新课标英语分级阅读 8APDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:7 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:余岩编
- 出 版 社:
- 出版年份:2222
- ISBN:7313045174
- 页数:90 页
1.John Augustus Roebling 1
2.How did I get up here? 3
3.New pilot 5
4.Fishing 7
5.Study in Japan 9
6.Home computer used by young people 11
7.My home 13
8.Making maps 15
9.Ane-mail 17
10.Air Jordan 19
11.When I leave school 21
12.Alfred Nobel 23
13.A problem with monkeys 25
14.The kind waitress 27
15.Class schedule 29
16.Jung Soo and the New Year 31
17.A letter 33
18.A clever robbery 35
19.The stupid thief 36
20.The lost wallet 38
21.Keep a diary 40
22.Sheila's diary 41
23.Local woman catches thief 42
24.Sally's maths dream 43
25.Wrong total 44
26.Business meeting in New York 45
27.Writing 46
28.One,two,three,four 47
29.PDAs 49
30.The Sahara 50
31.Coincidence? 51
32.Coffee history 53
33.Advertisements 55
34.Edward's trip advertisement 57
35.Today's horoscope 58
36.Buried treasure! 60
37.An adventure 62
38.A lesson to learn 63
39.Early running shoes 65
40.Lunch on earth 67
41.Telling the future 69
42.UFOs(Part 1) 71
43.UFOs(Part 2) 73
44.Stars and planets 75
45.Space stations(Part 1) 77
46.Space stations(Part 2) 79
47.Space stations(Part 3) 81
48.Days of our lives 82
49.Boasting 83
50.Captain Cook 85
Key 87
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