英语沙龙 2009年1-6期(实战版)合订本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郭磊主编
- 出 版 社:英语沙龙杂志社
- 出版年份:2222
- 页数:384 页
雪绒花心灵沙龙 1
刺猬的爱情&聂振伟 1
手机=轰炸机&夏翠翠 63
金星人和火星人&张耀方 刘宾 65
金星人和火星人分析&张耀方 刘宾 127
同情VS.同理&夏翠翠 129
Mr.Good的苦恼——好好先生,好人难做&夏翠翠 191
“我讲话为什么常常没有人回应”&夏翠翠 193
“我讲话为什么常常没有人回应”分析&夏翠翠 255
鳄鱼爱上长颈鹿&夏翠翠 257
爱情的八种类型&夏翠翠 319
毕业论文vs形象设计&夏翠翠 321
积极规划人生,打造求职核心竞争力&夏翠翠 383
焦点 4
Obama Wins Election as FirstAfrican-American President of the USA&by Ken Fireman and Kristin Jensen栀子摘选 4
Beijing Notes-Watching the 2008 U.S.Election in Beijing&小歌 10
2008 U.S.Presidential Election Party&by Nikki Mung 12
2008年大事记&本刊编辑 52
Buckle up&by Robin Bew栀子摘选 68
中美第五次战略经济对话&by Nikki Mung 71
Beijing Notes—Is Blood Really Thicker Than Water?&小歌 72
"Cheap Gas Era"Ending?&栀子译 132
Brighter Future on China and U.S.Relations&by Nikki Mung 134
Beijing Notes—A Kinder Gentler Beijing&小歌 196
Obama Inauguration:Words of History Crafted by a 27-year-old in Starbucks&by Ed Pilkington思辰译 198
Memorable Words of U.S.President's Inaugural Addresses&选自《美国参考》 201
Excerpts from Obama's Inaugural Address&by Barack Obama思辰译 203
New York Thoughts-Welcome to the White House&小歌 260
Youth Day Worldwide&编者 262
2009 Annual Youth Assembly at the United Nations&by Nikki Mung 264
New York Thoughts—A"Trained"Hero&小歌 324
China as an Innovator,Not Just an Imitator&by Anil K.Gupta and Haiyan Wang古雷译 326
A Sweet Spot in the Recession&by Helena Bachmann思辰译 328
年轻百味 267
走近外交,点燃梦想&李博文 267
乘沙龙快车,历英美风情&编者 285
四、六级考研专区 18
跟着语义标记词走&刘雪梅 18
浅析大学英语四级写作之常见错误&孔海龙 22
抓住应对CET-6翻译题的核心策略&董利晓 77
巧辨妙填——分析新四级考试中篇章词汇理解题&殷莉 81
CET-4汉译英考点面面观&刘琰 146
简答题“简”思维——CET-6阅读新题型简答题探析&李晓霞 149
CET-4中独立主格结构小析&马立军 邱建军 李西元 208
CET-6完形填空突破技巧—动词辨析&闫文军 王妍欣 210
“看我七十二变”——从六级真题看非谓语动词的用法&王兆磊 268
名词性从句“归纳箱”&杨晓璐 271
抽丝剥茧话“定从”&李欣 331
新四级考试快速阅读解题全攻略&李学勤 孙风琴 333
译心泽意 24
《桃花源记》之英译(Ⅰ)&毛荣贵 24
转义:译者脚下一道坎&倪家耀 26
Elderly Chinese Playing with Their Grandkids:Envy of the Americans&陈强文 范守义译 27
《桃花源记》之英译(Ⅱ)&毛荣贵 84
猜词的艺术(上)&管钱江 86
充分利用待业时间&张倩译 熊文华点评 88
《桃花源记》之英译(Ⅲ)&毛荣贵 152
猜词的艺术(下)&管钱江 154
CIS Countries Are Amazed to See China's Dramatic Change&刘左元文 范守义译 156
To Buy Back Cultural Relics Serves to Inflate the Robbers'Arrogance&叶匡政文 范守义译 214
《背影》两译,比读有益(Ⅰ)&毛荣贵 218
品味译文,红袖添香&解乾 219
《背影》两译,比读有益(Ⅱ)&毛荣贵 273
翻译,需要发散性思维&柳青 275
Republic of Korea:Hanja Goes with China&詹德斌、李学、利国、孙秀萍文 范守义译 276
《背影》两译,比读有益(Ⅲ)&毛荣贵 336
“不折腾”之英译&柳青 338
Joseph Needham's Puzzle&许知远文 范守义译 340
塔间道 30
10Tips for a Good Roommate Relationship&孙艳译 30
Dating Bible&by Shane Battier于红岩译 92
How to Make the Most of Your Money While in School&by Kelci Lynn张昊译 136
International Students on the Fun Elements ofTheir UK Experiences&英国大使馆文化教育处 206
How to Reduce Stress While in College&by Anne Doebrick郑圆圆译 221
Is Study Abroad Right for Me?&by Kelci Lynn郑欣怡译 279
追梦者之歌——记2009年北京大学国际模拟联合国大会&by Nikki Mung 361
How to Succeed in College—A Truly Successful Experience Is More Than Just an Impressive transcript&by Kelci Lynn囡囡译 364
考试直通车 32
专家帮你改作文&编者 32
How to Translate the Terms about Intellectual Property(Ⅰ)&王逢鑫 34
怎样阅读?&杨匡汉 36
专家帮你答疑解惑&编者 38
专家帮你改作文&编者 96
How to Translate the Terms about Intellectual Property(Ⅱ)&王逢鑫 98
专家帮你答疑解惑&编者 100
专家帮你改作文&编者 167
How to Translate the Terms about Intellectual Property(Ⅲ)&王逢鑫 172
专家帮你答疑解惑&编者 174
养兵千日 102
歌舞青春(一)——坚守你的梦&张燕芳 102
麻辣你的卧底——美国电影《Miss Congeniality》赏析&张燕芳 163
专家帮你改作文&编者 224
How to Translate the Terms about Cultural Industry(Ⅰ)&王逢鑫 226
专家帮你答疑解惑&杨匡汉 刘雪梅 228
看谁更辣——美国电影《Miss Congeniality 2》赏析&杨鸥丁 230
专家帮你改作文&编者 282
如何翻译关于文化产业的名词(二)&王逢鑫 286
专家帮你答疑解惑&杨匡汉 刘雪梅 288
人生之七道封印——电影《贫民窟的百万富翁》赏析&鸥丁 290
How to Translate the Terms about Cultural Industry(Ⅲ)&王逢鑫 350
专家帮你答疑解惑&编者 352
瓦尔基里——电影《刺杀希特勒》赏析&思辰 354
他乡物语 40
“涟漪”乎?“历险”乎?&by Yiwen Ouyang鲁比译 40
距离&by Yiwen Ouyang鲁比译 114
Sakura&by Yiwen Ouyang鲁比译 160
Fall of an lcon—he collapse of Woolworths&by Yiwen Ouyang鲁比译 244
English:the Plight of Being the Global Language&by Yiwen Ouyang鲁比译 307
故事园地 44
One NeverValues Something until One Loses It&田晓蕊 44
Just Give Yourself Another Chance&宋征玺 44
A Hoax,Pure and Simple&李辉 74
Put an End to Complaining&叶如意 76
Pushed by Love&by Wang Shuai 139
From a Candle to Light&武瑛 140
Short Man,Great Heart&by lvy 238
Girt,Read It Out&杨茜 239
You Are the Champion!&张帅真 366
Crashing Love&孙璐 367
静心品味 46
跳出自己的旋律&by T.W.Winslow刘鹏 朱一童译 46
一则人生寓言&by JJ Dewey刘鹏 朱一童译 106
The Rewards and Risks of Personal Freedom&by Charlie Badenhop刘鹏 朱一童译 141
When Marriage Is a Crime&范励译 青松、培鑫注 143
Sack Lunches&by Steve Bond默默译 235
What Mothers Teach&by Fema Lary Mills刘克译 300
Super Mom&by Joanna Fuchs 303
APound of Butter&by Margo Kwan范励译 青松 培鑫注 304
Are You Ready?&by Steve Goodier刘鹏 朱一童译 368
There's a Lot More Left in the Tube&by Jeff Keller刘克译 370
喜剧地带 48
"You're So Much Nicer."等九则&海涛摘选 48
"Historical Events"等八则&海涛摘选 110
"Shave My Head"等八则&海涛摘选 176
"Shave My Head"等八则&海涛摘选 176
"Is George W.Bush Still President?”等七则&海涛摘选 240
"Scottish Logic"等八则&海涛摘选 310
"Always Be Prepared"等九则&海涛摘选 372
精彩世界 50
Earliest Known Shaman Grave Site Found:Study等五则&倪竹摘选 50
情人节特辑&倪竹摘选 112
妇女节特辑:International Men's Day等三则&倪竹摘选 178
Laser Clocks Stay Spot on for 2 Billion Years等四则&倪竹摘选 242
"Lake Thronged with 10 Million Jellyfish"等四则&倪竹摘选 312
French Egg-Shaped Buggy Could Spell the End of the Humble British Postman on His Bike&倪竹摘选 374
文化前沿 54
Steven视线:对话意大利跨界女高音Giorgia Fumanti&沪江英语供稿 54
Candidates Learn from College Students&by Nikki Schwab 思辰译 116
One Night in Beijing——寻访北京Homestay&by Nikki Mung 119
Film:What Not to Miss in 2009&by Peter Bradshaw思辰译 186
Polite Britons Died on Titanic&选BBC NEWS 296
Creative Industries&英国大使馆文化教育处 298
Travel in Beijing&by Betty 344
Becoming a Young Intemational Star&英国大使馆文化教育处 348
职场 15
"Green Collar"Jobs Are Poised for Growth&by Larry Buhl 马运增译 15
12Things to Ponder before Taking Your First Job&by Rachel Zupek 张威译 60
No Experience?&by Darwin 薛飞译 122
Start a Startup in a Bad Economy&by Oscar Robinson 张茜译 124
Six Steps for First-Time Job Hunters&by Kate Lorenz 马运增译 180
A Dream Job Is One That Isn't a Dream&by Jared Sandberg 若冰译 183
The Declining Value of College Degree&by Wilcox 金沙译 248
Job Interview2.0&by Alex Papadimoulis 李娜娜译 252
Is Your Definition of Success Making You Miserable?&by William 郑欣怡译 314
Are You Afraid to Just Say"No"at Work?&王蓉译 316
An Amazing Economics Experiment to Tell How to Be a Sharp-Sighted Boss&by Tim Harford 冯国川译 376
5Ways to Putthe"l"in Team&李慧译 378
If Tiger Woods Can Leam to Play Ping Pong,Why Can't You?&王蓉译 380
回音壁 320
回音壁&本刊编辑 320
Do Not Turn One Blunder into Two等两则&本刊编辑 384
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- 《思维导图 超好用英语单词书》(中国)王若琳 2019
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- 《剑桥国际英语写作教程 段落写作》(美)吉尔·辛格尔顿(Jill Shingleton)编著 2019
- 《大学英语四级考试全真试题 标准模拟 四级》汪开虎主编 2012
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- 《思维导图 超好用英语单词书》(中国)王若琳 2019
- 《初中生英语作文 提高篇》清瑶主编 2019
- 《培生高级英语语法 练习册》培生教育 2019
- 《指向核心素养 北京十一学校名师教学设计 英语 七年级 上 配人教版》周志英总主编 2019
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- 《新课标背景下英语教学理论与教学活动研究》应丽君 2018
- 《幼儿英语游戏活动指导与实训》苏小菊,任晓琴主编;颜晓芳,覃静,谢恬恬,钟博维副主编 2020