声明): 199
