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  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:
  • 出 版 社:
  • 出版年份:1993
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:403 页

"The Highest Grade of This Clarifying Activity Has No Limit"-Confucius&Chen-Lu Tsou 1

1.A Kinetic Method for Differentiating Substrate Channeling from Free diffusion Mechanism:Application to Re-examine the Evidence for Substrate Channeling in Glycolysis&Xiaomao Wu,H.Gutfreund,P.Boon Chock 39

2.Conformational Changes and Intramolecular Signal Transmission in the Allosteric Regulation of Escherichia coli Aspartate Transca rbamylase&Guy Herve 53

3.Protein engineering and Molecular Recognition in Enzymes:The Lipoyl Domain of the Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Multienzyme Complex&Nicola G.Wallis,Richard N.Perham 78

4.Strategies of Thermal Stabilization of Proteins&Rainer Jaenicke 89

5.Zinc Motifs in Biology&Bert L.Vallee,Davids Auld 107

6.The Life Cycle of Cytochrome c&Zhi Qiag Wang,James R.Sprinkle,Theodorus B.M.Hakvoort,Jack Gibbons,Ronald Jemmerson,E.Margoliash 150

7.A Novel Glutathione Peroxidase&Kunio Yagi 164

8.Protein Kinases and Synaptic Plasticity&T.P.Feng 176

9.Insulin Analogues with Altered A China&Ching I Niu,Shi-zhen Yang,Wei Lin 185

10.Cleavage at the 3'-Side of Modified Nucleotide ψ by Hammerhead Ribozyme&Chenyan Wu,Youxin Jin,Debao Wang 193

11.Divalent Cation and Lipid-Protein Interaction of Biomembranes&Fu Yu Yang 197

12.the Protein Functions as an Informative Language of the Cells&Wenling Zheng,Wenli Ma,Min Wu 216

13.Allosteric Inhibition and Activation of AMP on Snake Muscle Fructose 1,6-Bisphosphatase&Gen-Jun Xu 218

14.Glycosylation Induced Conformational Difference between Multiple Forms of Enzyme&Shuzheng Zhang,Suguo Ge,Shoujun Yang,Zizhen Yan 223

15.Membrane Bound and Solubilized Choline Dehydrogenase&Qi-Shui Lin 225

16.Probing the Stability of Trypsin by site-directed Mutagenesis&Yi-Sheng Ni,Jie Chen,Zhi-Guang Gao,Long-Xiang Zhang 229

17.Studies on Memory-enhancing Peptide(MEP),Structure and Functions&Yu-Cang Du 236

18.Preparation of Animal Insulin Through Calcium Phosphate Gel Adsorption&You-Shang Zhang,Ying-Gao Xu,Wei-An Li,Shou-Yi Fang 241

19.Protein,cDNA and Genomic DNA Sequences of the Towel Gourd Trypsin Inhibitor-a Squash Family Inhibitor&Min-Hua Ling,Hai-Yan Qi,Cheng-Wu Chi 244

20.Construction and Characterization of an Engineered Plasminogen Activator Consisting of Kringle-2 of tPA and Modified Urokinase&Dexu Zhu,Zi-Chun Hua,Shiao-Chun Chen 256

21.Regulation of Prochymosin Gene Expression and Refolding of Recombinant Prochymosin&Nianjuan Liu,Yuying Zhang,Zhenglian Zhang,Ge Wang,Hua Wu,Shuzhong Zhang,Guobao Zhang,Bing Tang,Kaiyu Yang 266

22.Energy Coupling Function and Proton Current Pathways of Redox Pumps in Mitochondria&Shu-Sen Liu,Jin-Wei Xiong,Xuan-Mao Jiao 270

23.Protein Aggregation and Surface Hydrophobicity&Jun-Mei Zhou 283

24.Structure of D-Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase from Palinurus Versicolor at 1.8A Resolution&Zheng-Jong Lin,Shi-Ying Song,Jun Li,Wu-Yi Meng,Shu-Jan Liang 287

25.Construction and Expression of the Genes for"Mini-C"Analogs of Human Proinsulin&Meihao Hu,Ge Wei,Xiongbiao Li,Xiaocheng Gu 294

26.Comparative Analysis of Glycoproeine and Glycolipid composition of Virulent and Avirulent Stain Membranes of Hycoplasma hyopneumoniae&Jian Wen Chen,Lanping Zhang,Jiantao Song,Fen Hwang,Qinghua Dong,Jian Liu,Yumin Qian 306

27.Product-activation of Escherichia Coli Membrane-bound H+ATPase(F1F0-ATPase)Connected with 3-subunit in alkaline pH&Zhi-Huan Lin,Ji-Hui Wu,Sheng-Guang Li 310

28.Kinetic Studies on the Substrate-Protecting Effect during Inactivation and Molecular Unfolding of Enzymes&Sixu Yan,Sshouqin Huang,Qing Yan,Qingsong Lin,Hongyu Cai 324

29.The Essential Cysteine Thiol Groups of Aminoacylase I&Hong-Rui Wang,Xi-Cheng Wang,Hai-Meng Zhou 328

30.The Kinetics of Duck Liver Fatty Acid Synthase Comples&Wei-Xi Tian,Hai-Bin Wu,Ruo-Fan Jiang,Yi-Huang Wang 332

31.Ac-myc Related Tumor Suppressor Gene May Interfere with the c-Myc Protein Function&Wen ling Zheng,Zhihua Wang,Xiaoming Song,Liqiang Ren,Xiuqin Wang,Min Wu 340

1 行进中的回忆&邹承鲁 343

2 邹承鲁传&赵康源 353

3 意在创新 志在攀登&王书荣 梁栋材 362

4 Some Remembered Joys in a Life of Science&E.C.Slater 365

5 My Friendship with Chen-Lu Tsou&W.J.Whelan 376

6 言传身教 终生受益&许根俊 379

7 难忘的在上海几年&沈善炯 381

8 对邹承鲁先生的一些片段回忆&蒋丽金 383

9 贺邹承鲁教授70大寿&周廷冲 384

10 我们的学长、兼职教授和顾问-邹承鲁教授&赵南明 385

11 严谨求索无止境&杜雨苍 387

12 邹承鲁先生和863计划&顾孝诚 389

13 邹承鲁教授在中国科学院生物物理所开创分子酶学研究的经过&黄芬 391

14 岁易月移记忆常新&刘树森 393

15 执著追求、锐意创新-敬贺邹承鲁教授七十寿辰&朱德煦 395

16 言传身教、为人楷模&周筠梅 396

17 严谨治学献身科学-我的老师邹承鲁教授&周海梦 398

18 言传身教桃李满天下&田维熙 400
