- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张万雷主编;李春凡,曲华,金龙学等副主编
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:黑龙江人民出版社
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:7207021216
- 页数:182 页
词语用法 1
A 1
about 1
abov,over 1
absolutely,altogether 2
according to 2
ache,pain 2
across,over,through 3
act,action 4
actual,actually 4
adequate,enough,sufficient 5
admission,admittance 5
affect,effect 6
afraid,fear 6
agree to,agree with,agree on 7
all,all of 7
all right 8
almost,nearly 8
alone,solitary,lone,lonely,lonesome,ferlone,desolate 9
already,yet,all ready 9
also,as well,too,neither,either 10
amount,number 10
an 11
angry 11
answer,reply,respond,retort 11
anyway,anyhow 11
appointment 12
apt to,inclined to,tend to,likely to 12
area,region,district 12
aren't,ain't 13
as…as 13
ask,inquire,question,interrogate 14
attend,take part in 14
B 15
bath,bathe 15
bear,abide,endure,stand,tolerate 15
beautiful,pretty,good-looking,handsome,attractive 16
become,go,turn 16
besides,except 17
better,had better 17
between,among 18
big,large,great 18
bit,a bit of 18
black,coloured,Negro 18
blind,blinded,deaf,deafened 19
boat,ship 19
body,figure,built 19
both,both of 20
break,tear,cut,smash,crack,burst 20
bring,take,fecth,carry 21
burned,burnt 21
bus 21
but,except,save 22
C 22
can 22
car 23
cards 23
care about,care of,take care of 23
carve 24
cause,make,let 24
certainly,definitely 25
chance,opportunity,occasion 25
child,baby,infant,teenager,adolescent,youth,kid 26
chunk,hunk,slice,hump 26
clasp,grasp,grip 26
clever,bright,smart,brainy,brilliant 27
clock 27
clothes,cloth,material,clothing,garment,dress 27
cold,cool,hot,warm 28
compare to,compare with 28
comprise,be composed of,consist of,constitute,include 29
conditions,situation 30
conscious 30
continent 30
continual(ly),continuous(ly) 30
contrary,on the contrary,on the other hand,in contrast 31
cost,price,charge 31
could,be able to 32
couple,pair 32
course,of coures 32
customer,shopper,client,patient,guest 33
D 33
damp,humid,moist 33
data 34
day 34
decorate,adorn,embellish,garnish 34
different,various 34
dinner 35
disbelieve,not believe 35
disease,illness 35
distinct,different 36
divorce 36
do with,do to 36
doubt 36
dress,put on,wear 37
drive 38
due to,owing to 38
E 38
each,both 38
either,neither 39
elder,older 40
electric,electrical 40
emigrant,immigrant,emigration,immigration,migrate 40
end,finish 41
enjoy 42
enough 42
entrance,entry 43
error,mistake 43
every,each 43
everyone,every one 44
example 44
excuse,reason,pretext 45
expect,look forward to,hope 45
F 46
fact 46
fairly,rather,quite 46
famous,well-known,distinguished,eminent,notorious,infamous 47
far,a long way 47
fat,overweight,plump,chubby,stout,obese 48
father,dad,daddy,mother,mum,mummy 48
female,male,feminine,masculine 49
fire,light,set fire(to),catch fire 49
first,firstly,at first 49
first name 50
floor 50
folk,people 50
for,in 50
free,freely 51
frightened,afraid,scared,terrified,petrified 51
front 52
G 52
gain,win,earn 52
gather,collect,accumulate,amass 53
gaze,stare,gape 53
genius,talent 54
gentleman,lady,man,woman 54
glance,glimpse 55
go 55
God 55
gotten 56
graceful,gracious 56
H 57
habit,pratice,custom,convention 57
half 57
happen,occur,take place 58
harden 58
hardly,scarcely,barely,no sooner 58
have 59
hear,listen to 60
help,assist,aid 60
high,tall 60
story,history,historic,historical 61
holiday,vacation,leave 61
home 62
hope,wish 62
house,cottage,bungalow,flat,apartment,bedsitter,mansion,palace,home 63
how,what 63
hunting,shooting 64
hurt 64
I 64
if 64
illusion,delusion 65
impolite,rude,impertinent,cheecky impudent, 65
improvement 66
infer,imply 66
-ing,-ed 66
inn,pub,hotel 66
inquiry,enquiry 67
inside,within 67
instrument,machine 67
insure,ensure,assure,reassure 67
intelligent,intellecual,intellect 68
interfere 69
invent,discover 69
J 69
envious,envy,jealous 69
job,work,occupation,post,position,profession,trade,vocation,career 69
just,already,yet 70
K 71
kill,butcher,slaughter,massacre,murder,assassinate 71
kind,sort 71
know,learn 71
L 72
lack,be short of 72
land,earth,soil,ground,floor 72
last,latest 73
lastly,finally,at last,in the end 74
laugh,guffaw,giggle,chukle,titter,snigger 74
lay,lie,lie 74
lead,guide,direct 74
learn,study 75
legal,lawful,legitimate 75
less,least,fewer,fewest 75
let's,let us 75
light 76
like,as 76
literally 77
little,small 77
live,dwell,reside,inhabit,stay 78
logical,reasonable 78
love,lovely,beloved,favourite 78
M 79
device,machine,gadgef,appliance,instrument,tool,implement 79
made of,made from 79
mail,post 80
major,minnor,inferior,superior,senior, 80
make,brand 80
man 80
many,a lot of 80
marry,get married 81
maybe,perhaps 81
me 81
mean 82
meat 82
melt 83
middle,centre 83
might 83
mind 84
misuse,abuse 84
mix,blend,mingle,merge,combine 85
money,cash,change 85
more 86
most 86
much,very 87
must 87
N 88
namely,that is to say 88
near,close 88
necessaries,necessities 88
need 88
neither 89
nervous,concerned,anxious 90
never,rarely,sometimes,often,usualy 90
new,recent,modern,contemporary,current 90
nice 91
no,not 91
noise,sound,voice 92
none,no one 92
north,northern 92
number 93
O 93
o'clock 93
of 93
officer,offical,civil servant,clerk 94
official,officious 94
older,oldest,elder,eldest,old,elderly 94
on,about 95
one 95
only 95
open 96
or 96
oral,aural 96
order,command,direct,instruct,tell,ask 96
other,others,another 97
ought,should,oughtn't,shouldn't,needn't 97
outside,out 98
overseas 99
own 99
P 99
pair 99
past,passed 100
pay,income,salary,wages,fee 100
penny 100
perceive,conceive 101
perhaps,maybe 101
permit,promise 101
person 102
pie,tart,flan 102
pile,stack,heap 102
place,room 103
plane 103
play 103
please 103
position,place,location 104
opportunity,possibility 104
practical,practicable 104
preface,foreword,introduction 105
prefer 105
priest,clergyman,minister,chaplain,padre, 106
probable,possible 106
production,product produce,producer, 106
Q 107
quarrel,argue 107
quite 107
R 107
race,nation,state,tribe 107
rare,scare 108
rather,fairly 108
rear 109
reason,cause 109
recreation,sport,game,hobby 109
referee,umpire 110
refuse,decline,reject,turndown 110
relationship,relation,relations 110
remember 111
request,ask(for),demand 111
rise,raise 112
round,around 112
run,race,dash,sprint,jog 112
S 113
sake 113
same,similar 113
say,tell,inform 113
scenery,landscape,view,scene 114
see,look at,watch 115
shade,shadow 115
shift,move,remove 115
shore,bank,coast,seaside,beach 116
shoull,would 116
sick,ill 117
sit,be seated,seat 117
slap,smack,punch 117
slow,slowly 118
smell 118
smile,grin,leer,smirk 118
sociable,social 118
socialist 118
society,community 118
some,any,no 119
something,anything,nobody,etc 119
sorry,sorrowful 119
speak of/about,speak to/with 120
start,begin,commence 120
stay,remain 121
steal,rob 121
steer 121
still,already,yet 121
stop 122
storm 122
street,road 122
strike,hit 123
student,pupil,scholar 123
such,so 123
sure,certain 124
surely,certainly 124
T 124
talk,speak 124
tasteless,distasteful 125
tax,tariff,duty,dues 125
teach,instrut,train,coach 125
telephone 126
thank 126
that 127
the 127
there 128
thin,slim,slender,lean,skinny,underweight emaciate 129
thing 130
think 130
through 130
tight 130
time 130
to,till,until 131
toilet,lavatory,WC,loo,public convenience,the gents,the ladies,bathroom,restroom,washroom,john 132
too 132
train 132
travel,journey,voyage,trip 133
treat,cure 133
try 133
U 134
UK 134
uncle,auntie,aunty,aunt 134
under,below, 134
uneasy 135
unless,if…not 135
used to,would 136
V 137
valley,ravine,gorge,gully,canyon 137
valuable,priceless,invaluable,worthless,valueless 137
venture,adventure 137
visitor,guest 138
W 138
wait for,await,expect 138
wake(up),waken(up),awake,awaken 139
want 139
wash,clean 139
way,road,path,track,by the way 140
wet 140
whether,if 140
which,what 141
who,whom,which 141
wide,broad 142
win,beat,defeat 142
wind,breeze,gust,gale 142
wish,hope 143
with,by 143
wonder,admire 144
work,labour,toil,drudgery 144
working-class,middle-class,upper-class 145
wound,injure,hurt 146
wrong,fault 146
Y 146
yourself 146
Z 147
zero 147
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