发展共享 民生为本 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:林发源编著;译谷译
- 出 版 社:北京:五洲传播出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787508524061
- 页数:192 页
Foreword 1
Chapter Ⅰ Sharing the Fruits of Development and Taking People's Livelihood as Fundamental 5
Ⅰ.Origin and connotation of the topic of people's livelihood 6
Ⅱ.Scientific development by taking people's livelihood as fundamental 9
Ⅲ.Share the fruits of development and improve the people's livelihood 13
Chapter Ⅱ Economic Development:Consolidating the Foundation for People's Livelihood 19
Ⅰ.Developing economy is the foundation for improving people's livelihood 19
Ⅱ.Improving people's livelihood is conducive to economic growth and making a bigger cake 22
Ⅲ.Economic growth during the decade:enhanced national power has consolidated foundation for improving people's livelihood 25
Ⅳ.Transformation of development pattern:attaching more importance to improving people's livelihood in economic development 29
Ⅴ.Public finance:making a bigger"cake of people's livelihood"and properly distributing it 38
Chapter Ⅲ Education:Great Changes in Education for All during Ten Years 43
Ⅰ.Education is the foundation of people's livelihood 43
Ⅱ.The full realization of"two-basic"objectives marked a big step forward in compulsory education 44
Ⅲ.Education reform and innovation has come to a new stage 49
Ⅳ.New paces in equal access to education 52
Ⅴ.Starting a new course in improving education quality 55
Chapter Ⅳ Employment:Proper Jobs for Workers 59
Ⅰ.Employment is fundamental to people's livelihood 59
Ⅱ.Adopting various measures to solve the worldwide difficult problem 64
Ⅲ.Successfully coping with and dissolving pressure 73
Ⅳ.Policies are effective and the employment situation remains stable 74
Chapter Ⅴ Medical Care:New Medical Reform,New Achievements 83
Ⅰ.Realizing"medical service for the sick"is a basic demand in people's livelihood 84
Ⅱ.New reform of medicine and health care system:realizing"medical service for the sick" 87
Ⅲ.New rural cooperative medical system:powerful back to the health of farmers 92
Ⅳ.Notable achievements in medical and health service field during the ten years 95
Chapter Ⅵ Old-age Care:Realizing Full Institutional Coverage for Old-age Care 99
Ⅰ.Basic old-age insurance system for urban employees has kept on improving 99
Ⅱ.New rural social old-age insurance system has been fully implemented 102
Ⅲ.Social old-age insurance for urban residents has been officially launched 105
Ⅳ.Old-age care undertakings are flourishing 111
Chapter Ⅶ Housing:Solving Crucial Issues in House Construction in Ten Years 115
Ⅰ.Housing construction and housing system reform in China 116
Ⅱ.The golden decade of real estate development 119
Ⅲ.Real estate market regulation and control was not relaxed in ten years 121
Ⅳ.Full acceleration of construction of low-income housing 123
Chapter Ⅷ Social Security:A Protection Net for Security of Citizens 129
Ⅰ.Social security is the"stabilizer"to maintain social salty 130
Ⅱ.The social security network in China has been initially completed after ten years of development 133
Ⅲ.Basic people's livelihood securities of relief and aid,welfare and disaster alleviation have been fully advanced 140
Chapter Ⅸ Environmental Protection:Ecological Development 153
Ⅰ.From environmental protection to ecological development 154
Ⅱ.Comprehensive environmental control and treatment has achieved substantial effect and environmental quality has notably improved 157
Ⅲ.Energy conservation and emission reduction:promoting economic readjustment with reverse forcing mechanism 161
Ⅳ.Environment law enforcement:supervision and emergency work efforts have been further increased 165
Ⅴ.Coping with climate change and meteorological disaster prevention:clear strategy and complete systems 167
Chapter Ⅹ Quality of Life:Continually Improving the Life of the People 171
Ⅰ.Quality of life comprehensively reflects the satisfaction of the life demands of the people 172
Ⅱ.Scientific development must attach importance to improving the quality of life 176
Ⅲ.The quality of life of the Chinese people has significantly improved in the ten years 179
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