- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘广志,耿俊峰主编
- 出 版 社:地质矿产部探矿工程研究所情报室
- 出版年份:1991
- 页数:201 页
1.Continental Drilling:A Key Project of the International Lithosphere Program(ILP)&K. Fuchs 1
2.An Overview of the Ocean Drilling Program:Achievements and Prospects&L. E. Garrison,P. D. Rabinowlitz,and A. W. Meyer 5
3.DOSECC Continental Scientific Drilling,Program&M. Friedman,G. A. Barber,R. S. Andrews,and D. W. Klick 9
4.A Survey of Recent Technology Development in International Continental Scientific Drilling Programs&Robert S. Andrews and Thomas E. Pyle 18
5.An Ultra-deep Drilling and Coring R & D Consortium&J. C. Rowley,W.J. Winters and R.E. Rinaldi 25
6.The Applicability of Geothermal Drilling Experience to Super-Deep Drilling&C. Otte,D. S. Pye and N. J. Stefanides 29
7.Scientific Drilling Technologies for Hostile Environments&R. K. Traeger 42
8.Large Diameter Coring in a Hostile Environment&A. P. Wicklund 48
9.Successful Hybridization of Drilling Technology for Reliable Continuous Coring Systems&B. Wagner 52
10.Engineering and Technological Specific Features of Super-Deep Borehole Casing&B. N. Khakhaev,V. I. Berdichevsky,V. S. Kochergin and V. N. Kosmynin 57
11.Drilling Technology of the Super-Deep Borehole Upper Parts in Sedimentary Seque nces&E. Ya. Oxenoid,V. A. Shvetsky,Yu. M. Guerzhberg and A. B. Solarev 62
12.Drilling and Grouting Muds for Super-Deep Drilling&V. V. Sledkov and N. Kh. Karimov 65
13.Technology of Ultradeep Core Drilling Without Pulling out Drill Pipes&M. Ya. Gelfgat,R. S. Alikin and Ya. P. Stanko 71
14.Deep-Hole Drilling Using Rock-Breaking Tool Set With Super-Hard Composites&I. F. Vovchanovskiy and N. A. Bondarenko 79
15.Internationle Zusammenarbeit im Rahmen des Kontinentalen Tiefbohr-programm der Bundersrepubl ik Deutschland&Bundesmin ister fuer Forschung und Technologie 85
16.Die KTB-Bohranlage&L. Wohlgemuth und C. Chur 93
17.The KTB Drilling Rig-Technical Concept and Rig Layout for a Depth Capacity of 14000 m&C. Chur,E. Bintakies,H. D. Eickelberg,and H. Rischmüller 98
18.The Casing Concept for the KTB Ultradeep Well&A. Sperber 106
19.Vertical Drilling Concept for the KTB Ultradeep Well&C. Chur,B. Engeser and J. Oppelt 111
20.The Coring Strategy for the KTB Ultradeep Well&B.Engeser 117
21.Drilling Fluid Concept and Data Acquisition System for the KTB Main Well&M. Ellins und T. Tran viet 124
22.Inspection and Data Processing of Drilling Components&R. Kammann und A. Sperber 131
23.Evaluation of Hammerdrill-Potentia l for KTB&U. Deuisch ?. Marx,and H. Rischmüller 139
24.Zielsetzung und Durchführung Hydraulischer Untersuchungen in der Bohrung KTB Oberpfalz VB&W. Kessels 149
25.Unterage-Probennahmesystema zur Gewinnung von in situ-Fluidproben&G. Zoth 152
26.Core Orientation in the KTB Pilot Well&D. Schmitz,G. Hirschmann,W. Kessels,J. Kohl,C. Rohr & H.-G. Dietrich 158
27.Roentgenuntersuchungen an Bohrklein&J. Lauterjung und R. Emmermann 163
29.Inferring the In-Situ State of Stress from Stress Relief Microcracking in Drill Cores&A. Zang and H. Berckhemer,K. E. Wolter 176
30.Core Disking in KTB Drill Cores and the Determination of the in Situ Stress Orientation&WOLTER,K. E. ROCKEL,Th. BUCKER,Ch. DIETEICH,H. G. & H. Berckhemer 188
31.Investigations of the Dynamics of Caving when Drilling Crystalline Rocks&A. N. Skorik,M. Ya. Gelfgat,and Yu. I. Kuznetzov 196
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