- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:高峰著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国社会科学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787500499060
- 页数:290 页
Chapter One Chinese Learners in Britain 1
The historical background of Chinese learners studying in Britain 4
The contemporary context of Chinese learners studying in Britain 6
Studies on Chinese learners studying in Britain 8
The study 10
Overview of Following Chapters 12
Chapter Two Identity and Second Language Learning: A Theoretical Framing 15
Viewing language,identity and SLL through the lens of poststructuralist theory 17
Understanding a second language as symbolic capital 19
Understanding second language learners as people 24
Understanding second language learning as social practice 40
Summary 51
Chapter Three Researching Identity and Second Language Learning 53
The researcher and the researched 54
The project and methods of data collection 57
Translation and transcription 69
Data analysis 70
The biography 74
Summary 82
Chapter Four Gender Identity and Second Language Learning 83
Gendered power relationship in the family 83
Gendered self-image and gendered agency 91
An example of the impact of gendered agency on SLL: Finding a girlfriend in Britain 97
Gendered access to linguistic resources and interaction opportunities 99
Gendered interaction in the classroom 103
Negotiation of gender identity in various contexts 121
Summary 129
Chapter Five Construction of National Identity and Discursive Social Interaction 132
The case study of Jin: A journey of discovering himself as a Chinese 133
Raising the awareness of being a Chinese 140
Interaction with British people: To become multicultural 146
Interaction with overseas students of other nationalities 154
Interaction with Chinese co-nationals 160
Interaction with students from Taiwan 167
Summary 174
Chapter Six Social Class Identity and Second Language Learning 176
Awareness of their family class positions 177
Perceptions of economic inequalities 181
Perceptions of part-time jobs 185
The impact of social class identity on friendship 188
Discussing social class issues in the language classroom 191
Social class identity and consumption 197
Summary 206
Chapter Seven Language Learner Identity and Legitimate Peripheral Participation 208
Language teachers’ role in enabling Chinese learners’ participation in British society 209
Language teachers’ role of discouraging Chinese learners’ participation in British society 216
Language teachers’ categorisation of students 220
A counter example:Matt’s different categorisation of students 225
The negative impact of language teachers’ identification of Chinese students as the foreign Other 226
Chinese students’ stances 230
A counter example: Fan’s different stance 235
Chinese students’ different investment in English learning outside the classroom 236
Chinese students’ perceptions of English learning experience in the naturalistic context 239
The case study of Jin: Negotiating language learner’s identity through natural English learning environment and EFL classroom 244
Summary 253
Chapter Eight Some Reflections on Studying Identities and Second Language Learning 256
Negotiating Chinese learners’ identities 257
Rethinking identity and second language learning 259
Identity and second language teaching 261
Implications for further research in the area of identity and Second Language Learning 265
Concluding comment 268
References 270
Appendix I Interview Questions for Narrative Enquiry 287
后记 289
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