- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:
- 出 版 社:
- 出版年份:1998
- 页数:160 页
1.蒋铁民.厦门海域海洋经济可持续发展的管理框架 1
Jiang Tiemin.Management Frame of Marine Economic Sustainable Development in Xiamen Sea Area 2
2.刘序枫,汤熙勇.清代环中国海海难史的探讨 3
Liu Xufeng,Tang Xiyong.The Study of the History of Marine Perils of the Qing dynasty 3
3.洪华生,薛雄志.海岸带综合管理是厦门实施可持续发展战略的重要途径 4
Hong Huasheng,Xue Xiongzhi.ICM—An Important Way of the Sustainable Development in Xiamen 5
4.Rosemarie C.Russo.Water Quality in the Marine Environment 6
5.David Randall.The effects of toxicants are exacerbated by salinity change 7
6.陈春声.清代潮洲商人的海上贸易活动 8
Chen Chunsheng.The Activities of Marine Trade of Chaozhou's Merchants in the Qing dynasty 8
7.欧阳宗书中国海洋渔业发展现状及发展对策 9
Ouyang Zongshu.The Development Status quo of the Chinese Marine Fishery and the Measures for Development 10
8.黄淑秀.东南亚的华人经济问题 11
Ellen H.Palanca.The Economic Problems of the Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia 11
9.王旭.厦门与旧金山城市布局特点比较 12
Wang Xu.A Comparative Study of Metropolitanization between San Francisco and Xiamen 13
10.洪惠馨.我国渔业的问题与对策 14
Hong Huixin.The Problems and Measures of the Fishery of Our Country 15
11.陈永志,郭其友.福建“跨世纪”海洋经济发展法规建设研究 16
Chen Yongzhi,Guo Qiyou.Research on the Legislation Construction of Fujian's Ocean Economic Development in the Next Century 17
12.陈泽夏,詹兴旺.陈彬.海域环境保护和城市污水排海 19
Chen Zexia,Zhan Xingwang,Chen Bin.Marine Environmental Protection and Domestic Sewage Discharge 19
13.朱丽水.关于海洋经济开发的思考 20
Zhu Lishui.The Consideration Concerning the Development of Marine Economy 21
14.陈及霖.福建旅游业可持续发展与环境保护对策研究 22
Chen Jilin.The Sustainable Development of Fujian Tourism and the Study of Measures for Environmental Protection 23
15.黄宗国,刘文华.中国海洋生物多样性持续利用策略 24
Huang Zongguo,Liu Wenhua.Marine Biodiversity Sustainable Use Strategy in China 25
16.谢在团,陈坚.厦门海域功能区划的制定与实施 27
Xie Zaituan,Chen Jian.Establishment and Implementation of Xiamen Functional Zoning 28
17.钱兰英.厦门海岸带综合管理或然价值调查 29
Qian Lanying.Integrated Coastal Management(ICM)Contingent Valuation Survey in Xiamen 30
18.李复雪.厦门及其附近海区底栖生物资源的保护和开发利用 32
Li Fuxue.Protection and Exploitation of Benthic Resources in Xiamen and Its Neighbouring Sea Areas 33
19.柯才焕,周时强,李复雪,朱建新.论海水养殖的可持续发展 34
Ke Caihuan,Zhou Shiqiang,Li Fuxue,Zhu Jianxin.Sustainable Development in Mariculture:a Preliminary Discussion 35
20.冯森.发展厦门的休闲游钓渔业 37
Feng Sen.The Prospects for Development of Xiamen Recreational Fishery 38
21.张珞平,洪华生,陈宗团,陈伟琪,D.Calamari.农药使用对厦门海域的初步环境风险评价 39
Zhang Luoping,Hong Huasheng,Chen Zongtuan,Chen Weiqi,Davide Calamari.An Initial Environmental Risk Assessment of Pesticide Application in Xiamen Seas 39
22.陈国强,郑梦星.古代海洋文化的主人—海峡两岸的古闽越族 40
Chen Guoqiang,Zheng Mengxing.The Master of the Ancient Maritime Culture---The Ancient Minyue Nationality on Both Shores of the Taiwan Strait 41
23.陈东有.明清东南海商心态初探 42
Chen Dongyou.The Preliminary Study of Psychological States of Southeast Marine Merchants in Ming and Qing Dynasties 43
24.戴一峰.论中国海关历史档案的开发与利用 44
Dai Yifeng.The Open and Use of Chinese Maritime Customs Archives 46
25.李熙泰.闽南文化的海洋特性 48
Li Xitai.On the Oceanic Feature of Culture of South Fujian 49
26.刘晓斌.论福建海洋文化的历史特色与当代使命 51
Liu Xiaobin.On the Historical Characteristic and Contemporary Mission of Fujian Maritime Culture 52
27.戴辉旺,陈朝宗,郭朝木,洪卜仁,吕永辉.论厦门港在经济社会发展中的地位和作用 53
Dai Huiwang,Chen Chaozong.Guo Chaomu,Hong Puren,Lv Yonghui.On the Position and Role of Xiamen Harbor in the Development of Economic Society 54
28.黄加亮,李品芳.船舶压载水对厦门地区生态环境的危害及减轻措施 56
Huang Jialiang,Li Pinfang.The Harmfulness Caused by Ship's Ballast Water on Marine Ecosystem in Xiamen Waters and Its Mitigation Measures 57
29.陈为琛.世纪之交闽东海洋开发与经济发展的探讨 59
Chen Weichen.A discussion on the economic development and oceanic exploitation of Min-dong in the alternation of two centuries 60
30.陈学雷.厦门与高雄的港口条件比较 61
Chen Xuelei.A comparative study of Xiamen and Gaoxiong on Port Conditions 62
31.郑振满.妈祖崇拜与闽越航海传统 64
Zheng Zhenman.The Worship of Mazu and Navigation Tradition of the Minyue Nationality 65
32.陈耕.略论海洋对闽南文化的影响 66
Chen Geng.On the Ocean Influence on the Culture of South Fujian 68
33.李金明.论海洋经济开发与增强海洋意识 69
Li Jinming.On Developing Ocean Economy and Strengthening Marine Consciousness 71
34.常毅,郭朝木.依托海洋发展厦门对外贸易的历史回顾与对策 72
Chang Yi,Guo Chaomu.Looking Back to the History and Measures of Relying on the Ocean to Develop Xiamen Foreign Trade 73
35.李少菁,陈钢.厦门海域水产养殖的发展及其对策 74
Li Shaojing,Chen Gang.Strategies on aquaculture development in Xiamen seas 75
36.戴辉旺,陈朝宗,郭朝木,洪卜仁,吕永辉,李晔,廖锦水.厦门市港口与航运业发展对策研究 76
Dai Huiwang,Chen Chaozong,etc.A Research into the Strategies for Developing Shipping Industry and Ports in Xiamen City 77
37.周秋麟,杨圣云,郭允谋.论厦门海洋经济的持续发展 78
Zhou Qiulin,Yang Shengyun,Guo Yunmou.On the Sustainable Development of Ocean Economy in Xiamen 79
38.郑剑飞,吴国三,钟锐辉.加快厦门海港建设,促进我国东南经济发展 81
Zheng Jianfei,Wu Guosan,Zhong Ruihui.To Speed up the construction of Xiamen Harbor in Order to Promote the Economic Development of Southeast China 82
39.卢昌义,周一鸣.加强自然保护区建设,促进厦门海域环境保护 84
Lu Chang-yi,Zhou Yi-ming.Strengthen Reserve Construction to Promote Marine Environment Protection in Xiamen 85
40.郭允谋,郑承忠.滨海矿产资源的开发在厦门海洋经济发展中的地位 86
Guo Yunmou,Zheng Chengzhong.The Status of Exploiting Coastal Mineral Resources in the Development of Ocean Economy in Xiamen 88
41.蒋细定.发展海洋经济 建设海上厦门 90
Jiang Xiding.Develop Ocean Economy and Build Marine City in Xiamen 91
42.蒋细定.顺应国际海运大势 建厦门集装箱大港 94
Jiang Xiding.Comply with the Marine Transportation Trend Build Xiamen as a Big Containerization Port 95
43.苏新红.厦门市海洋渔业产业化发展的理论探讨 97
Su Xinhong.A Study on Development of Xiamen Marine Fishery industrialization 98
44.杨国桢.论海洋人文社会科学的概念磨合 99
Yang Guozhen.On the New Formation of Concepts Concerning Marine Science 100
45.曾少聪.中国海洋发展与闽东南民俗丛 101
Zeng Shaoeong.The Ocean Development of China and Folk Custom Group of Southeast Fujian 102
46.徐学.闽台文化的海洋性格 103
Xu Xue.The Maritime Character of the Culture of South Fujian and Taiwan 105
47.朱小明,陈娟英.水产养殖存在问题和可持续发展策略 107
Zhu Xiaoming,Chen Juanying.Existing Problems of Aquaculture and Sustainable Development Strategies 108
48.林元烧.厦门牡蛎养殖可持续发展战略的讨论和建议 110
Lin Yuanshao.Discussions and Recommendations on Sustainable Development Strategy of Oyster Cultivation in Xiamen 111
49.陈朝宗.“海神”妈祖信仰的哲学思考 113
Chen Chaozong.The Philosophical Thinking of the Belief in“Sea Goddess”Mazu 114
50.陈昌生.厦门市海水养殖新品种的探讨—细基江蓠繁枝变型人工养殖 115
Chen Changsheng.Studies on a new species for marine cultivation in Xiamen Artificial culture ofGracilariatenuistipitatavar 115
51.陈复授.海洋文化的一朵奇葩——厦门渔民旧时习俗考略 116
Chen Fushou.A Unique Flower of Marine Culture—A Brief Study on Old Customs of Xiamen Fishermen 117
52.李晓雷.近代厦门人文景观视野中的海洋经济—以近代厦门建筑为例 118
Li Xiaolei.Ocean economy and the Humane Landscapes of Contemporary Xiamen----An Example of Contemporary Xiamen Buildings 119
53.陈伟琪,张珞平,洪华生,薛雄志.近岸海域环境容量的价值及其价值量 评估初探 120
Chen Weiqi,Zhang Luoping,Hong Huasheng,Xue Xiongzhi.A Preliminary study on evaluation of value of Coastal Sea Water Environmental Capacity 120
54.蔡立哲,洪华生.厦门滨海湿地生态类型及其底栖生物多样性 121
Cai Lizhe,Hong Huasheng.Ecological types and benthic diversity in Xiamen coastal wetland 122
55.陈猛,袁东星.厦门的交通改善和交通运输污染控制 123
Chen Meng,Yuan Dongxing.Traffic Improvement and Transportation Pollution Control in Xiamen 124
56.杨东宁,袁东星.关于福建海岸带旅游资源现状和发展的若干问题 125
Yang Dongning,Yuan Dongxing.Tourism Resources Exploitation and Protection along Fujian Coast 126
57.许鹏翔,袁东星.开发海洋资源发展海洋产业 127
Xu Pengxiang,Yuan Dongxing.Exploiting Marine Resources and Developing Marine Industries 128
58.张杏谷,李杰.厦门港航业发展的研究 129
Zhang Xinggu,Li Jie.A Study on the Development of Shipping Service in Xiamen Harbor 130
59.许岗云.香港经济腾飞的经验及启示—兼论厦门港航业的发展战略与对策 132
Xu Gangyun.Experience and inspiration of the Economic Boom in Hong Kong----With the Exploration of the Navigational Development Strategy and Countermeasures of Xiamen Harbor 133
60.黄建设.厦台海上通航中有关承运人责任的探讨 134
Huang Jianshe.The carrier's responsibilities in the direct sailing across the Taiwan Straits 135
61.张清辉,郑久清,陈薇,周秋麟.港为城用、城以港兴——浅论厦门的港城相关关系 136
Zhang Qinghui,Zheng Jiuqing,Chen Wei,Zhou Qiulin.Port Serves and Promotes the Development of City—On the Relationship Between Port and City in Xiamen 138
62.林岳大,尹卫平.海洋生物技术研究开发动向 140
Lin Yuefu,Yin Weiping.Tendency in Marine Bio—technique Study and Development 140
63.薛雄志,洪华生.厦门城市经济与环境协调发展的综合评价及其对策 141
Xue Xiongzhi,Hong Huasheng.Integrated Assessment and Guideline for Coordination Development between Economic and Environment in Xiamen 142
64.曹文志.地理信息系统(GIS)在厦门海岸带综合管理中的应用 143
Cao Wenzhi.Application of GIS on the Integrated Management of Coastal Zone in Xiamen 144
65.戴辉旺,陈朝宗,洪卜仁,郭朝木,吕永辉.厦门的海洋航运史 145
Dai Huiwang,Chen Chaozong,Hong Puren,Guo Chaomu,Lv Yonghui. The History of Marine Shipping of Xiamen 145
66.曹文清.我省海水种苗培育中动物活饵料的应用前景刍议 146
Cao Wenqing.On the Applied Prospect of Living Animal Foods in Marine Larviculture in Fujian Province 147
67.廖大珂.早期西班牙人看福建 148
Liao Dake.How the Spaniard looked at Fujian in the early time 149
68.周时强,柯才焕,李复雪,陈晓佳.厦门及附近沿海红树林区的底栖动物资源及其开发利用 150
Zhou Shiqiang,Ke Caihuan,Li Fuxue,Chen Xiaojia.Resource and Utilization 150
of Benthic Animals in Mangrove Region,Xiamen and nearby Seashores 150
69.李复雪,周时强,柯才焕,李明珠.厦门红树林区底栖动物生态研究 151
Li Fuxue,Zhou Shiqiang,Ke Caihuan,Li Mingzhu.Studies on Ecology of Benthic Community in Mangrove Region,Xiamen Sea Shores,China 151
70.黄邦钦,洪华生.海洋微藻作为海洋生态环境的指示作用 152
Huang Bangqin,Hong Huasheng.Microalgae as Indication of Marine Environmental Changes 153
71.Guenter Jost.Relations between the Pelagic Community within the Estuarine Mixing Gradient and its Underlying Benthic Environment ----an Example from the Pomeranian Bight,Southern Baltic Sea 154
72.连心豪.施琅与清初开海设关通洋 155
Lian Xinhao.Shi Lang and Opening to Marine Trade,Setting up the Customs and Communicating with Foreingners,at the Beginning of the Qing dynasty 156
73.李霞.健全和完善海洋环境保护的政策体系和法律体系 158
Li Xia.On Completing & Perfecting the Policy System & the Legal System of Marine Environmental Protection 159
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