- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:广东省教育厅教材编写组编
- 出 版 社:广州:广东人民出版社
- 出版年份:1984
- ISBN:71111301
- 页数:649 页
Section 1
1.English pronunciation英语语音 1
2.Singular and plural nouns名词单、复数 21
3.Uncountable nouns不可数名词 28
4.much, many/a lot of(lots of)/little, a little/few, a few 32
5.a great number of,a great deal of/a good many, a large amount of, a large quantity of/plenty of 36
6.Possessive:of/′s名词所有格 39
7.be(am/is/are) +noun be+名词 42
8.Negatives with be be的否定形式 Questions with be and short answers 带be的问题及其简短回答 I′ m/you′ re/he′ s/aren′ t/isn′ t etc. too/either 44
9.Where? at/in/on/under/over/below /above/ near/beside/behind/in front of etc. 几个表示方位的介词 48
10.be+adjective/adverb/prepositional phrase be+形容词/副词/介词短语 52
11.a/an/the(冠词) 57
12.There be(is/are) 64
13.I/me/my/mine/etc 68
14.look/become/get/seem/feel/turn/fall 74
15.have/has haven′t/hasn′t some/any 79
16.have breakfast/a cold/a meeting etc 83
17.Imperative sentences祈使句 86
18.Exclamatory sentences感叹句 89
19.Numerals/time/date etc.数词/时间/日期等 92
20.When? /what time? in/on/at/last/next/etc 99
21.The present indefinite tense with do 行为动词的一般现在时 Negative with do do的否定形式 Yes-No question with do and short answer带do的问题及其简短回答 104
22.always/usually/often/sometimes/seldom/ never/ever几个频度副词 109
23.The present continuous tense现在进行时 113
24.Tense revision(1)present indefinite/ present continuous时态复习(1) 117
25.The past indefinite tense with be be的一般过去时 120
26.The past indefinite tense of regular verbs一般过去时的规则动词 122
27.The past indefinite tense of irregular verbs一般过去时的不规则动词 127
28.Tense revision(2)present indefinite/ present continuous/past indefinite 时态复习(2) 131
29.be+ going to 134
30.The future indefinite tense一般将来时 be +to be+about+to etc 138
31.before, ago/after, in 143
32.Tense revision(3)present indefinite/ present continuous/past indefinite/be+going to/future indefinite时态复习(3) 148
33.myself/yourself/himself/herself etc 153
34.one/another/other/each other/one another 155
35.somebody/anybody/everybody/nobody someone/anyone/everyone/no one something/anything/everything/nothing 159
36.neither/either/neither…nor/either…or 163
37.can/cannot/could/could not/be able to/ may/might 166
38.must/have(had) to/need/dare/ought to 169
39.Comparison(1)比较(1) 172
40.Comparison(2)比较(2) 174
41.the same as/different from/the difference between/a difference in/like 177
42.Wh-questions:what/who/which/when/ where/how/why etc 180
43.The past continuous tense过去进行时 183
44.The present perfect tense现在完成时 186
45.The past perfect tense过去完成时 192
46.The future in the past过去将来时 197
47.Tense revision(4)时态复习(4) 202
48.ly-adverbs etc.带ly的副词及其他 Position of adverbs副词的位置 211
49.Prepositional phrase as noun modifier 介词短语作名词的形容词语使用 217
50.by/on/with 220
51.Direct and indirect object直接和间接宾语 223
52.too…to/enough to 226
53.for/during/before/after/until(till) 229
54.so/neither(nor) 235
55.already/still/yet/any more 238
56.The alternative question选择疑问句The nagative question否定疑问句The disjuctive question反意疑问句 243
57.Passive voice被动语态 250
58.Preposition revision介词复习 256
59.Sentences with nagative sense带否定意义的句子 266
60.The gerund as subject/object/predicative 动名词作主语/宾语/表语 Tense and voice时态和语态 270
61.The infinitive as subject/object/object complement动词不定式作主语/宾语/宾语补足语 275
62.The infinitive as attribute/adverbial/ predicative动词不定式作定语/状语/表语Tense and voice时态和语态 281
63.The present participle as attribute/ predicative/adverbial/object complement 现在分词作定语/表语/状语/宾语补足语 Tense and voice时态和语态 287
64.The past participle as attribute/ predicative/adverbial/object complement 过去分词作定语/表语/状语/宾语补足语 293
65.Revision:Non-finites非限定动词复习 298
66.Position of adjectives形容词的位置 311
67.and/but/or/however/therefore 315
68.as well/as well as/not only…but(also) 317
69.The object clause宾语从句 319
70.The attributive clause定语从句 322
71.The adverbial clause with when/where/ because/as/since/though/although/if/ unless etc.状语从句 327
72.The noun clause as subject/predicative/ appositive名词性从句作主语/表语/同位语 331
73.Uses of “as” “as”的用法 333
74.whenever/wherever/whatever/whoever 336
75.so…that/so that/in order that 339
76.Direct and indirect speech直接和间接引语 342
77.Uses of “it” “it”的用法 347
78.Phrasal verbs动词短语 352
79.The subjunctive mood虚拟语气 363
80.Inversion倒装 368
81.The nominative absolute独立主格结构 372
82.Some grammatical mistakes common among beginners常见语法错误 374
Comprehension Readings理解阅读材料 397
Expressions and Examples短语举例 430
Appendix Suggested Answers 547
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