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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:傅伟良,红梅编著;伍桂红审校
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国人民大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787300156736
  • 页数:212 页

Unit One Credit Rating Crisis信用危机 1

1.1 Pressured by White House,Treasury Secretary Is Expected to Stay at Post 2

1.2 Moody's Cuts Japan's Rating One Notch,Citing Its Giant Debt 10

1.3 Europe Scrambles to Ease Greek Debt Crisis 18

1.4 Debt Bill Is Signed,Ending a Fractious Battle 29

1.5 S&P Downgrades Long-Term Debt Rating of U.S.for the First Time 37

Unit Two International Investment国际投资 47

2.1 Chasing Rare Earths,Foreign Companies Expand in China 48

2.2 Exxon Reaches Arctic Oil Deal with Russians 60

2.3 Europe Approves Microsoft Purchase of Skype 70

2.4 Russia Becomes a Magnet for U.S.Fast-Food Chains 80

Unit Three Consumption消费 95

3.1 China Aims to Rein in Car Sales 96

3.2 Airlines Focus Rewards on Those Who Pay More 104

3.3 An Online Answer to the DVR 116

3.4 Mobile Deals Set to Lure Shoppers Stuck in Line 128

Unit Four Banking银行业 141

4.1 Bank of America Sells Stake in China Construction Bank 142

4 2 Large Banks in Europe Struggle with Weak Bonds 149

4.3 European Central Bank Buys Bonds to Reassure the Markets,to Little Avail 158

4.4 Group of 7 Will Meet to Address Debt Issue 165

Unit Five Employment就业 175

5.1 Obama Challenges Congress on Job Plan 176

5.2 Bank of America Confirms Plan to Cut 30,000 Positions 186

5.3 U.S.Posts Stronger Job Growth in July 193

5.4 Greeks Move to Slash State Jobs for 30,000 204
